RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

Well with the weather being so nice I been having coffee on my deck nude 4 am this ,morning neighbor came outside saw me waved not sure if he realized I wasn't dressed but now they know lol

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

Well with the weather being so nice I been having coffee on my deck nude 4 am this ,morning neighbor came outside saw me waved not sure if he realized I wasn't dressed but now they know lol

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

Well with the weather being so nice I been having coffee on my deck nude 4 am this ,morning neighbor came outside saw me waved not sure if he realized I wasn't dressed but now they know lol

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

its not always a terrible thing.
Maybe theyll understand and have coffee in the morning naked also

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors


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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

He has now, I was naked on my deck this morning and he came outside and said hi and then proceeded to come over to my deck.its enclosed up to my waist so he didn't see anything until he got here. all he said was oh! and said that must be cooler as it has been 95 degrees the last few days.we talked for awhile and he did say he goes around in his house naked some.

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

He has now, I was naked on my deck this morning and he came outside and said hi and then proceeded to come over to my deck.its enclosed up to my waist so he didn't see anything until he got here. all he said was oh! and said that must be cooler as it has been 95 degrees the last few days.we talked for awhile and he did say he goes around in his house naked some.

95 in Idaho?
They should suspend all modesty laws and let everyone be nude anywhere until the heat wave breaks!

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

yes, southern Id. by Twin all summer

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

The popularity of badly-calibrated thermometers would soar if legal nudity was dependant on temperature! :-)

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

part 2. I was in my backyard the next evening and he was out in his patio and yelled at me to come over and have a margarita.which i did, I only had gym shorts on.I got there and both him and his wife were nude, just enjoying drinks. I promptly took off my shorts and they made me margaritas. Now I am not the only nudist on the block.

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