RE:OIF vets

Balad 03-04
Taji 09-10

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RE:OIF vets

OIF 03-04, 07-08, 10-11. Loved it so much I had to keep going back.

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RE:OIF vets

Oct 10 - Mar 11 and Nov-11 Aug-12

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RE:OIF vets

Been there done that. Desert Storm Vet also. Now deployed for Enduring Freedom at CLDJ. Hit me up if you want to chat.

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RE:OIF vets

Been there done that. Desert Storm Vet also. Now deployed for Enduring Freedom at CLDJ. Hit me up if you want to chat.

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RE:OIF vets

Not sure how many of us are in here, but sound off.
Was there at LSA Anaconda 04-05 on the Army Aviation side out of HAS 5 with 1-142 AVIM Bn.

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RE:OIF vets

Not sure how many of us are in here, but sound off.

At least this one from Operation Iraqi Freedom. Countless times I had walk back from the showers to my housing unit nude because someone would take my stuff while I was in the shower. Every guy in my platoon knew that I was comfortable being naked in front of other people and being hung helped.

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RE:OIF vets

Not sure how many of us are in here, but sound off.

At least this one from Operation Iraqi Freedom. Countless times I had walk back from the showers to my housing unit nude because someone would take my stuff while I was in the shower. Every guy in my platoon knew that I was comfortable being naked in front of other people and being hung helped.

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RE:OIF vets

Annie: Desert Storm, OIF, OEF
Matt: Lebanon, Libya, Grenada, Iran/Iraq war, Desert Storm, Bosnia (and a bunch of little hush hush bush wars)

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RE:OIF vets

Part of the "surge" in 2007

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