Meaningless usernames

I have put up with the bots, endless shaving threads, complaints about chat... but the assignment of meaningless, unmemorable, usernames to new users has me about done with this site. I can't tell people apart at all, learn absolutely nothing about the user from their choice of name. "Like" clicks, views, my list of messages, and so forth have become as meaningless as the names that indicate them, It would be such a simple change to stop assigning those names. Please?

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RE:Meaningless usernames

These users are fake anyway, so you can see directly who is a fake.

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RE:Meaningless usernames

Actually, no. There was an earlier thread involving a certified guy who had one of those names, who told us the name was assigned / suggested to him, and regretted that he couldn't now change it without re-certifying. Yes, they LOOK fake, which is part of the problem. It's a horrible way to introduce new members to the site.

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RE:Meaningless usernames

I figure that meaningless user names are a sign that the poster wishes to be as anonymous as possible, not even revealing any interests, indication of gender, or true interest in nudism.

Which reminds me: not all user names are completely transparent. Like mine. I am an avid camper, although now I prefer camper vans to tents. I used the name "Woodsman" on a few boards dedicated to the outdoors, and felt free to use it on this one, too. (I added the "21" because at the time there was another user who used the name "Woodsman" but he seems to have disappeared now.)

Somebody took the name as sexually suggestive, something on the order of "got wood" or "morning wood" or such. That wasn't my intention at all, but since I don't know how to change it, I'll just leave it be. I'm "Woodsman" on other boards like the Naturist Hub, anyway.

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RE:Meaningless usernames ASSIGNED BY TN

No, really!! After another user on the forums reported this, I did a test myself, using a burner e-mail to create a new account. And the TN SYSTEM defaulted me the username "nudist_al2865"

Clearly - given the other comments on this thread - this defaulting makes every unwary new user look like a fake or an anonymous creeper, which means they all get the cold shoulder, and the rest of us think everybody now's a fake or creeper, and lament to each other about the death of the site.

It's a single, monumentally stupid, design decision.

(Yes, of course, the fakes and creepers have those names too, because everybody does.)

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RE:Meaningless usernames ASSIGNED BY TN

Perhaps the advantage in assigning a automatically-generated username is that applicants may appear to baulk when asked to come up with something themselves, especially if their first choice is among the ~525k already taken.

Obviously it's nice if they create their own name rather than plunge forward with the autoname but not everyone is going to do that, and perhaps they overlook that they can.

If it's not too late, choose a nice name, peoples!

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RE:Meaningless usernames ASSIGNED BY TN

No, really!! After another user on the forums reported this, I did a test myself, using a burner e-mail to create a new account. And the TN SYSTEM defaulted me the username "nudist_al2865"

Well, as a username it doesn't make much sense, because it doesn't tell anything about the user except that he/she is a nudist. Aren't we all, here? (Well, maybe they're just pretend nudists, but I suspect that most of the people who are active participants in the forums are really at least part-time nudists.)

What username did you attempt to register?

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RE:Meaningless usernames ASSIGNED BY TN

I don't think, in my little experiment, that I tried to override the default. And I don't have another burner e-mail to use. But it's a bit much, even if it's overridable, to expect a user who's just at that moment joining the site to recognize that the default is not the best idea

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RE:Meaningless usernames ASSIGNED BY TN

Oh come on Steve. Anybody who ever joined any group or signed into any social knows about user names.

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RE:Meaningless usernames ASSIGNED BY TN

Well, 84 out of the last 100 signups apparently didn't, including a good number of people who posted a real profile pic, and a few fakes.

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RE:Meaningless usernames ASSIGNED BY TN

While there are numerous reports of over zealous moderation in the TN chat forum it seems there is little or no scrutiny regarding new membership.
I reported a member whose profile photo was a racist poster which should never have been permitted had it actually been viewed before the profile was displayed to all. Another fake account had a photo of a very well known British businessman. Instead of being removed from the site these accounts still exist with the generic TN image replacing the offensive or stolen images.
I look in occasion to see whats happening here, however as far as being a useful website, truenudists is so full of fake accounts it has become largely frustrating to view.

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