RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

All the time. House at dead end of road, no close neighbors. Driveway sign says Clothing Optional you may see nudity.
I spend a good bit of time nude in the yard.

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RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

At our old house the morning paper boy had a bad arm and 90%of the time he missed the front porch , the one time he missed and landed short of the porch when I saw I thought it be ok to grab so went to the lawn and grab the paper when I turned to go back in my neighbor had come out to get hers I didn't bother covering I just waved and said morning she said morning back.

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RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

During the week the paper gets thrown onto my front porch, so only a few steps outside to get it, but on the weekend it is on the front lawn or driveway. I don't cover up ever, the neighbours are usually still asleep or have curtains drawn. I live at the end of a court so 5-6 houses in a circle look into the court. I don't think I have been seen, if I have there hasn't been a comment or a complaint, yet.

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RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

I did this morning around 4:40 am. We don't get a newspaper anymore. My wife gets it online. We do, however, get a throw away paper with lots of ads. I was up early, as usual, and ventured out to the porch and onto the driveway to retrieve the paper and toss it in the recycle bin. It's warming up in our valley and that means I'll be having some naked coffee on the porch very early in the morning again.

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RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

Been thinking of stopping the paper during the week and only getting it on weekends. I often go onto the porch to take a sunrise type photo for my new partner who lives an hour away. So if the paper stops the photo's will continue. The weekend paper has lots of good articles and makes for a good read, will probably continue that.

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RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

Been thinking of stopping the paper during the week and only getting it on weekends. I often go onto the porch to take a sunrise type photo for my new partner who lives an hour away. So if the paper stops the photo's will continue. The weekend paper has lots of good articles and makes for a good read, will probably continue that.

My wife loved the Sunday paper. The only issue was that either someone was stealing it, or it wasn't being delivered. This was before our Ring doorbell. Many years ago, if we didn't get it and she called, another was delivered with a couple of hours. Not so much anymore, so she just went digital/online. We have a really great front yard patio. I think because we can't sit out there naked, we tend not to use it much at all. hahaha We have sat out there minimally covered (sheer shorts and sheer cover up) but we almost always end up out back where we can be nude and enjoy the added freedom.

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RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

Yes, and I did that just a while ago. At 10:30 this morning I was enjoying a cup of coffee at the computer when the door bell rang. I wasn't dressed but went to the door and cracked it to see who was there. I saw the Fedex guy getting back in his truck and pulling away. Things are usually quiet at that time of day so I opened the door and screen and stepped out to get the package. I didn't see anyone around so guess I wasn;t seen unless a neighbor across the street happened to be looking out. My wife doesn't like me doing that but sometimes a guy has to do what a guy has to do.

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RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

We both did about 15 mins ago. We were out this morning and when we got home, two large packages were on the porch. We've been dressed since 8am so the need to get inside and get naked was immense. We put all our stuff away and took off our clothes. The neighbor's all had their shutters closed. It's close to 90 here today. A/C's are going and houses closed up because of the heat. I walked out naked to the porch and my wife stood in the doorway as I handed her the packages. She really didn't want to chance going out on the porch, but she did ask if I needed help out there! LOL

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RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

I almost did not paying attention the other day. As soon as I opened the door, I shut it as I realized I didn't actually have shorts on. My house is perpendicular to a neighborhood street, with my front door facing it smack dab in the middle. Combine that with the fact that a OKC policeman lives in the second house down that street, I prefer not to get a citation (or worse) for grabbing my package (literally LOL)

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RE:Can you retrieve packages from your front door/porch without being seen?

Luckily for me the front door is on the north side of the house in the corner of the house. And we have a driveway that comes up around to the front door. So the wife parks her car in front. Lots of times I have gone out and got the package.
Its a new home for us. The old house in downtown Phoenix was way too exposed. Best I could do was get the mail from the box next to the door.

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