PRIVACY and why this is a PRIVATE GROUP

Thought I'd explain why this is a PRIVATE GROUP.
PUBLIC groups on TN (along with all their content, media, and members) can be seen by anyone on the internet.
So can your profile for that matter!
[Find this blog I wrote Setting Up A Profile where I address this and explain all about the importance of Certification and Privacy Settings. Link in first comment below.]
That's the reason.
Setting the group to PRIVATE offers some assurance and peace of mind for members to freely share their Jockstrap selfies and comments in the discussions.

Of course TN coding is so whack, it is possible for TN members who are not in the JS Group to see on your profile wall (most likely) when and what you post to the group. That's how certain rando comments have been posted to the threads by non-members. They are responding directly to the post they see in the feed.
This has been particularly disconcerting, as the majority of these opinionated "comments" have been denigrating in tone regarding jockstraps, and by extension (consciously or unconsciously) the men who wear them, ie., the very members of this group. What's really frustrating is I can't delete them. Yet another coding error where the system is not recognizing me as the moderator and thus blocking permission to delete the comment.

Lastly, PRIVACY allows me as the moderator, for now, to steer the ship, so to speak, in a particular direction, and that is toward cultivating a POSITIVE cultural awareness, shift, and revival in the greater acceptance and popularity of wearing a jockstrap, especially in public male spaces. I've been recruiting other members to be co-moderators, particularly younger men, with this aim in mind. If you think this is something you'd like to participate in, reach out by DM and let me know.

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RE:PRIVACY and why this is a PRIVATE GROUP

[Find this blog I wrote Setting Up A Profile where I address this and explain all about the importance of Certification and Privacy Settings.]

Here's the link

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RE:PRIVACY and why this is a PRIVATE GROUP

Another reason this group is PRIVATE is to keep out the FAKE profiles and SCAMMERS who SPAM every other PUBLIC group.

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