sexuaity assumptions

I'm not sure how this topic should be handled on a True Nudist website. It seems so many people automatically assume your sexuality by just reading a profile or by viewing your pics. Im sure there are some indicators. I would like to be known as a just a nudist before they assume sexuality. I'll never look down on someone else's sexuality but please don't assume mine.
just my thoughts hope it dosnt sound like a rant

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RE:sexuaity assumptions

Well, you've got a username that's easy to understand as referring to a sex act (even if it's otherwise meaningful to you.) So that may be a part of it. Then there's the fact that most users of this site do fall into the men-are-idiots category, and since there are relatively few women to harass, the guys get their share.

Nearly every photo comment I get is sexualized, which is pretty tiresome. And lots of clearly, shall we say, homophilic comments come from men who say on their profile they're straight. I do tick the "gay" box on my own profile. it would be weird to do otherwise, since I'm married and the default assumption otherwise would be that I'm married to a woman, which would be a real conversation killer if it were saved up for a later reveal.

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RE:sexuaity assumptions

Good question ?
Yes there is a lot of sex associated with being a nudist. Luckily for me the wife is a nudist also, but her sex drive slowly left years ago. So I had put down on our profile that I was bi. But she seen that I had and made me change it to straight.
But in real life yes I do enjoy men. I would feel like I was cheating on my wife with another woman. But men are mostly in the same boat as I am. So we can connect on the same level with wives that have dried up.

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RE:sexuaity assumptions

i wasn't ranting about your choices i thing its great ,i just sometime get unsolicited pushy people right away assuming that's what your looking for.
people should first approach you that way. lol lets chat a bit first .

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RE:sexuaity assumptions

People see a sexual reference in a name, they probably assume thats what you want to get right to.

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RE:sexuaity assumptions

i just sometime get unsolicited pushy people right away assuming that's what your looking for.people should first approach you that way. lol lets chat a bit first .

That sounds like a problem regardless of what your sexuality is.

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RE:sexuaity assumptions

i just sometime get unsolicited pushy people right away assuming that's what your looking for.people should first approach you that way. lol lets chat a bit first .That sounds like a problem regardless of what your sexuality is.

Yeah, don't we all want to at least be taken out to dinner before we get confronted by performing requirements!?

It works both ways -- if the name suggests a sexual position and the profile has hard-on pictures, it's asking for action. If a person doesn't want to be offended by a stranger who sees an erection pic and a name that denotes performing oral sex on each other, it's a "watch what you ask for" moment.

I will admit it took me a few looks before I noticed the number after the name here ~ what's so sexual about the word 'mart'? It is in reference to some exotic European sex position I'm unfamiliar with?? Ooooohhhh, sixty-nine, ooooh now I see ~ Mr. Observant I ain't sometimes!

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RE:sexuaity assumptions

SteveLorna wrote:
People see a sexual reference in a name, they probably assume that's what you want to get right to.

I think it was you that saw a sexual reference in my user name. I pointed out that I have the name Woodsman because I used that name in a few web sites that were devoted to camping. (I have a sticker on my camper that says "My church is the woods.") No relation to "morning wood" or the like.

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RE:sexuaity assumptions

I am much more open minded today than I was 30+ years ago. The subject of implied bisexual interests is pretty common among us fellas older than 50. Our life partners lose interest in being sexual. We accept that as part of the natural age progression. In my mind, I am still a person who has sexual desires and feelings. Am I to be ignored my passion because of father time?

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RE:sexuaity assumptions

Yes I agree I am in a similar position. My wife lost interest after my open heart surgery many years ago. I gradually drifted to bisexual activity I found nudism gives me freedom to associate without a need to preform sexually. I found an honesty in nudist that is refreshing

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RE:sexuaity assumptions

I began wearing rings at my beach years ago but didn't care for approaches & gropes by strangers. I liked the weight & look ( didn't parade an erection ) I preferred to be flacid with my rings leaving my sack tight & round but comfortable. I preferred the just out of the water shaft length lol

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