RE:News from Flora

Ok, I'll explain in a separate post.

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RE:News from Flora

As a member of many many groups, if there's activity I'll likely see it as it's not as though the sites are flooded with contributions these days. Perhaps the lack of traffic emboldens one to be more daring or is it just that one's perspective has changed? Either way, the images were beyond what was expected based on past experience. :-)

Happily so Steve.... happily so

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RE:News from Flora

Two survivors put of five today. I really would love to understand.

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RE:News from Flora

Two survivors put of five today. I really would love to understand.

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RE:News from Flora

Two survivors put of five today. I really would love to understand.

I posted 60 during the week, none survived,

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RE:News from Flora

There is the possibility of the posted photos not matching those of the profile owner. That may play a part, even if there's no specific vendetta. After resisting certification over at TS for some time, I did eventually do it and I've suffered no ill effects as a result. I'm more worried about the other numerous data breaches we've had here in Australia across telecommunications, health insurance, etcetera in the last year or so!

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RE:News from Flora

There is the possibility of the posted photos not matching those of the profile owner. That may play a part, even if there's no specific vendetta. After resisting certification over at TS for some time, I did eventually do it and I've suffered no ill effects as a result. I'm more worried about the other numerous data breaches we've had here in Australia across telecommunications, health insurance, etcetera in the last year or so!

It suggests then that the only photos permitted are those of the owner of the profile, "Selfies" then... the site going to be True Selfies?

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RE:News from Flora

Such a shame....

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RE:News from Flora

Such a shame....

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