Meeting clothed people when you are walking naked

Just wanted to hear how you have dealt with this when it happens and what reactions you've had. Interested to hear from guys who walk alone, what has happened when you've encountered people and there is no time to cover up? Has anyone ever reacted badly to seeing you naked?

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RE:Meeting clothed people when you are walking naked

What prompted my post was a fairly negative encounter with a dog walker ( male) on a quiet path a few weeks back. He appeared very quickly, seemed mildly annoyed and questioned the legality of what I was doing. Was my fist face to face encounter so put me off a bit.

Yesterday in the same area when walking in private woodland (so in theory no walkers should even be there) I met a couple walking their dog and they were much more cheery. I smiled, they smiled and commented on how the animals don't wear clothes or something similar. Made me feel a lot more relaxed about it all. If only everyone had the same attitude!

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RE:Meeting clothed people when you are walking naked

What prompted my post was a fairly negative encounter with a dog walker ( male) on a quiet path a few weeks back. He appeared very quickly, seemed mildly annoyed and questioned the legality of what I was doing. Was my fist face to face encounter so put me off a bit.Yesterday in the same area when walking in private woodland (so in theory no walkers should even be there) I met a couple walking their dog and they were much more cheery. I smiled, they smiled and commented on how the animals don't wear clothes or something similar. Made me feel a lot more relaxed about it all. If only everyone had the same attitude!

As yet i have only walked naked on quiet paths and as yet not passed anyone naked, although i do carry something to cover up, i do wonder whether i should not bother covering up like you, sometimes i do have a piercing in, and wonder if this would be an issue

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RE:Meeting clothed people when you are walking naked

I'm never sure about covering up as it can look like you are doing something wrong. Getting into shorts is always a faf. If I spot someone far enough away I do usually cover up out of courtesy. Although a few times now I've not bothered and it's been fine. On a hot day I once used my hat as I passed someone as the path wasn't that wide. On the one hand it can be another signal that you are not trying to cause offence by covering up as you pass someone. I just try and judge each situation as it happens.

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RE:Meeting clothed people when you are walking naked

Just to say that when ever I have been out walking nude and met anyone come along I have held my shorts over as I pass and say hello/good day ect, and carryon as if normal which it is for those who see it that way, not always able to cover up as been times not seen them untill last minute so carried on with greetings a normal and had no bad re-actions from them, once met with a family mom/dad and two teenage daughters no chance to cover up so carried on walking with a hello nice day as I passed mo/dad said hello yes you must be cool as the two girls just said hello as we passed although they did take a good look as they went by me ( was a bit of a thrill for them) I was quite glad that they looked on the fact I was naked was not a threat and I was just doing what I thought to be normal and non sexual. the only time I have ever had a negative comment was a guy cam cycling past me and shouted back as he passed that I should be ashamed of myself walking about like that. well I was not and with the positive result on previous walks took no notice and just thought how small minded he was.
Go ut with a positive mind strip off and enjoy your walks take care and if you feel the need to cover up then do so but in the whole it should not matter as your doing no wrong and enjoying what a lot more of us do and enjoy your days out.

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RE:Meeting clothed people when you are walking

I use to go hiking mostly pole lines and patches I ran across I,I ran into people a few times atv riders and a couple of times going to a small lake to cool off ,people have smiled and said hi back ,I always thought because I was in the middle of no where

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RE:Meeting clothed people when you are walking naked

I have a few different spots where I like to frequently take naked morning walks, anywhere from 20 minutes to upwards of 45 minutes or an hour. These are not woodsy hikes, they are secluded city areas where most activities are not yet happening at 4am. When I'm walking naked, I don't bring anything for cover up, a bit ballsy sure but very few people are out and about at that time anyway, so some ballsy activity would be expected at that early hour. For the most part, anyone who see's me is more shocked than anything else, and so typically just keep walking. However regardless, I have found that being the first one to express a greeting, as well as doing so in the proper tone, very much minimizes any potential negative mood. If you share an optimistic "Good morning", it goes a long way in squelching a negative Nancy. But if they still persist, I have found that simply responding with "just taking a morning walk" seems to lighten the mood as I continue walking.

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RE:Meeting clothed people when you are walking naked

As simply walking naked is perfectly legal here, there is no real need to worry about anything. But usually I do cover up when I meet people by pulling on some shorts before they get anywhere near. But if they are already close by, the scramble for shorts can make it look a bit like you believe that you are doing something wrong (as someone stated above).
Giving a quick smile, friendly wave or cheerful 'hi' usually goes down well .
Reactions I have had range from total blanking or grumpy looks to cheerful waves, thumbs up and even some long nice chats.

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RE:Meeting clothed people when you are walking naked

I walk nude in Sherwood forest . Over 2 days I walked 22 miles and at least 30 people saw me close up. No one complained. Several took photos and one Simon videoed me walking towards her but she didn't seem concerned. British naturism have a documentbfrom the police saying its perfectly legal to be nude in public. I'll try to attch it here, together with a photo of me in the forest and moor

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RE:Meeting clothed people when you are walking naked

I have walked nude in the New Forest, on Dartmoor, in Cornwall, the Cotswolds and the forest of Dean. Always enjoyable and exciting and yes met many people. I used to try to cover up but would not bother now and have started walking without any form of coverup. Out of all the people I have passed I have only one nasty and that was walking back to the car at Studland.
When young and fit I did a lot of nude running and that is a wonderful experience

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RE:Meeting clothed people when you are walking naked

I go to Budby Forrest near Sherwood Forrest. Naked walking on my own . Its great bump into quite a lot of naked guys. Have bumped into clothed cyclists . Im not shy so I never cover up and it doesnt seem to bother them.

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