Intimacy is the fuel of life by Scottie Lowe

Vulnerability, that feeling of knowing you can be your true self with someone else, the feeling of knowing that you are seen for who you really are and that you are valued and loved just the way you are, with all your flaws and imperfections, is the source of our greatest power as a human being. Intimacy is the foundation of our greatest potential because it comes from being truthful, with ourselves and with our partners. Emotional honesty is the basis of our true power. Shutting ourselves off to others, keeping people at an arm's distance does not protect us from being hurt, it prevents us from having the connections that are essential to our maturation as spiritual beings; it's not the safety measure we have convinced ourselves it is. Taking off our masks, baring our souls, telling our secrets, and truly opening up to another person is real freedom, it's empowering. We become stronger for telling our fears and fantasies to the person who supports us, nurtures us, who can love us with all our failures. Sharing yourself with everyone isn't optimal because some people have bad intentions, some people will try to use your secrets against you. The key is honing your emotional I.Q. to determine who is worth your emotional investment and who isn't. When you claim your power, when you are comfortable within yourself and you can share your fears with another, when you let another person in your heart, you will learn that you can't be hurt by your secrets because you own them.

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RE:Intimacy is the fuel of life by Scottie Lowe

Great sentiments Jock! We all need somebody really close; somebody who we could not imagine life without them. Thanks for posting it.

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RE:Intimacy is the fuel of life by Scottie Lowe

Great sentiments Jock! We all need somebody really close; somebody who we could not imagine life without them. Thanks for posting it.

Dave, delighted to share them! Its been a while since I posted that. what is stated there is so very true and meaningful to me! And obviously to you as well!God bless! Jock

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RE:Intimacy is the fuel of life by Scottie Lowe

Such wonderfully true sentiments and so beautifully expressed.
When we are our naked selves, we become an exquiste harmony with nature, the natural world and our fellow nudists, which allows our souls to open and flower with such mutual understanding and enlightenment, that we may be true to ourselves and others, living without fear in all our naked beauty. For when we are naked together, we become whole, we become as one.

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RE:Intimacy is the fuel of life by Scottie Lowe

Such wonderfully true sentiments and so beautifully expressed.When we are our naked selves, we become an exquisIte harmony with nature, the natural world and our fellow nudists, which allows our souls to open and flower with such mutual understanding and enlightenment, that we may be true to ourselves and others, living without fear in all our naked beauty. For when we are naked together, we become whole, we become as one.


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