RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

StevieLorna wrote

Sheep farmers put a small elastic band around the testicles of newborn male lambs. This limits the blood supply and after a time the testicles shrivel up and die.

Goes to show that anything can be taken to extremes.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

What makes this topic interesting to me is that it highlights a lot of attitudes that people have regarding what they want their bodies to look like. Some people don't care very much... it's a "what you see is what you get" sort of thing. I guess you could fall into that category.

Others go to great lengths to achiever perfectly even tans, even if it means using reflectors and such. Others (particularly women) use strategic tan lines to accentuate certain parts of their bodies that they want attention drawn to. Clearly they're not doing it to achieve some nudist ideal.

Some spend hours in the gym to achieve what they consider good definition and muscular form. Others don't, except to spend time doing sports that they enjoy. (Interestingly, the nudism movement in Europe was propelled mainly by this goal of achieving the ideal body through sporting events and calesthenics, a notion that many nudists today would repudiate.)

Some people go for tattoos, ranging from a simple butterfly or Chinese character to elaborate designs covering their whole bodies. Some of these designs can be interpreted to be suggestive, while others cannot.

Some people have ear studs. Others have nose studs or tongue studs, or other piercings. None of these serve any practical purpose, except possiby for erotic stimulation, but they're not usually the kind of things you can easily take off when you visit a nudist resort. The fact that they're there doesn't indicate that you're into erotic stimulation at that particular time.

Some have jewelry that serves no purpose other than to adorn. Others wear rings to indicate that they're engaged or married. That's clearly a communication about their availability for certain types of social interaction.

So what exactly are all these variations to your standard human form intended to communicate? To what extent do they complement a person's goal of presenting a certain image to the world? To what extent do they hamper that goal? These are things that we are always asking when we define ourselves as nudists. I don't think there's ever going to be an answer that suits everybody. All I can add is Kurt Vonnegut's famous dictum: "We are who we pretend to be, so we must be very careful about who we pretend to be."

I'll see you all at the beach, whatever you look like.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

"We are who we pretend to be, so we must be very careful about who we pretend to be."


Be honest with yourself and others.

On the beach with your cock ring, be honest, I wear this because Im old but I still want people to notice I have a penis. Look, look how pretty Ive made it.

Anyone up for fun?

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

So much obfuscation why?
So what exactly are all these variations to your standard human form intended to communicate? To what extent do they complement a person's goal of presenting a certain image to the world? To what extent do they hamper that goal? These are things that we are always asking when we define ourselves as nudists. I don't think there's ever going to be an answer that suits everybody. All I can add is Kurt Vonnegut's famous dictum: "We are who we pretend to be, so we must be very careful about who we pretend to be."I'll see you all at the beach, whatever you look like.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

So much obfuscation why?

Because clarity doesn't get us anywhere, unless you're looking for simple responses like "I just like it" or "I just don't like it" or "whatever floats your boat."

I was interested in the whole topic of what's considered proper in the way of body adornment. And I didn't even get started on hair... what some people shave or trim or color, and other people don't, and why they choose to do so. Do we regard a woman who's shaved her pubes into a landing strip the same way as we'd regard a man with a cock ring? Would we be hypocrites if we did?

As I said earlier, there's so much of a range of possibilities on the subject of body adornment that a consensus will never be achieved. But we should respect other people's decisions, even if we don't agree with them.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

Respect isnt a one way street and you seem to always default to the side o those who see respect for their feelings as paramount without consideration of the impact of their behavior on the lives of others. Hike you are bending over backwards to accommodate the stuff you aim to respect is causing nude spaces to be lost all over. Byron Bay in Australia is only the latest example.

I cant help but wonder if you have more skin in the game that is being expressed. Pun intended.
As to clarity I guess I believe if you dont stand for anything you will fall for everything.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

To be clear if this kind of behavior continues unchecked isnt those of us who just want to be clothes free without sexual behavior in natural spaces will continue to see options reduced or eliminated. It only provides fuel for those who want to deny us the practice altogether.

It was only a couple years ago the clothing optional section of Gunnison reduced without comment from anyone. Haulover is under scrutiny as reported by the South Florida Free Beaches Association and just recently Byron Bay in Australia clothing optional section was eliminated according to reports because conservatives used that kind of thing as an excuse.

Non sexual nudism is under threat and benign neglect from genuine nudists is partly to blame. It is time to call it out the behavior because that is the right thing to do and the only way to preserve any hope for public spaces for social nudism.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

To be clear if this kind of behavior continues unchecked those of us who just want to be clothes free without sexual behavior in natural spaces will continue to see options reduced or eliminated. The behavior no matter how some try to spin it only provides fuel for those who want to deny us the practice altogether.

It was only a couple years ago the clothing optional section of Gunnison reduced without comment from anyone. Haulover is under scrutiny as reported by the South Florida Free Beaches Association and just recently Byron Bay in Australia clothing optional section was eliminated according to reports because conservatives used this kind of thing as an excuse.

Non sexual nudism is under threat and benign neglect from genuine nudists is partly to blame. It is time to call it out the behavior because that is the right thing to do and the only way to preserve any hope for public spaces for social nudism.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

There are those in TN who constantly keep up the mantra, how nudism in America (and elsewhere) is heading downhill, and that the inevitable demise of nude resorts and CO beaches is already on the way, that the trend away from healthy social nudism is coming, through many divergent and often contradictory reasons - not the least of which is allowing free expression of open sexual practices where naked people congregate.

Sadly, they are not wrong if we caring, informed, and otherwise-inclined supporters of legal bareness allow a few bad characters to push their bullshit, prurient narrative - that they somehow have the right to fuck and suck on demand wherever they care to. When another place loses its wholesome, family-friendly nude spot, we naturists all lose, and we lose big time. It's a shame when a small percentage of visitors end up being walking pricks and uncontrolled clits, and those few do pull us all down with them with their lack of reasonable self control.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

WW1 . . . you stated the most obvious with clarity. I wholeheartedly agree with everything you wrote. The only catch is getting the offending horde to read the post and realize its about their stupidity selfish behavior. As has been said before, the only way to stop it (inappropriate behavior) is self policing. Simply put, we need to be much more assertive about telling them to *GET A ROOM*!!!

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