Naturist and Circumcision

Hi all, I've a doubt regarding naturists acceptance if a fellow naturist is circumcised or not. Do naturists only accept circumcised naturist? If a naturist is not circumcised, will they be shunned?

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RE:Naturist and Circumcision

My parents were against mutilation of a young child and as nature intended for my to have a foreskin and not forcibly removed against my will I'm compleat and at 72 I will die as I was born and if people don't like it tough

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RE:Naturist and Circumcision

Body acceptance is very much a part of naturism. At the beach, resorts, and other naked meetings I have seen both circumcised and un. Never has been an issue. I would be very surprised if you experienced any negativity around this. After all for most of us it is something we did not choose.

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RE:Naturist and Circumcision

My brothers and I are not circumcised. Our father was against it. Not sure why but he was. My mother wanted us to be but that's a long story. I grew up around lots of other boys that were circumcised, and most were. It bothered me for a while and wasn't sure how I'd be received or the reaction I'd get from a girlfriend.

For me, I was lucky, in that, I met a young girl and we fell in love. Her reaction to seeing my penis for the first time was not what I expected. I was nervous as hell, but she was not phased one bit. Her feeling was that circumcision was a personal choice and as an infant, you don't get that choice. My girlfriend/my wife loves me the way I am.

As far as nudists/naturists go and their acceptance, I don't think you can make a blanket statement that they are all accepting of anything. Nudists/naturists come into this lifestyle with their inherent biases. There a more nudists/naturists that don't care for other nudists/naturists that are fat, ugly, tatted, pierced, naturally hairy pubic areas, smooth pubic areas, cut, uncut... the list can go on. Dropping one's clothes and being a nudist/naturist doesn't mean you drop all the bias you have for others. We have enough acceptance issues with the clothed society, yet we still have acceptance issues within our community of nudists/naturists. Nudists/naturists like to talk a big story about acceptance, but they aren't really that different than clothed society with all its biases and prejudices against one another.

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RE:Naturist and Circumcision

As far as nudists/naturists go and their acceptance, I don't think you can make a blanket statement that they are all accepting of anything.Nudists/naturists like to talk a big story about acceptance, but they aren't really that different than clothed society with all its biases and prejudices against one another.

I'll grant you that. Nudism isn't some sort of ideal society that is free of all traces of prejudice and bias. No society is.

But I'll have to add that having repudiated one prejudice, the one about needing to wear clothes all the time, we are probably a little more likely to be accepting of other variations to "normality."

As for a circumcised penis, I regard such a thing in the same category of a missing breast or finger, or a large scar. None of those things were acquired voluntarily. They were all the result of circumstances dictated by forces outside their control. The person didn't have any choice in the matter. So I have to accept them as they are.

I can't claim that everybody feels the same way about the issue as I do, though.

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RE:Naturist and Circumcision

If you are in a genuine naturist situation nobody pays attention to whether a person is circumcised or not and they certainly wouldnt shun someone because of something like. Behavior is what matters in naturist community.

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RE:Naturist and Circumcision

I agree with AndyDi that nudists (and *particularly* people who call themselves that online*) don't necessarily set aside all their prejudices. But really, circumcision barely makes the list. In one culture or generation it may be common, in another, it may be rare, but neither state will be completely unfamiliar anywhere; it's not a personal choice anyway; and except conceivably in evaluation a sex partner, most people really, really, don't care at all.

Alone behind a keyboard, it's easy to be a bit preoccupied with oneself - the only one really present, after all - and to be fearful of the absent Other, and I think mostly for that reason you'll find lots of concern expressed online. But in real life - nothing.

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RE:Naturist and Circumcision

I've been to naturist venues since I was a toddler. Never heard someone talk bad about if a guy was circumcised or not. You know, naturism ist also about body acceptance and mutual esteem.

As usually people ger circumcised as kids, it's not their own choice anyway and no one can hold them responsible for the result later as an adult.

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RE:Naturist and Circumcision

Hi all, I've a doubt regarding naturists acceptance if a fellow naturist is circumcised or not. Do naturists only accept circumcised naturist? If a naturist is not circumcised, will they be shunned?

Not exactly about nudism but this ways told to me by a fellow traveler who I got paired up with as a random roomie. He grew up in Taiwan and as a preteen his family relocated to Vancouver. He had an older brother who got involved with high school sports and came home complaining to his parents that the Canadian boys were kidding him about not being circumcised. His folks solution was to send him to the doctor to have it done and they sent my friend along to have his done too. They gave the younger brother no say in the matter. Just figured that he too would have the same issue , so they nipped it in the bud so to speak.

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RE:Naturist and Circumcision

Agree with this point. One of the significant differences between real life naturism and what is done online. When I see these kinds of concerns online I always think how absent those conversations are from real life naturist conversations.

I've been to naturist venues since I was a toddler. Never heard someone talk bad about if a guy was circumcised or not. You know, naturism ist also about body acceptance and mutual esteem.As usually people ger circumcised as kids, it's not their own choice anyway and no one can hold them responsible for the result later as an adult.

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RE:Naturist and Circumcision

I agree with AndyDi that nudists (and *particularly* people who call themselves that online*) don't necessarily set aside all their prejudices. But really, circumcision barely makes the list. In one culture or generation it may be common, in another, it may be rare, but neither state will be completely unfamiliar anywhere; it's not a personal choice anyway; and except conceivably in evaluation a sex partner, most people really, really, don't care at all.Alone behind a keyboard, it's easy to be a bit preoccupied with oneself - the only one really present, after all - and to be fearful of the absent Other, and I think mostly for that reason you'll find lots of concern expressed online. But in real life - nothing.

Excellent point regarding real life nudists and keyboard nudists. If a search is done about circumcision or pubic hair, you'll find that there are many, many "nudists" that have a strong feeling about both. Some of these nudists make comments such as, "having no pubic hair makes you look like a child. You're trying too hard to be young. It's not natural. You have pubic hair for a reason." The rebuttals are what you'd expect from the real nudists and many end their comments with, "so much for being accepting and tolerant."

With regards to being circumcised or not, most of the negative comments are that being cut is more sanitary and cleaner. It's as if they are saying that having an uncut penis is dirty and that the guys that aren't cut are dirty and don't wash. One of the many reasons my wife won't partake in this type of nudism/naturism. Many things are said here that you would not say to someone's face. Granted, there are probably more trolls, pervs, scammers and fake nudists here, combined, than there are real nudists. I will admit that being uncut, I've never had anyone say anything negative to me about in person while at the beach, clubs or resorts. Doesn't mean they might be thinking something negative. :D

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