Stephane Deschenes INF president addresses controversy about family naturism

Stephane Deschenes INF president and owner of Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park addresses the controversy around a naturist club right to have families and kids at events. The controversy is fueled by groups looking for any reason at all to brand nudists as sexual fiends. This interview with the owner of Bare Oaks Naturist Park addresses the issue head on. The one line I heard that is super important is nudity is a means of practicing naturism not the aim.

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RE:Stephane Deschenes INF president addresses controversy about family naturism

The link wouldn't load up for me - anyone else have better luck?

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RE:Stephane Deschenes INF president addresses controversy about family naturism

The link works if copied (as text) and pasted over to a web browser. Doesn't work if you just click on it here.

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RE:Stephane Deschenes INF president addresses controversy about family naturism

The link wouldn't load up for me - anyone else have better luck?

You can copy and paste into a browser. Links must be added in a very specific manner for them to work on TN.

I tried to add it, but it seems they have broken yet another thing on here. Adding the html link no longer works.

John aka cobeachbum

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RE:Stephane Deschenes INF president addresses controversy about family naturism

While I'm sure Stephane has good things to say (he's got a solid podcast), I don't really want to add to the view count for a rebel news video.

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RE:Stephane Deschenes INF president addresses controversy about family naturism

Here it is again

And a video from the same "news" organization on the precipitating event

The link wouldn't load up for me - anyone else have better luck?

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RE:Stephane Deschenes INF president addresses controversy about family naturism

I can completely understand that. IMO we need to view those things to understand not just the views that align with our but those that dont. That is the only way IMHO to develop an effective response. That being said the one line I heard that really resonated is "nudity is a means of practicing naturism not the aim."
I realize that is contrary to the conventional wisdom on this site and may be confirmation bias on my part but it was gratifying to hear and international leader make that point directly.

While I'm sure Stephane has good things to say (he's got a solid podcast), I don't really want to add to the view count for a rebel news video.

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RE:Stephane Deschenes INF president addresses controversy about family naturism

I can completely understand that. IMO we need to view those things to understand not just the views that align with our but those that dont.

I'm happy to listen to views that don't align with mine, but Rebel News is fundamentally dishonest (note: I'm Canadian which is why I'm familiar with their background).

Stephane's podcast is if you're not already familiar with it.

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RE:Stephane Deschenes INF president addresses controversy about family naturism

Naturism is the connection to nature, you can reach this with nudity, but there other ways.

I do not like the video it shows how anti naturist and anti nudists think.

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RE:Stephane Deschenes INF president addresses controversy about family naturism

But Stephane defended good.

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RE:Stephane Deschenes INF president addresses controversy about family naturism

That is rwally the point thw video is a good exampleof how we can respond to anti nudist naturist views in a way the upholds naturist values and exposes the falsehoods of detractors. Even the Rebel News had to admit he made good points. I think we should stop running scared of these people and Stehoahe shows how to do that.
But Stephane defended good.

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