RE:Our community is thinning out

homeclothesfree wrote:
Home "nudism" is just being naked at home. Nothing more nothing less. Nudism has a social component to it that makes it nudism.

I'm uncomfortable about that definition. If a person feels liberated by the lack of clothing and prefers that state to a clothed one, for whatever reason, I'd call that person a nudist, even if there are no other nudists around.

Am I a nudist right now, sitting here alone and typing on my computer? By your definition, I would not. I I would have to be around other nudists to become one. It's like being a "vegetarian." A vegetarian doesn't have to be eating vegetables to be one. He or she just has to have a belief in not eating meat, and practicing that belief where appropriate, whether in the company of others or not.

I do make a distinction between "nudist" and "social nudist," however, because I find it useful. I enjoy being in the company of other nudists, just a a Baptist might like to go to a Baptist church to be with other Baptists. But that Baptist is still a Baptist when not attending services. And I'm still a nudist without being in the presence of other nudists.

I'm reminded of a distinction that somebody made a few years back about "old school" nudism, which involved joining clubs and founding resorts as a means of participation, and "new school" nudism, where people were comfortable about being without clothes at pool parties and skinny-dipping holes and nude beaches in the company of friends, but felt no need for connecting with a larger nudist community. There was a conjecture that "new school" nudism was on the rise, but there was no way of tracking or documenting it.

And SteveinKona wrote:

If there is another growing nudist site on the planet that has significant shares of male and female social nudists I'm unaware of it. I certainly check out every alternative site I'm made aware of, from a European one so strict they check the metadata on any uploaded photos to an American one that tries valiantly to allow explicit photos without letting that become the default, and they're all overwhelmingly male. There may just be a cultural trend that's pushing this sort of site below critical mass.

I'm on the AANR's Naturist Hub and a British forum called the Barely Clubhouse. They have ways to screen out the curious but uncommitted. I agree that they are mainly male. (It's curious that AANR's president is female, and the Clubhouse is administrated by a husband and wife team.) I, too, would like to be on a site where the ratio of male to female is closer to even.

I'm not female, but I have listened to women's viewpoints on why more women aren't nudists. It's a complicated issue, made more complicated by society's attitudes toward women as vulnerable targets of male sexual attention and attraction. These attitudes aren't going to go away, and we men have to work harder to make not only nudist places, but all places, the kind of environment where women feel safe in doing what they please. Maybe then, we'll see more female participation.

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RE:Our community is thinning out

Considering how women are treated here, I'm surprised that we have any at all on the site. They gave women a section of their own, but it's so over run by men that none of them could really feel comfortable there. From what I've noticed, every woman that joins the site appears to be hit with numerous likes and friend requests from desperate old men(perverts). Unfortunately for them, or fortunately for the rest of us, a large percentage of those "new" female membefs are fakes(scammers).

This site, like most others, is being overwhelmed by those scammers and perverts. I am doubtful that there are any sites that are actually a safe place for genuine nudists. And by "genuine nudist", I mean both "home nudists" and those of us that participate in public nude activities. Some people don't have the resources or access to places where public nudity is accepted. I do wish that public sentiment would allow us more opportunities, but I don't see it happening in the near future.

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RE:Our community is thinning out

Considering how women are treated here, I'm surprised that we have any at all on the site.......

This site reminds me of what occurs daily in real life. Just had a conversation yesterday with some women who claim that they can not find a decent guy to form a relationship. It came out in the discussion that the women are all attracted to loser men and have no real interest in good guys who do not cheat because these men are 'boring'.

There are only a handful of real women here. The rest are men posing as women. Many of the real women are not here to engage in chat or to be nice to good men.

It is nothing short of a myth that this site promotes the solo idea that men are nasty to women. Not all men are creeps here and not all women are angels.

it is way past time that statements such as what you posted above be changed to "Considering how good men are treated here, I am surprised that any good guys remain on this site". The fact is that most good guys have left this site and that this trend continues. Soon there will be nothing left but a few creepy guys, nasty women, fakes, scammers, and other assorted misfits.

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RE:Our community is thinning out

I see the constant barrage of "women" seeking sexual relations and very little of men doing so.

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RE:Our community is thinning out

I see the constant barrage of "women" seeking sexual relations and very little of men doing so.
They are not seeking sexual relations. They are seeking $exual relation$

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RE:Our community is thinning out

I see the constant barrage of "women" seeking sexual relations and very little of men doing so.They are not seeking sexual relations. They are seeking $exual relation$

I stand corrected.

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RE:Our community is thinning out

Sunluver101 wrote:

It is nothing short of a myth that this site promotes the solo idea that men are nasty to women. Not all men are creeps here and not all women are angels.
That idea doesn't need much promotion, because our society is, in fact, nasty to women. I agree that not all men are creeps, but there are enough creeps to make it uncomfortable for women to feel secure. And that goes both for this site and for the world at large.

And not all women are angels. I'm sure that if you're getting lots of messages and invitations, it's rare that there's an actual woman out there. To me, they're just weeds in the garden. You weed them out and then enjoy what's left.

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RE:Our community is thinning out

homeclothesfree wrote:Home "nudism" is just being naked at home. Nothing more nothing less. Nudism has a social component to it that makes it nudism.I'm uncomfortable about that definition. If a person feels liberated by the lack of clothing and prefers that state to a clothed one, for whatever reason, I'd call that person a nudist, even if there are no other nudists around.Am I a nudist right now, sitting here alone and typing on my computer? By your definition, I would not. I I would have to be around other nudists to become one. It's like being a "vegetarian." A vegetarian doesn't have to be eating vegetables to be one. He or she just has to have a belief in not eating meat, and practicing that belief where appropriate, whether in the company of others or not.I do make a distinction between "nudist" and "social nudist," however, because I find it useful. I enjoy being in the company of other nudists, just a a Baptist might like to go to a Baptist church to be with other Baptists. But that Baptist is still a Baptist when not attending services. And I'm still a nudist without being in the presence of other nudists.I'm reminded of a distinction that somebody made a few years back about "old school" nudism, which involved joining clubs and founding resorts as a means of participation, and "new school" nudism, where people were comfortable about being without clothes at pool parties and skinny-dipping holes and nude beaches in the company of friends, but felt no need for connecting with a larger nudist community. There was a conjecture that "new school" nudism was on the rise, but there was no way of tracking or documenting it.And SteveinKona wrote:If there is another growing nudist site on the planet that has significant shares of male and female social nudists I'm unaware of it. I certainly check out every alternative site I'm made aware of, from a European one so strict they check the metadata on any uploaded photos to an American one that tries valiantly to allow explicit photos without letting that become the default, and they're all overwhelmingly male. There may just be a cultural trend that's pushing this sort of site below critical mass.I'm on the AANR's Naturist Hub and a British forum called the Barely Clubhouse. They have ways to screen out the curious but uncommitted. I agree that they are mainly male. (It's curious that AANR's president is female, and the Clubhouse is administrated by a husband and wife team.) I, too, would like to be on a site where the ratio of male to female is closer to even.I'm not female, but I have listened to women's viewpoints on why more women aren't nudists. It's a complicated issue, made more complicated by society's attitudes toward women as vulnerable targets of male sexual attention and attraction. These attitudes aren't going to go away, and we men have to work harder to make not only nudist places, but all places, the kind of environment where women feel safe in doing what they please. Maybe then, we'll see more female participation.

Nudism has a social component to it that makes it nudism. Yeah some of these self proclaimed Genuine Nudist or Naturists try to pass off their beliefs and motives for fact. Good catch Woodsman.

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RE:Our community is thinning out

I am sorry I dont understand you comparison a vegetarian is still a vegetarian if they dont eat vegetables. Aah doesnt compute for me but I am not surprised because I dont understand much of your perspective.

A genuine nudist doesnt have to go to a AANR club or resort to have the social component even if the never left their home they could invite other and have nudist gatherings at home. I maintain that what you call home nudism is just getting naked at home. It makes perfectly good sense that an individual might feel comfortable clothes free at home. That is how I started but once I engaged socially I realized how important that was to move from just being naked solo to being a a nudist/naturist.

I dont think we will agree on this point based on the comparison you made.
Am I a nudist right now, sitting here alone and typing on my computer? By your definition, I would not. I I would have to be around other nudists to become one. It's like being a "vegetarian." A vegetarian doesn't have to be eating vegetables to be one. He or she just has to have a belief in not eating meat, and practicing that belief where appropriate, whether in the company of others or not.

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RE:Our community is thinning out

I am sorry I dont understand you comparison a vegetarian is still a vegetarian if they dont eat vegetables. Aah doesnt compute for me but I am not surprised because I dont understand much of your perspective.A genuine nudist doesnt have to go to a AANR club or resort to have the social component even if the never left their home they could invite other and have nudist gatherings at home. I maintain that what you call home nudism is just getting naked at home. It makes perfectly good sense that an individual might feel comfortable clothes free at home. That is how I started but once I engaged socially I realized how important that was to move from just being naked solo to being a a nudist/naturist.I dont think we will agree on this point based on the comparison you made.Am I a nudist right now, sitting here alone and typing on my computer? By your definition, I would not. I I would have to be around other nudists to become one. It's like being a "vegetarian." A vegetarian doesn't have to be eating vegetables to be one. He or she just has to have a belief in not eating meat, and practicing that belief where appropriate, whether in the company of others or not.

A personal view. In our 30s we were very casual with clothes around the house, especially in the warmer months but we never considered ourselves nudists. Later choosing to be nude on a clothes optional beach, we still never considered ourselves nudists. It wasnt until we actively sought out nudist resorts that we finally started identifying as nudists.

I agree with HCF, many people can be nude at home. That doesnt mean they are nudists.

In the same way, me eating an apple does not make me a vegan.

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