Social nudism in Spain

Me falta la desnudez social, estaba en BN en el Reino Unido (similar a FEN). Alguien sabe de eventos sociales nudistas como galeras de arte, festivales, Tambin son de inters los paseos nudistas.reuniones en algn lugar manejable desde Alicante (vivo en Pinoso)? Si conoce un enlace a una fuente de esta informacin, tambin sera fantstico.

Lo siento si mi espaol es malo, estoy aprendiendo, puede que me lleve bastante tiempo mejorar.

I am missing social nudity, I was in BN in UK (similar to FEN). Does anyone know of nudist social events like art galleries, festivals, meetups also nudist walks, anywhere driveable from Alicante (I live in Pinoso). If you know a link to a source for this information, that too would be lovely.

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RE:Social nudism in Spain

Hi, we also were BN in the UK, we are now thinking of joining the Asociaco Naturista Valenciana which is similar to BN, they use the title ANVA, and their website is The run a range of events as far as I can see, problem is a lot of them are further up the coast from you by an hour or so drive. As I said we looking to join now in January, so if you see us at an event say Hi. Chris

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RE:Social nudism in Spain

Chris, I will and like wise, please come over if you see me. I will check out ANVA. Thank you for the help. I see you did or do archery. I used to do this, I had my own bow (recurve) and enjoyed the sport until I fell through some decking, chipping my shoulder bone and tearing the ligaments. That put paid to that sport, though perhaps I could retry now that all is fixed and healed.

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RE:Social nudism in Spain

Hi Steve, only did archery as a tryout activity at Nudefest, did bareback horse riding as well, only the second yime in my life being on a horse the first was a pony on the beach when I was 4, any way as I said bareback riding but I was the one bare because the horse was saddled.
It would be good to say hello if we are an event at the same time. You can never have too many friends. Chris

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RE:Social nudism in Spain

Quite so Chris, never too many only too few

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