At a family resort

I have a serious question,
Who of you don't mind being shaved at a family resort. I have gone to one such resort and felt awkward having all the goods on display. Saw a few ladies openly displaying shaved lips with young ones around. Jewelry was also present and i noticed a few young ones staring at both male and female bodies.
I never went back there.
What are your thoughts.

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RE:At a family resort

Most younger people tend to be shaven nowadays. Both male and female. I am older (72) and have always had hair around my penis. I believe it is up to the person what they like best for themselves.
I am personally not a great lover of tattoos or jewelery. I prefer the body to be natural. If a woman has jewelery hanging from her labia I see it as an invite to look. Same with a man having rings or studs on his penis. Young boys and girls will look. That's normal. They will learn what they themselves find nice.

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RE:At a family resort

Not sure what being shaved has to do with a family resort. Women's genitalia are different some have more exposed labia than others. But since genuine nudist and nudist families are focused down there it should matter to anyone. The only time that should be of concern is if the person is wearing genital jewelry that draws attention to the area.

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RE:At a family resort

Not a big deal. I am 78 and wife is 77. We are both smooth as are most of the folks we see at family resorts. Yes, young ones will look, it is only natural. I had a young girl, preteen, come up one day and ask why I had skin over my "thing" (I am uncut). Her mother was horrified but I thought it was sort of funny. It was an honest question and I suggested to the mom that she could explain it to her daughter in private. Yeah, we are all basically the same but different.

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RE:At a family resort

We belong to a AANR affiliated family resort/club. Though the majority of the members are middle aged to older adults, there are plenty of small children the visit on a regular basis. We would say that the majority of those members/guests are shaved but some have natural growth to trimmed pubic areas and genitalia. Most nudist parents will educate their nudist children on similarities and differences.

I remember vacationing at a beach resort in the Caribbean where a family of four was visiting as well. A man, woman and their two teenaged kids. One male and one female. The teenagers had natural growth, but the parents were smooth. The young man must have felt different because the following day, he appeared shaved, but he suffered from some nicks and razor burn. While in the water enjoying a beverage, I talked to his dad. I asked him if his son wanted to shave himself or felt the need to fit in. He said his son felt the need to fit in and since dad was shaved, he should shave. Not surprising, the young female, his sister, opted not to shave and to stay natural.

Shaving should never be forced or expected. Our daughters were not smooth. They visited this particular resort with us and before leaving, we had some pretty open and honest conversations. They asked lots of questions. One of those was what was expected in terms of "grooming" pubic/genital areas." We told them that it was their choice, and they would not be required or pressured into following the crowd. They decided on their own to shave months prior to departure and remain that way to this day.

I think it behooves us old/seasoned nudists to live our lives for us and not for what someone might think of us. This lifestyle should be about acceptance and differences. We should not be expecting or requiring everyone to be the same. If parents of young children are visiting nudist clubs/resorts, the parents should be talking to the children, that will comprehend and understand, about the differences they may see in the adult body. Genital jewelry is another form of self-expression, like tats.

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RE:At a family resort

you are so right being a nudist is about loving the skin you are in !

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RE:At a family resort

I really wanted to respond to the OP about the way nudist youngsters react to hairless and adorned crotches, but I don't feel a need to add much now that AndyDi has chimed in with a most salient response already. Nicely put!

My addition would be that any parent who chooses a life involving nudism for their family deals with lots of questions about alternative takes on the world. If nudism doesn't do anything more than open up healthy discussions between family members about individuality and personal choice, and it surely does much more than that, it has done great things.

My bare grandkids are very curious and do ask questions about a whole panoply of subjects regarding other people's personal decoration, not the least of which includes the all-encompassing rejoinder, "But why, grampa?" I choose to leave most of the more difficult questions to their parents, as they are the final arbiters as to what is taught and at what time in their children's education. Heck, the youngest still believes in the tooth fairy, someone who has been visiting quite a bit lately!

Point being, whether it's dangling jewelry from a laser-smoothed vulva or a tattooed penis drooping down from a natural, furry patch, this world is theirs to explore and learn from, verbally and through their caring and careful mentors. And when there's no hair hiding the parts almost all of us have, the learning is all the more immediate. Their understandable curiosity easily becomes a teaching moment. "That tat is your decision --when you turn eighteen, my dear."

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RE:At a family resort

I have always had the opinion that crotch hair is ugly. A dark blotch of hair that looks out of place. Years ago when pubic shaving started becoming popular, I thought it was so much better looking. At first it was only women who shaved, but now the guys are into it. I've been shaving my pubes for a year or better. It feels clean.
And as for children staring at nude adults, I think it's a good thing. It's natural, and when they see such things and become familiar with how adults look, they will no longer wonder about it and will start taking it for granted.

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RE:At a family resort

My wife shaves completely smooth, I trim mine back short but do not care for the itch or the look of smooth shaven on myself because the rest of me looks more closely related to the missing link lol. Personally I think it a rather odd look for a hairy man to shave his crotch and nothing else. As far as family friendly, we only visit a family friendly resort, and there are a ton of kids who visit there and some who live there year round. Our 3 kids love it there, they have seen people of all sizes with and without body hair, with and without body jewelry. It was no shocker to them as I have had my Prince Albert for 22 years(and more recently added a Jacob's Ladder), LONG before any of our kids ever came along. There are men and women at our resort with nipples and genitals pierced, of course kids will glance over when they see the shine of the metal, but adults do the same thing. But I have yet to witness any of the 10-20 kids who frequent the resort when we are there actually gawk or stare. Our own kids asked about body piercings and why people get them, so we explained its just a way to adorn the body and different people choose to do so differently. Its only "weird" to adults because adults attach the sexual aspect to the body piercings when they are in the genitals, to kids its basically just an earring in a different part of the body.

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RE:At a family resort

I don't have much to add to what Andy and Willy have eloquently stated.

My ex, around year 2 or 3 of being a nudist, decided to start shaving. I don't remember my daughter having any particular reaction to her Mom's "transition." She'd seen shaven people before, so it wasn't exactly a new concept to her.
My ex would sometimes suntan "ajar" at the resort; and occasionally small children/boys would take a "looky-look." Just natural curiosity. If the glances were too insistent, the parent would typically intervene and explain that staring was rude, but nudity was natural.

I guess the "hang-up" for some is that shaving makes the vulva more "visible" - in some circumstances. Kids don't seem to have an issue with it, especially the younger ones since they are hairless themselves. At my resort most women are shaven, vulvas are often visible; and there are kids around. Considering the fact that there Mom is also shaven most of the time, this is nothing new to them. It's normalized.

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RE:At a family resort

I don't have much to add to what Andy and Willy have eloquently stated.My ex, around year 2 or 3 of being a nudist, decided to start shaving. I don't remember my daughter having any particular reaction to her Mom's "transition." She'd seen shaven people before, so it wasn't exactly a new concept to her.My ex would sometimes suntan "ajar" at the resort; and occasionally small children/boys would take a "looky-look." Just natural curiosity. If the glances were too insistent, the parent would typically intervene and explain that staring was rude, but nudity was natural.I guess the "hang-up" for some is that shaving makes the vulva more "visible" - in some circumstances. Kids don't seem to have an issue with it, especially the younger ones since they are hairless themselves. At my resort most women are shaven, vulvas are often visible; and there are kids around. Considering the fact that there Mom is also shaven most of the time, this is nothing new to them. It's normalized.

You can always have something to add, and it's always greatly appreciated.

My wife has shaved and trimmed since she was a sophomore in HS. We'd gone to the beach with our group of friends. Her natural growth was peeking out from her bikini bottom. I noticed and she noticed that I noticed. A few days later, we made another trip to the beach and it was apparent that she'd done some grooming. She later admitted that she wanted to ensure her pubic hair would not be visible so she trimmed and shaved quite a bit. It was enough that she got some stares in the girl's locker room. Luckily, she said, some other girls were already trimming and shaving but they were definitely in the minority.

As my wife's bikinis got smaller, she shaved more and more until she'd gone to a landing strip. My wife's pubic hair is quite fine and a very, very light brownish red. It was hardly visible, so she decided to shave it all off. I'd already gone smooth years prior. By the time we took our nudist life social and visited the beach, we found that there were so many other women and men that had removed their pubic hair and she liked the idea of "fitting in." My wife shaves her arm pits, her legs and except for some very, very slight arm hair, she pretty much hairless except for her eyebrows and head hair. She prefers it that way and that's what counts.

As young girls, our daughters saw us with little to no pubic hair. They had questions later when they realized that many of their friends were now growing pubic hair, but their parents didn't have any. Like in all cases with so many different subjects, my wife took the reins and talked to them more about our way of life. They even discussed that keeping their pubic hair or removing it was their choice. Open communication with you kids is crucial. I think living as nudists has helped that happen with our girls. It's carried over to our girls and their kids. Our girls are now 50 and 46 and occasionally see us naked to this day. Simple nudity and nudism have been a large part of our lives while we all grew up.

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