Blind Creek

Saw on another board that a group organized a mass nude swim at Blind Creek on July 21.
Did anyone here go?
If so, how was it?

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RE:Blind Creek

I have not heard of anything like that for today. The Treasure Cost Naturists had their annual skinny dip last Sunday and they had 677 participants. I was not able to make it then, since I worked Saturday night from 9:30 to 6am Sunday. I am planning on heading over there shortly, probably get there around 9:30 and stay until shortly after noon or until it gets so hot that it is uncomfortable and the sand is too hot to walk on.
If I see anything like that I will report it.

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RE:Blind Creek

I have not heard of anything like that for today. The Treasure Cost Naturists had their annual skinny dip last Sunday and they had 677 participants. I was not able to make it then, since I worked Saturday night from 9:30 to 6am Sunday. I am planning on heading over there shortly, probably get there around 9:30 and stay until shortly after noon or until it gets so hot that it is uncomfortable and the sand is too hot to walk on.If I see anything like that I will report it.

Sorry, I posted the wrong date.

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RE:Blind Creek

I have not heard of anything like that for today. The Treasure Cost Naturists had their annual skinny dip last Sunday and they had 677 participants. I was not able to make it then, since I worked Saturday night from 9:30 to 6am Sunday. I am planning on heading over there shortly, probably get there around 9:30 and stay until shortly after noon or until it gets so hot that it is uncomfortable and the sand is too hot to walk on.If I see anything like that I will report it.

Sorry, I posted the wrong date.

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RE:Blind Creek

What is the old saying, Day late and dollar short? in this case a week.
I was there yesterday from 9AM until shortly after noon when the sand started to become unbearably (or un bareably?) hot.
Typical summer crowd, parking lot less than 1/2 full when I left. Bright sunny day and was in the mid 80's when I got there and low 90's when I left

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RE:Blind Creek

What is the old saying, Day late and dollar short? in this case a week.I was there yesterday from 9AM until shortly after noon when the sand started to become unbearably (or un bareably?) hot.Typical summer crowd, parking lot less than 1/2 full when I left. Bright sunny day and was in the mid 80's when I got there and low 90's when I left

Are winter crowds larger? Gunnison parking lot is often full by 10 AM on weekends in season.

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RE:Blind Creek

Are winter crowds larger? Gunnison parking lot is often full by 10 AM on weekends in season.

Winter crowds are much larger. Even on a weekday, if it is a sunny, warm day with calm winds, the parking lot that holds 200+ cars is full by 11AM. Earlier on a weekend and by noon there are sometimes 20-50 cars on the side of the road.

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