happy to be here, and able to be myself finally!!

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RE:happy to be here, and able to be myself finally!!

It great knowing there are lots of us that enjoy going nude

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RE:happy to be here, and able to be myself finally!!

Oh yes life is so much better being a nudist. Freedom from clothing !
Oh being with other people that have the same mindset is even better.

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RE:happy to be here, and able to be myself finally!!

I totally understand that feeling of "finally" and I'll celebrate it with you! I've been there. I've been here for a few years but had to go through some life changes to finally get to that point where I can be me. Its a nice feeling and I'm sure many here will be happy for you.

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RE:happy to be here, and able to be myself finally!!

I dove into the social nudity experience head first after my kids came of age and left the house. Always loved getting naked since my early teens, when I would come out of the shower(when the parents were gone of course lol) completely naked in front of my younger sister, and never thought twice about it. I would dabble in it while raising my kids, but now I am naked more often than not! I drive to work naked, drive home naked, naked at home, and have been known to push the public nudity limits a time or 2. Not a sexual thing to me at all, simply love the feeling of the freedom from constricting clothing, and the sun and wind and the openness of the naked body!!

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RE:happy to be here, and able to be myself finally!!

I've been a practicing nudist almost half my life although I enjoyed it in my youth I wasn't able to enjoy a nude beach nor a nudist camp/resort back than. first visit to a real nudist resorts in the mid 80's with my than spouse I couldn't wait to shed my clothes and join other nudist at the pool . the wife was a little apprehensive but others at the pool made her feel comfortable to soon get nude .as for shaving that came a few years later when mostly the ladies at another camp we join started shaving the pubes - they said it was just a fad Lol . over the next few years I experimented how much I trimmed or shaved of till one weekend now solo I shaved everything , at camp many of the women were totally smooth but the men only did the pubes so being the weekend when I entered the pool area I no doubt caught a lot of looks. to me it's not so much wanting attention I just like the looks of smooth skin. jumping back to my 20's I had shaved smooth a few times luckily back than I didn't have a lot of body hair but with a razor took a few days and razor burns - now day all these bodygroomers & trimmers on the market going smooth is so easy - takes me about 10 minutes. i'll never go back to hairy body I like the look and feel and makes me want to stay nude the majority of the day.

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RE:happy to be here, and able to be myself finally!!

YES, being naked with other nude people is great.
When I was 30, and buffed, I was the naked waiter (wearing a cock ring and smile) and only one nude at a cocktail party and buffet for a rich man. CMNM.
But no pocket for the tips !!! LOL

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