Introduce Yourself

Take a minute here to INTRODUCE YOURSELF and connect with other members who share your enthusiasm for Jockstraps and the MEN who wear them.

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RE:Introduce Yourself

My name's Doug. I live on the seacoast of New Hampshire, one hour north of Boston. I'm not a strict nudist, although I am often naked around the house, very comfortably so and I seek out places to be naked, from locker rooms to hiking trails and places to skinnydip. I realized how much I enjoyed nudity when I was a young teen. I think it initially had a stronger sexual attraction for me, the feelings and realizations excited me, but I very soon just began to enjoy nudity fir its own sake. The freedom and connection to nature became the strongest drive to get me out of my clothes as much as possible. I still mostly do naked hikes on my own, but I have some other optional swimming places I go to and with them a while social network of like minded naked men, women and families. I love jock straps, which is why I'm in this group. I wish there was a place and time to hang with a huge group of guys in jocks.

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RE:Introduce Yourself

My name is William, BIWILLIAM and I love being naked but also wearing my jocks under my jeans or with friends. I love a jockstrap as it is both supportive and allows all sorts of access, I hope you like my photos i have just uploaded.
William x if you prefer

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RE:Introduce Yourself

Im David and have been a nudist since I was 17, but when I do wear clothes I do sometimes like wearing a jockstrap under my clothes.
Love the minimal feel of a jockstrap and the support it gives.

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RE:Introduce Yourself

Just recently started wearing jockstraps. Really enjoy being bare assed. Feel more manly in them than my tighty whities. Yet reminds me of bein a kid when I was always mooning ppl. So glad I finally freed my cheeks. Def think I been missin out

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RE:Introduce Yourself

I am Chuck. I haven't worn a jock strap in a long time. I did about 4 to 5 years ago when I was living in GA. When I left GA because of a bad break up I left them there and my ex has them. I like wearing them then go to the gym and when I take off my pants seeing the men's reaction when they see I was already wearing a jock strap. Especially since they weren't traditional white but blue or black or camo.

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RE:Introduce Yourself

Hi, Mike from Southampton, UK.
I bought my first "proper" jocks from a guy who was selling them on ebay. I'd previously worn Calvins and other fashion brands.
He asked for a photo of me so he could check what size I needed, so I knew we were going to get on well :-)
He posted the first couple of orders to me, but then I found out he was fairly local so we met up a few times, he even gave me the pair he was wearing the last time we met. I've made a good friend thanks to jocks!
I originally preferred the 1" waistband, but actually the orange one in my photo is the most comfortable.

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RE:Introduce Yourself

Hi! I'm Micheal and i i live in the oven state of Texas (would want to live anywhere else). I'm usually commando but if and when i need to wear underwear i prefer a jock for it support and freedom. I hate the confined feeling of underwear after not wear any in over 20 years but the jock still gives then open air ferling.

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RE:Introduce Yourself

Hello, I'm Tyler, live in Texas. I grew up on the water going water skiing and wake boarding in the early mornings. My dad got me my first jockstrap in 7th grade (white Bike) and I have had jocks in my drawer ever since. I wear jock straps for water skiing still and they are great for support since I can't ski nude. I also wear a jockstrap to the gym and occasionally under my shorts or jeans.

I only like the classic old school athletic jockstraps, most of mine are white but have a black one and gray one. I wear Bike brand and McDavid, lately have been getting GYM Brand and they fit nice as well. I have a Goldberg jock that I took camping and it was very comfortable for hiking and I like the thicker waistband on those.

I have been a nudist for a very long time but I do find a jockstrap very comfortable. I find it sad that jockstraps have become less popular and I rarely see them at the gym anymore. I am interested in connecting with guys who appreciate a jockstrap and what it's function is and why we wear them or why they mean something to you. I think it's part of coming of age and protecting your manhood. Glad to be a part of this group, happy to chat. -Tyler

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