Cape Cod Trip

Posted a trip to Cape Cods nude beaches this weekend. If those interested can't make both days, attending one or the other is ok. There is no public parking however in Truro, you would need to stay at the hostel (2 beds left), or park at Head of The Meadow public beach and I can pick you up. Any questions, let me know.

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RE:Cape Cod Trip

Posted a trip to Cape Cods nude beaches this weekend. If those interested can't make both days, attending one or the other is ok. There is no public parking however in Truro, you would need to stay at the hostel (2 beds left), or park at Head of The Meadow public beach and I can pick you up. Any questions, let me know.

What beach will you be going to? Longnook access is closed because of erosion of the dune.

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RE:Cape Cod Trip

Thanks for the message, but I am aware the access at Longnook itslef is closed, however I am staying at Hi Hostel at Ballston Beach, plan to walk the shore 2 miles to Longnook. Want to tag along?

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RE:Cape Cod Trip

Glad you had a good time, Otis, and got the tan all evened out. Sounds like a positive overall experience, especially with the textile encounters.

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