Tips on meeting local nudists???

Hello All.

Hope you each are doing well.

I have been trying for a few years now to meet nudists that are local to me and would be interested in forming true nudist friendships. Someone to hang out with, have drinks and debrief with in the hot tub after a long day, etc.... I have had zero luck so far and am thinking that it surely cannot be this hard.

I am wondering if part if it is the area/town I live in. Lots of conservative, retired folks around and then conservative couples with young families. Seemingly very few in between.

So my questions....
Are there particular strategies you have deployed that have worked for you in meeting other nudists?
Could it be geographically challenging in some areas?
Any particular ways you approach others about their interest in the nudist lifestyle without offending or risk losing the friendship?
Any other aspects that I should be considering?

Thank you for any insight that you all can provide.

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RE:Tips on meeting local nudists???

The best way to meet nudists is go where the nudists go.

Beaches, parks, resorts etc...

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RE:Tips on meeting local nudists???

Check out the AANR website and look for clubs (landed & non-landed) and the resorts in your area. I believe there is a option on the AANR webpage where you can sort by area. Make a list of what nudist offerings are near you & give them a call. A non landed club might be your best bet but find out whos out there and start calling. Good luck.

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RE:Tips on meeting local nudists???

This is good advice. Also see if there groups who have activities you enjoy doing (ex yoga, karaoke etc) and join in you can meet people that way.
Check out the AANR website and look for clubs (landed & non-landed) and the resorts in your area. I believe there is an option on the AANR webpage where you can sort by area. Make a list of what nudist offerings are near you & give them a call. A non landed club might be your best bet but find out whos out there and start calling. Good luck.

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RE:Tips on meeting local nudists???

We always meet up at neutral place. Like Dennys, for coffee first. Or I just invite them over. I have gotten lucky to meet a few people in the area so far. But this summer I have been so busy with building a nudist patio that its been very hard to meet with others.
Yes resorts are great places to meet up or even hot springs. A few times I have set up a camping trip for everyone to enjoy.

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RE:Tips on meeting local nudists???

Here's the are not alone in this predicament. What surprised me is that, I have found a lot of nudist in this site in my area but they are not willing to meet up in person except a couple of them. Majority of the nudist in my area are afraid to meet up in person possibly because most of them are not out as nudist and they are worried that the public may know about them. How? Nobody in my family or my clothed friends knows that I am also a nudist. I don't advertise it so why will I advertise someone's love for nudity. We are all on the same boat so I don't understand myself why other nudist in my area are afraid to meet up in person.

I have a couple of nudist friends that I can hang out naked in their own backyard that I met through here and they are fantastic naked friends. Meeting fellow nudist in the nudist resorts is different from having friends that you can hang out naked in their own home or in your home at your convenience. Usually, we hang out once a week especially now that the weather is really warm and it is so nice to just be naked in the backyard and the pool.

All I can say is, be persistent voicing out that you are also very much interested in hanging out outside the resort. There is really no tips that I can give you except for this one. I guess it all boils down to meeting the right person at the right time and you guys just click and next thing you know, you are friends and hanging out naked at your own home. Goodluck.

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RE:Tips on meeting local nudists???

I agree with New2being naked. When I talk with nudies from other countries, most say the same. It's easier to meet with people who are travelling than with locals.
Several years ago I started a whatsapp group for Sydney Guys and invited a few locals I had connected with on here. I also posted on a discussion group on TN. After some general discussions, eventually a few of us started to meet at the beach and we even had a weekend away.
Sadly, though the group is still functioning, meetups are rare.

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RE:Tips on meeting local nudists???

Here are my $.02 for whatever it's worth:
1. Avoid the limiting term "nudist." People such as single dads might have negative associations with the term if they're discriminated against by local resorts. The "ism" can also imply rigid rules of forced nakedness rather than a care-free spirit that's not bounded by textiles. Other terms include: clothing optional, skyclad, naturist, textile optional, etc. Or make up your own term.
2. Understand how nudist organizations work. AANR focuses on couples resorts. If you're married to a woman and she's not on board, expect to get quickly frustrated. Their "traditional non-sexual nudism" is often geared towards retired hetero couples who remain at each others' side (in reality where the wife is always a chaperone to keep her husband's latent creepiness as a man in check).
3. Consider your comfort zone regarding your demographics of gender, age, marital status, and orientation. I found a primitive clothing optional campsite I like because it has a little of everything and a low-key vibe. I went Naturist men's resorts tend to welcome all men but often draw mostly gay and bi men and open sexual displays are often common, respectfully consensual and confined.
4. Seek out activities where nudity is accepted. This can include yoga, sweat lodges, pagan events, and World Naked Bike Rides.
5. Use a wide variety social media such as (search "nudist"),,, etc., along with traditional ones like FaceBook.
6. If you're not having much luck, don't forget simple internet searches to find sites such as

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RE:Tips on meeting local nudists???

2. Understand how nudist organizations work. AANR focuses on couples resorts. If you're married to a woman and she's not on board, expect to get quickly frustrated. Their "traditional non-sexual nudism" is often geared towards retired hetero couples who remain at each others' side (in reality where the wife is always a chaperone to keep her husband's latent creepiness as a man in check).

That would have to be one of the most accurate descriptions I have seen concerning organised nudism.

But to answer the original question, I've been in the nudist world for 20 years, and can say the internet is largely a waste of time trying to actually meet. You've physically got to go where the nudists are - and interact with them. That's when you make genuine long lasting friendships.

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RE:Tips on meeting local nudists???

I've been in the nudist world for 20 years, and can say the internet is largely a waste of time trying to actually meet. You've physically got to go where the nudists are - and interact with them. That's when you make genuine long lasting friendships.

I agree with this with a caveat. It's difficult (though not impossible) to meet individual nudists on the Internet. Despite my issues with this website ("the Internet"), I'm grateful in how it's helped me make a handful of long-lasting friends. If you're in an area like I am, a 250+ mile geography free of public nudist venues and most resorts leaning to Puritanistic discrimination against men, "the Internet" is all you have to find events and places where you can meet other like-minded and bodied nudists. Use the Internet to focus more on meeting people in group situations where they don't have to be wearing clothes than on individual nudists.

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RE:Tips on meeting local nudists???

From the other comments I just have one more to add, then I'll follow with what I do to try, which hasn't worked but maybe adds ideas! I am a Naturist Society member, which is the other large naturist organization in the U.S. When I've gone to resorts, solo as my wife isn't into nudity, I've never had issues as a single male but some resorts don't allow it. People are real friendly there and oddly I've met people from NM there and at clothing options al beaches in other states. I live in NM with no naturist venues anywhere near me. I've tried to meet other nudists by being naked as often as possible in my gym locker room and naked with a towel where saunas are in the mens room. In discussion I usually bring up my past living in Europe and my adoption of all things nudist. So far I haven't met any other nudists that way but I haven't given up! I haven't tried to meet local nudists on the internet, other than this site, which isnt very active. I'm not modest at all but never am ok with posting my pic online as I don't deny it but don't broadcast I'm a nudist either. I wouldnt want to embarass any family or friends if they saw me, even though many know. Good luck in your quest though. I know for myself, I'm fine camping or spending other time outdoors naked solo. Not as fun solo but just as liberating.

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