- 10 months ago
#2 also.
- 10 months ago
Somewhat #2.I still find some good discussions here, but less than in the past.Lack of ability to edit or delete is frustrating.Frequently of posts to be "friends" is more so.This is mainly in the groups.Don't know if they are there because moderators have lost delete function or lack of attention on the part of some of them.Could a moderator please comment?I do not moderate any groups, but I have seen a post or two that moderators no longer have the ability to edit or delete posts in their groups. There is a work around that I have posted for you to edit or delete your own posts. I would assume the same process can be used as a moderator, but the keyword you need to add may be different and you have to do the process for each post you want to modify. It would be a bit labor intensive.John aka cobeachbumIt appears that your directions on how to delete or edit a post is in a certified members only part of the website.I am not certified because I am not comfortable submitting a scan of my driver's license.Would you be willing to either post the instructions somewhere that members who are not certified can see them to me in a Message.
Find the post you want to edit, right click and select inspect
From the line that's highlighted in the window that's open, click the three dots in the line below that starts ul class
For edit, find the second li class = line and right click on it. Select edit attribute. Add the word member between owner and admin. Exit out of the inspect screen and the edit link will now be there.
Same process to remove a post, but one li line down.
John aka cobeachbum
- 10 months ago
Category 2 too
- 10 months ago
First. I haven't been here in about 2 years but visiting here again.
- 7 months ago
I'm in the second category. Paid up life time.
- 7 months ago
I'm a little different then most of you. I was paying quarterly for a couple years because I just simply thought that was a fair way to do it. A little extra change is always appreciated when trying to maintain a web site. But, after trying to just communicate with Team 1 or 2 on a couple little problems, and watching other people do the same, I finely gave up and stopped paying.
- 7 months ago
I found this site very disappointing, especially from a European perspective.
Very limited forum activity, and masses of fake profiles.
I'm a member of British Naturism in the UK and their forum is quite good, another good site is
Has forum sections for all World naturists.
- 7 months ago
I tick the first option.
- 7 months ago
I fall into the second category. So I stay. But I still hope it will be better in the future.
I still find some good chats here, It depends on the members. Lots of them are just normal people enjoying the nude life. Let us be proud of that.
The only thing that really bothers me are the many fake friend requests from mostly women who In my opinion actually belong on TS. So I don't accept these requests and go on with my life. And wish them the best. I hope they find a life.
I think the Teams have a day job removing all the fakes and spammers.
- 7 months ago