What is an "awesome photo?"

There was a discussion about what the word awesome meant for this group. If you're a member of the group that was deleted, you followed the old thread. I posted and post photos of nudes that give some idea of what an awesome photo may look like. I won't post or allowed to be posted any mirror shots, timer shots between your legs, or timer shots that don't follow the TN photo rules.

An awesome shot is one where the photographer takes a little time to set up before shooting. I don't particularly care for pics of guys sitting in chairs, like guys do. I do think with some thought, a nice pic on the couch, in a soft chair, out in the yard, sunbathing ... can be what I consider awesome. Take your time. Focus and don't emphasize so much on the subject's genitalia as much as you should focus on making the picture better than normal. Check your surroundings and environment. Move clothes, cell phone, yard equipment, hoses, tools, out of the frame. Straighten your sunbathing towels. Some of these items will look good in the frame but you need to really look at the photo before you click and submit for approval. I have another group named Living Life Naked Everyday. That is the group to ask me to allow you to join and to upload everyday, point and click, no thought or imagination photos of everyday life.

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RE:What is an "awesome photo?"

I agree with you! I like to have a theme to my pics (sometimes) like around the holidays, snow, fall, pool, etc. (oh and my doggies! Love having them in my pictures). I love taking outdoor pics. Most of mine are selfies and really makes the picture limited. But like you said, it doesnt always have to be focused on genitalia. Or if it is, be classy. (I need more pics with the boyfriend).

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RE:What is an "awesome photo?"

T, you have ALWAYS posted pics that I consider "better than average or good (awesome)". I can't use any of the pics you upload because they belong to you and the site will not allow me to use any of the pics, I did not upload myself, for the group profile picture. I would have used yours quite often. Thanks for always contributing with your pics but especially your posts on how you feel about various things. ;D

and T, don't forget to rejoin this group!

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RE:What is an "awesome photo?"

Here's another example of just some forethought before clicking the shutter button.

Great subject. Great background. Remove the clothing from the frame!

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RE:What is an "awesome photo?"

Here is one I took that had real promise. Yeah, I should have looked at what else appeared in the mirror.

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RE:What is an "awesome photo?"

Here is one I took that had real promise. Yeah, I should have looked at what else appeared in the mirror.

This would have been fine for the gallery. Maybe a bit more in focus but it would have been approved.

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RE:What is an "awesome photo?"

The definition of "awesome" in this context is pretty broad I reckon. Location, event, funny, strange but tasteful all the same. Just my thoughts.

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RE:What is an "awesome photo?"

AndyDi these are awesome ideas and I love the idea of focusing on the photography here. I will focus better and submit some soon.

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RE:What is an "awesome photo?"

Andy & Di, thanks for you efforts in keeping posting various photo's. Cheers, SBN

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RE:What is an "awesome photo?"

I seem to have a photo moderator that has a bone to pick with me. I've uploaded lots of pretty G rated pics lately and they've ALL been denied. I do upload some pics that, I feel, depict real, everyday nudist life but it the female's vulva is at all visible, this mod denies the pic. These pics are of the model sitting, lounging, having coffee, doing chores, sunning, washing a car, working in the yard... it makes no sense why the delete my uploaded photos. It has to be personal. TT2 is supposed to make me a Photo Mod but it's been several weeks since she said that would happen.

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RE:What is an "awesome photo?"

It seems that the men on tn have issues with their photos being g rejected. I dont understand. I feel like women have it a bit easier. I have other male tn friends that have said the same thing. Sometimes I think it depends on the moderator too.

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