RE:Nude in a non nude park?

A few years ago I went solo camping. (Well, there was tent involved. And a bike, a canopy, table, gas burner stove, and a few other things.)
It was in a TX state park.

After getting back from a ride and showering, I would hang out under the canopy, behind the wall I had set for it, in the nude.

The Sat night I was there i stood out in a road with nothing on but a pair of crocs. Now, it was 1am ish so no one really saw me.
But it was very freeing...

I'm planning at going again this year. I have more tarps, but I am looking for camping areas with trees so I can hang them.
Having a little more walking area would be nice.

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RE:Nude in a non nude park?

I try to get naked whenever I go camping its feels great

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RE:Nude in a non nude park?

wife and I was camping in a forest service campground that had a hot spring 1/4 mile away that was clothing optional. we were hanging around camp naked as there was only one other camp spot being used and it was at the other end of the campground. some guy was at the parking lot and walking around his vehicle butt naked and looked at us and waved, we waved back and he walked over to our camp and visited for quite awhile. saw him the next day and we all soaked at the hot springs for awhile.

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RE:Nude in a non nude park?

I went camping at a regular site last weekend. I was able to be nude in the tent and even with the door flaps open I was pretty safe most of the time as there were only certain angles I would have been visible. Using a windbreaker I was able to enjoy lots of time sunbathing nude outside as well. I had to be a little careful if moving about as the windbreaker wasnt quite chest height but on the whole it went really well!

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RE:Nude in a non nude park?

I went camping at a regular site last weekend. I was able to be nude in the tent and even with the door flaps open I was pretty safe most of the time as there were only certain angles I would have been visible. Using a windbreaker I was able to enjoy lots of time sunbathing nude outside as well. I had to be a little careful if moving about as the windbreaker wasnt quite chest height but on the whole it went really well!

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RE:Nude in a non nude park?

Must have felt wonderfully free, Jayne.

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RE:Nude in a non nude park?

A few weeks ago, I was camping in Sedona. It was a quick trip, got in at 9pm and was getting up by sunrise to fly paramotors. I had three friends meeting me there in the morning. I woke up at 4:00am and didnt hear anyone pull up. I have a small box camper, only sleeps two, just big enough to sit up on a queen mattress. I got up to go relieve myself, stepped out and one of my friends was parked behind me leaning on his car. I didnt say a word, just sat back inside the camper and got dressed. Had a great flight. Sedona is other worldly.

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RE:Nude in a non nude park?

We, mostly me, are nude at every textile campground we visit. We do our research and find end spots or secluded spots to park our RV. I then set up our area and use my Jeep for added screening from passerby's. It's easy enough to do. Sometimes, we're not that lucky and outside nudity in a textile campground has to be done at night or very early morning.

In remote situations, I'm naked always. This has happened more recently in the past 7 years when we overland in our off-road vehicles. It's almost always a guys trip. We visit Death Valley quite often, desert roads, state parks, nat'l parks, there is always places where there aren't many other people, and you can be nude almost the entire time.

I've been on trails in DV where we've come up on some people camping and they were naked. If I hadn't been with my friends, I would have been driving naked and would have stopped to say hello.

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