Things to do clothed while still being Naturists. and what to do when being Naturists.

"Please do not interpret this badly. I love everyone. I just want this site to not have people having crimes happen in the worst way social media can produce. Not all social media sites are criminal. Just the ones where scammers are the only users. I love everyone.

I love being a freedom respecting American. I do not support bad or mean people. Please do not censor this if you believe in the First Amendment. Please Believe in the Constitution of the USA and believe in the First Amendment.

This is just my post to say what "nudism" or "naturism as a philosophy" is about. I love everyone and I love democracy and America and the United Kingdom and France and Ireland.

I dislike doing harm. "Ahimsa" or "first do no harm" is the principle of Jainism. I love the golden rule. I love "love one another as I have loved you."

When I talk about these things, nobody listens. I am so sorry I come off as offensive. I really love everything. I love being alive and I am alright that nobody loves life like me. I am not advocating for breaking the law or being a harsh policy enforcer, I just want people to get along.

The following is what I have originally written.

Hi, You might not know it, but naturism is multiple differing things. Most of it originated with all humans, from original cultures of all continents, but many people have made it dwindle since the 16th century (1500s).

There is however a connotation to the older philosophies, but modern naturism originates in adaptation to other cultures from Original Human cultures into The Modern Era, which much of it with modernity was pushed through Europe then became global (except in many cases where up to 50 million people practice the old school way with Original Human cultures.)

Naturism is the idea of living in harmony with nature as it was before industrialization. Nudism is just one part of "living in harmony with nature pre-industrialization." That is the entirety of the "Goals" of Naturism as a "Philosophy."

Older precursors to "naturism philosophy" and "older naturism philosophy" always has existed among traditional older societies that were before "Classical Ancient History from agricultural societies after 1000 BCE" or "Western cultures" or "before Judaism" in the middle east and "before Christianity existed in roman eras" in the whole rest of the world.

(Skip over the history if you don't want to be reading something boring or sad.)

Begin History part:

The Philosophy called Naturism known to western cultures in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Britain, Europe, Russia, Asia, and France and its islands, is a Philosophy originating in the 19th century.

There are multiple alleged origin stories of Naturism, but the most famous one is Elysee Recleus. (I am sorry if I didn't spell or accent his French name correctly.)

Aside from Tribal religions, that practiced some varieties of naturism for thousands of years, Modern Western and Eastern Europe re-awakened the non-tribal and definitely monotheist areas of "The West" and "Christian Jewish and Muslim areas of Europe" and re birthed naturism in "Some of the Islamic and Christian areas of Asia" to what other cultures have done in many times that was put away by cultures in west Asia and in Europe and Central Asia and China, which dropped tribalism in some cultures of those areas by the 1200s and dropped by 1410 the whole of public "naturism" except among some groups.

When naturism was revived in the year 1858, during the 1800s or 19th Century in Europe, Europe had its ways put onto the rest of the world with little exception (people less visited in North Africa and West Asia, Central Asia, Inner South America,distant areas inside Northern Canada, Tibet, Greenland, Kalahari desert, and notably Thailand and some parts of Indian subcontinent and Durrani Empire.)

The areas the most affected immediately by European interference with cultures were in the early 1801-1890 period were:

East China, Formosa (Taipei in Present day),

Kingdom of Korea,

British Canada throughout the 19th century, (Despite the support some groups had for the Original people of Canada, and for the "Freedomists/Freedomites") Yes specifically the people "going to the west" whatever that meant. (I love all Canadians and friends of mine are from Canada. I might not know the history but I know about pope Francis trying to apologize. I am so sorry. I love people of all religions and families of humans.)

Definitely Australian European people groups, and among the original people of Australia for much of their history in the 19th century when people hid the original culture too much under the royalty of the area called "Australia." European attitudes to the Original Australians were so difficult in the 1800 to 1920 period and after, even though Britain claimed to be an "enlightenment-era modern nation."

Definitely in the Realm of New Zealand people are different from Australia and Britain, but most people born in Europe who went to NZ during 1800 to the 1870s were very modest and christian or just not into social organization of "Naturism" until it becomes a popular thing "Post 1870, into the Modernist era." Victorian society was quite different from the Original culture in NZ until really about 150 years ago when it began to change for some of the people. All the people were very welcoming of different ideas and the local Original culture after about 1948 when Britain gave NZ more autonomy over their government and have been mostly independent since either the 80s or 90s, like the rest of "The Commonwealth" despite Some Issues persisting today (love you all on here if you read this.)

(NZ definitely became accepting as a majority of society after the 1800s in the 1870 or later era, and has maintained at least some authentic freedom people in some parts of the culture after most of that time. Most people today are the most authentic, great, good freedom loving people in the world, especially original people of NZ and Others who respect the pacific and original cultures that are full of many good people, and some of which are into naturism and some but not all are lacking naturism. No where is perfect. But people generally today have a good idea of who people as individuals in New Zealand are. Many people there are great, and so are quite a few of the citizens of other places in the world.)

Alaska was under Christian absolute monarchs until 867 despite the local people being a different mixture of people than just Russians

Areas under the American government and inside places that had already become "States of the USA" inside the United States of America, the United States or USA.

Southern America areas that spoke
and Nederlands
and the Danish West Indies where some spoke danish and creoles,

After 1815 to 1920 you would also include Victorian Britain and the land what today is known as the Island of Ireland (Republic of Ireland and the counties of Ireland) as being very modest in the years 1815 to 1920, even though there were some people who always were free people standing against common practices;

excluding France and early 19th century Germany and the Northern Central Europe nations (Sweden-Norway, Finland, Iceland island, and Denmark and Greenland) where modern revivals of ancient pre-christian religions were taking place,
most of continental Europe until 1840 was very Monotheist and Dressed heavily,

also except Serbia (where some small limited number were not religious or practiced other Not Abraham following religions) and Latvia and some parts of Russia where non-montheistic religions lived until 1890 when the last practitioners of the Polytheistic Religions or Buddhist or ancient European and Asian religions were converted to either Jewish or Christian religions or Islam by the Russian Tsars.

Central Africa from 1840 to 1900,

By 1880 they really badly affected the areas of Saharan Africa Except For Any Areas where the Khoi and San language speakers resisted assimilation to the Southern African European people groups,

Meaning all of Sub-Saharan Africa in areas not called Namibia Botswana or Kalahari desert of Africa or in Lesotho or e-Swatini

Areas under independent North Africa Kingdoms in Northern Africa and east northern Africa and west Africa that were Oriental Christian like Ethiopia or Multicultural like the Songhai Mali empire or Islamic like early Islamic cultures in Northwest Africa such as Morocco;

these areas were ultimately modest and usually very much interfered by the Europeans despite being independent. Islam was a religion that denounced "nudity" or "immodesty." Many Christian Greeks in Egypt and Africa in the 19th century also resisted "immodesty". Oriental Christians also were very against nudity because of interpretations of christian religion until fairly recently. same in Persia, South Arabia (Yemen and Oman) and (the Gulf States of the Middle east). Pretty much every group before 600 AD or 600 Common Era, and they had some groups or rebels or reformists advocating what might be naturism until Islam, but none of them stayed on the become the majority or overcome the traditionalism of the region except in some anti-communist and some radical governments or centrists in the 20th and 21st centuries.

(Surprisingly Ottoman Turkey and later some movements that made attempts to change things in Russia, the Ottoman Empire mostly was somewhat accepting of nudism after they did constitutional reforms in the 19th century, but no where else in "empire in Middle East" or "the places where Europe and Asia and Africa meet" ever met such reforms except for some other non naturist issues being attempted to be reformed in the 1850s by the "Trucial States" which is not the same thing as naturism. after the ottoman and Russian empires fell much of the changes went on the decline until 2001. some people in these countries are genuinely naturist or other groups that are not mainstream cultures of those areas, but this is mostly post 1991 or after 1941 in the earliest times, and this is a new thing for some of the worlds most complicated places.)

East Asia in Korea, Dutch Eastern "Indies" the spice islands. Philippines under Spain from the 1600s until 1897 and Philippines under America ruling the country until 1941. Parts of Singapore and Malaysia from Portuguese British and dutch colonial and imperial overseas rule until independence and among some cultures after independence. I have big respect for people doing the good work in all these areas today in the twenty-first century (the year 2000 to present years.)

Naturist practices also declined in British Empire later Commonwealth of Nations areas outside the "northern world" after 1881 until 1920 or until present day, most don't really know everything about naturism. some really are hostile to this day whether they know about it or not

Africa never really recovered outside of Kalahari and Southern African nations since 1880s.

Vietnam Laos and Cambodia and Myanmar never have been majority accepting of tribal and naturism practices until some people returned to naturism after 2001. Buddhism has only recently turned away from influence of modesty by all other cultures and serious modesty culture until after 2001.

Thailand has always had some accept it, but most never did until after re-introduction away from colonialist practices adopted by the government that were bigger until after 2001 ended.

Hinduism and Jainism in Asian India has some naturist or tribal practices, but they are small in the 21st century compared to hostile cultures inside Indian religions and Abrahamic religions in India is hostile in that country. Except some atheists, agnostics and non religious people, and among some Buddhists and some of the Jewish people there, and some Christians, they don't respect much of what western Europe offers inside naturism.
Pacific Island areas that had some Christian areas colonially ruled by the government of France and the government of Britain.

Natives were usually not Christians until about 1880 to 1920 outside NZ, but there were some but not all. the majority of people were not.

British areas were under Victoria and modesty and Anglican presence among European people in the pacific government areas was heavy only among pacific residents born in Europe, because most didn't take interest until the year 1865 or later, which is so sad.


Timor near Indonesia under Portuguese ruling until 1979 and Indonesian rule until 2005 which remains heavily catholic despite most people being free and open after 2006, with some caveats.

Between the year naturism was founded in 1859, and until 1920,

these were the areas where
traditional cultures were naturists or Original tribal naturists (nothing wrong with indigenous and full of great things):

Southern Africa in the Kalahari Desert

Original People practicing "Tibetan Buddhist" and otherwise being "naturism religious accepting Buddhist or traditional cultures" such as the rare areas of Tibetan Plateau in Chinese Empire or in the Tibetan Kingdoms, Later Mongolian cultures that practiced shamanism or otherwise the Tibetan Branch of Buddhism separate from traditions in china (even though it was not always accepted after Monkh was defeated.)

All pacific island culture were Traditionally naturist in entirety until some groups became some of the more prominent groups of "modesty" Christians. And some Christians all over can practice modern christian naturism. and most of the other people have some acceptance or tolerance of it in atheist or some traditional pacific Original and indigenous religions' groups. Many have never left naturism in some of the "less contacted areas in Papua new guinea and Solomon islands and Vanuatu and some of the other nations.

All of the American Original People and their cultures, nations and tribes and families. Everywhere where in places that men of Europe had not visited, they remained especially both tribal and practiced the older versions of the original philosophy of naturism, and lived in harmony with the environment until the Columbian or Spanish exchange of livestock and crops and diseases were initiated. Including some less contacted people in the present day in Brazil and Eastern Peru in 2024. Amazonian tribes is what made me discover things differently despite the fact I do not know all the facts about them. I discovered my own feelings about them when reading about them when I was young before I became a naturist philosophically. Much love to the Yanomami and all people living against time.

Some Inuit societies in Greenland practiced naturism at home inside their homes and in some buildings and structures called igloos and saunas and in places where it was nice weather inside and outside the country of Greenland in ancient times.

Amazon regions of Peru and Brazil, and since 2001 among indigenous-traditional and 'modern' Naturist groups in much of amazonian and other regions of the nation of Colombia.

SE Asia in Vietnam Laos Southern China Thailand and Myanmar Cambodia and arguably Malaysia and Singapore until 1880. and after 2001 for all culture except in Myanmar under a rule of an army-led government since 2022 with a provisional Junta government.

Cuba since 2016 or earlier, when some people from the west were allowed locally to immigrate for local employment there.

And in a variety of non Muslim and not Jewish or christian cultures among those that remain outside abrahamic or modesty type religions in Asia, which are not as common as christian and Islamic cultures, but not vanished entirely. Many of these existed East of Ural Mountains in Siberia before the 1500s, despite most being contacted or influenced by 1920. Some were intact in Asia after 1920 even inside Russia, but all had to adapt to the 1920-1991 culture inside the U.S.S.R.

and some Jews Muslims and Christians and atheists, agnostics, secular people, and among people who are just monotheists but belonging to another religion not mentioned, and many modern day "Wicca" and "heathen" and other "polytheism religions" all over the world.

And among all pacific and other island cultures that resisted becoming part of the Russian cultures or among the European cultures and among the colonial or otherwise overseas western cultures. Most of these countries are not socially organized modern naturists as western people, but Most people that haven't become Hindu religion or Muslim or Christian or Orthodox Jewish people are still very much original earlier traditional tribal naturist cultures, and these cultures and Original Indigenous American people are the best example of how naturism is Everywhere a part of older Pre-Christian and pre-Jewish cultures and before Islam cultures.

In 1859, in France and after visiting United States, Mister Elysee Recleus became a precursor to anarchism when he founded naturism, and after 1850 he became a full anarchist and politician in France after starting varieties of activities inside France in the 1800s, which is called by Users Of The Gregorian Calendar as being known to be The Nineteenth (19th) Century.

Generally speaking, after 1920 in the twentieth century, Other varieties of naturism came up in France, but the modern varieties we use in "nudism" or "naturism-nudism" or "anarchist-primitive naturism" or "old school classical European Naturism" Is the varieties espoused by Henry Zisly, or varieties that are either

progressive naturism,


a variety of Non-Political naturism.

Some naturism varieties include "Jewish Nudism-Naturism" "Christian Naturism" "Secular Naturism" Anarcho-Naturism" "Classical Naturism" "Indigenous Naturism" "Liberal Naturism" "Liberal-Christianity Naturism" "Freedomism-Naturism" "Adamism" "Nudist Eden-ism" Deistic Nudist-Naturism" "secular naturism" "agnostic naturists" and "Atheism-Naturism". Also "Heathenry-Naturism" and "Wicca Naturism" and "libertarian naturism" are common. Soviet naturism was alive and well in "East German Republic" and the "USSR" during soviet (1920 to 1991) era of East and central European history.

Here is the end of the history section.

(End of history section. SKIP to Below this line.)

After 1991, this is what naturism means to "worldwide naturists" and "Europeans who are Naturists."

1) Naturism is part of living in harmony with nature.

2) Naturism involves freedom with environmental responsibility.

(No religion universally prohibits either of these in entirety and fullness. every religion has some thing that has freedom guaranteed in thought or action, even if the rest are limited.)

(The most restricted religions toward anything related to "Freedom" are Orthodox Judaism, some varieties of Christians like Primitive baptists and hardliner traditionalist Catholics, and some Traditionalist Orthodox Christian individuals as a whole, "Traditionally historic" Islam, Zoroastrians that are believers in absolute morality to the point of extreme modesty and closed society (a minority of Persian Pre-Christians and not the whole of Persian Zoroastrians) and A Minority of some of the Hindu religion groups that imitate sexually puritan or traditional moralist Christians. Most religions don't address nature or naturism. but some Polytheist religions explicitly endorse it and many Christians and Jewish people do address and accept it.

(Most non-religious people have some tolerance of modernity but not all are naturists.)

Other naturism things are obviously:

3) Non-violence. Whenever possible. every mainstream naturist denounces rude behavior and scary behavior.

4) Harmony with everyone. Love and respect for neighbors who respect you.

5) The Golden Rule, love one another at least as they have loved you in good ways.

6) Minimal environmental damage that is willfully destructive. People disagree about where this goes as a whole, but this is not disputed in European Early modern Philosophy of Naturism.

7) living in communities near nature or where you don't do as much harm to nature.

8) living in a respectful way with your community, families, friends, and neighbors, in kindness and respect, or at least at peaceful non-hostile environment.

9) Minimizing environmental damage such as use of natural resources in extreme. or over consumption of food. or wasting medical resources with bad health. or burning fuels outside of necessary times.

10) trying to wear less or zero clothing in private. When in public, using less clothing than needed by modesty practicing people, or going to places where you don't wear clothing at all at least once when you are visible to other people, in naturist-designated areas or otherwise.

8) living in cities if not in rural communities that accept you for all the other factors for those who you are as a naturist.

~ Vegetarianism is sometimes included, but Henry Zisly established some naturist communities without any vegetarianism and was less than vegan or against vegetarianism as an individual.

Here are some things you can do clothes as a naturist

1) tell people about environmentalism

2) Help efforts to clean up pollution in the environment

3) Prevent death of humans unnecessarily, of any kind. Not every one can do this, but you can either skip and not do it, or try to do it. there is no shame in being a good citizen and a good "Samaritan."

4) Volunteer as a humanitarian worker or volunteer as a charity volunteer.

5) Plant a Garden!

6) Grow your own vegetables fruits beans and local grains!

7) eat from your local garden!

8) Go to a park clothed.

Things you should do when a naturist.

1) go to local nudist parks that are "NATURISM" practitioners. they should really all practice the philosophy of naturism. Bare Oaks near Toronto Canada is a good one! Bare Oaks' owner is a strict Philosophically Naturist who also is a Naturism nudist. Follow the local rules of naturism ( go in the pool clean, use towels when sitting on chairs, don't look down, respect others, NEVER look too long.)

2) if nudist parks are not you, Go to offically nude beaches either by yourself WHERE IT OFFICIALLY is a nudist beach so you do it Legally, and go with your friend or partner if you do not go by yourself. and dont be rude at the beach on the dry land part of the beach or in the water.)

3) Do it by yourself in your room where it always is legal as long as nobody is looking.

4) do it at home, either by yourself or with someone who respects you doing it with you, But Only When it is legal, so as to do the "First do no harm" part of Naturism.

5) Only do it legally at public parks or spaces where you cant get arrested for it. Denmark at all beaches since 1972 (pray it does not change). All of NZ as long as you do not get people to be bothered. Other wise, just join a beach or naturism society or go to the naturist locations. Or practice at home at least when feasible.

Take care stay out of trouble.

IN Conclusion:

So, I consider myself a liberal nudist, a moderate, and a naturist to the max specifically for the philosophy of naturism. It doesn't interfere with my Christianity because I don't personally see any conflict with any of naturism as a whole. Mudwalkers accounts on YouTube and Patreon are great resource that show the two are not in contradiction. Some people disagree with him. I am politically moderate liberal or "Liberal Democratic Moderately center right." I socially am centrist or center left.

I do not have any problem with anyone. I respect everyone that tries to do good.

What bothers me is that this site has some people who NEVER WERE the same person behind the images they present on our screens. I am not giving my name but have given my real images. None are naturist or "nudism" and I always will be clothes in this account I have.

I think anonymity is good, but that Does Not mean that you should not be known to the people running this site. I have given my images and my personal information to true nudists dot com. They deserve to have it.

That does not mean I should have to turn it over TO Users of TN. YOU are not real if you use a fake image to damage people. Sorry. But No thanks. I trust the Admins and employees more than "Just anyone on the Internet."

Some people are really bugging me on here, so I know you all know what I am talking about with scam accounts trying to rob the paying members by asking for money!!! They all know this. The problem is when "THE BEGGERS and FAKES NEVER GO AWAY" Or "They go after and harm people."

I cannot believe the "ghost internet theory" is true for some websites. AI generated accounts and AI and fake images of people that do not exist is a troubling problem. go see YouTube accounts talking about "Digital Companions for Lonely People."

I love you all, stay safe against scammers and hold feet to the fire to fight addiction to getting duped, lied to, and scammed. Please don't give random users money.

Also, people who work at TN may not be doing the absolute best. but the people who care on here are doing their best. The real users say "don't scam me" or "don't use my images." What they need to do is not use this site for their images.

Get off all the platforms of social media if they don't want to be seen. Not everyone has to get off this site or the other sites. But my idea is "dont share with them all your naturism." "Don't' share anything you are afraid to see people look at when they do not understand you."

Please quit using AI companions, and look out for scams. I do not use this site too much.

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RE:Things to do clothed while still being Naturists. and what to do when being Naturists.

Another thing I notice on here.

The internet really shows out everyone when they use social media, by their communication of what really goes on in their mind.

Many people are able to show truly do not know everything. I know some things, but nobody really knows "Most Things." Most things are hard to comprehend because life really is "Very Complex."

I say this only because it seems like many people on this site do not know about complex histories of places.

I do not necessarily consider myself an environmentalist or radical. I just really think humans are at a point, at least in the west, but also in other areas, that nobody really takes interests in what really actually happens. We just see everything we all want to hear and see.

So, I notice that I might not necessarily do everything that everyone sees. Not everyone reads these posts.

But I really encourage everyone here with these words: It Gets Better.

Please, do not lose courage, so that you could remain fully able to "whatever feels like it is the right thing to make you feel safer and more satisfied with life long-term."

No one knows history because they were not taught it. I see a lot of things on Wikipedia and other websites. History does not have to be a bad thing to learn about even if it is un-pleasant to know that happened. There are resolutions in the world, and not just problems. We just have to find the ones we realistically will solve and work at solving such problems.

My idea of naturism is that respect is what really works, but it takes trust building to make "Respect-full Communities" that "Work for good of all parties with respect." The big idea is simply this "do not do the negatives, and affirm the good in the world."

Cleaning up the environment, civic responsibility, helping your neighbors. Having friends. Being a person who communicates.

These things take time to develop, but the good thing is that people can find more of them to do today, and that we are not alone.

A good book to read is "Bowling Alone" to understand how "The United States" and the world is where it is today.

"A good book to read" about how to resolve the situation is the book by Janina Scarlet called

"Unseen, Unheard, Undervalued: Managing Loneliness, Loss of Connection and Not Fitting In"

and the book by Noreena Hertz called

"The Lonely Century: How to Restore Human Connection in a World That's Pulling Apart."

Have a good day.

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RE:Things to do clothed while still being Naturists. and what to do when being Naturists.

Totally agree with this respect is a core principle of naturism. Respect of environment and respect for others.
My idea of naturism is that respect is what really works, but it takes trust building to make "Respect-full Communities" that "Work for good of all parties with respect." The big idea is simply this "do not do the negatives, and affirm the good in the world."Cleaning up the environment, civic responsibility, helping your neighbors. Having friends.

Bowling alone is a seminal text for understanding post modern individuality and the toxic individualism that has embedded itself in much of what passes for nudism online. It all individual experience and very little healthy respectful social interaction. Maybe someone should write a book "Going Naked Alone". Not familiar with the other books I will have to look into them as a social scientist.

A good book to read is "Bowling Alone" to understand how "The United States" and the world is where it is today."A good book to read" about how to resolve the situation is the book by Janina Scarlet called"Unseen, Unheard, Undervalued: Managing Loneliness, Loss of Connection and Not Fitting In"and the book by Noreena Hertz called"The Lonely Century: How to Restore Human Connection in a World That's Pulling Apart."

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RE:Things to do clothed while still being Naturists. and what to do when being Naturists.

The other two books, I have not read, but I found them on google, and they seem to talk about solving the problems Americans face with social isolation. One deals with personal friendship development while the other deals with the role the public can help the crisis in massive numbers of people.

And yes, precisely. Rugged individualism without "some form" of Responsibility is the big problem with this site and other aspects of naturism.

Karl Popper said quite a bit in "The Open Society and its Enemies" about the "paradox of tolerance." If you stand for tolerance without reasonable limits for too long, according to the book, it will lead to "the disappearance of tolerance" (Popper, 1945, page 581.)

Similarly, we will see just about anything happen if it is allowed, so there have to be some things we do not allow.

Pros about this site:

Easy to use, almost Too Easy to use to find people.

Connections can be fast (should stay the same, but users need to be vetted before approval. And users should be deleted if violating the rules.)

Good location findings on the people on this site if they enter Correct Information about Location.


Problem 1: Too easy to lie (THE MAIN PROBLEM)
Solution 1: incentivize honesty in the TOS and in the rules and other sites. Take accountability with ADMINS doing WORK and not moderators.

Problem 2: Too easy to find people for some filters, gives NO INFORMATION before clicking on profile for some other information that some people might find useful. NOTE: Some people might not want to give this information or other information. some people don't like any personal information being index-able.
Solution 2: don't show in searches personal information other than what users want to show to the public, especially if the profile is private. Let users opt-in ONLY if they really want to add the information to their profile on the "SEARCH." GIVE USERS CONTROL OF THEIR OWN PROFILE'S VISIBILITY ON THE INDEX. LET THEM CHOOSE TO SHOW IF THEY ARE ONLINE OR NOT.


USERS Are not screened to see if they have their own profile photo, or it is bypassed too easily. My profile photo is my own. Some other users get away with their profile information being faked and not getting caught doing it.


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RE:Things to do clothed while still being Naturists. and what to do when being Naturists.

Can you please quote your sources? To my understanding naturism was developed by Albert Lecoq in the 1920s. Anything else was something before shich led to Alberts naturism but was something else per definition.

"Please do not interpret this badly. I love everyone. I just want this site to not have people having crimes happen in the worst way social media can produce. Not all social media sites are criminal. Just the ones where scammers are the only users. I love everyone.I love being a freedom respecting American. I do not support bad or mean people. Please do not censor this if you believe in the First Amendment. Please Believe in the Constitution of the USA and believe in the First Amendment.This is just my post to say what "nudism" or "naturism as a philosophy" is about. I love everyone and I love democracy and America and the United Kingdom and France and Ireland.I dislike doing harm. "Ahimsa" or "first do no harm" is the principle of Jainism. I love the golden rule. I love "love one another as I have loved you."When I talk about these things, nobody listens. I am so sorry I come off as offensive. I really love everything. I love being alive and I am alright that nobody loves life like me. I am not advocating for breaking the law or being a harsh policy enforcer, I just want people to get along.The following is what I have originally written.Hi, You might not know it, but naturism is multiple differing things. Most of it originated with all humans, from original cultures of all continents, but many people have made it dwindle since the 16th century (1500s).There is however a connotation to the older philosophies, but modern naturism originates in adaptation to other cultures from Original Human cultures into The Modern Era, which much of it with modernity was pushed through Europe then became global (except in many cases where up to 50 million people practice the old school way with Original Human cultures.)Naturism is the idea of living in harmony with nature as it was before industrialization. Nudism is just one part of "living in harmony with nature pre-industrialization." That is the entirety of the "Goals" of Naturism as a "Philosophy."Older precursors to "naturism philosophy" and "older naturism philosophy" always has existed among traditional older societies that were before "Classical Ancient History from agricultural societies after 1000 BCE" or "Western cultures" or "before Judaism" in the middle east and "before Christianity existed in roman eras" in the whole rest of the world.(Skip over the history if you don't want to be reading something boring or sad.)Begin History part:The Philosophy called Naturism known to western cultures in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Britain, Europe, Russia, Asia, and France and its islands, is a Philosophy originating in the 19th century.There are multiple alleged origin stories of Naturism, but the most famous one is Elysee Recleus. (I am sorry if I didn't spell or accent his French name correctly.)Aside from Tribal religions, that practiced some varieties of naturism for thousands of years, Modern Western and Eastern Europe re-awakened the non-tribal and definitely monotheist areas of "The West" and "Christian Jewish and Muslim areas of Europe" and re birthed naturism in "Some of the Islamic and Christian areas of Asia" to what other cultures have done in many times that was put away by cultures in west Asia and in Europe and Central Asia and China, which dropped tribalism in some cultures of those areas by the 1200s and dropped by 1410 the whole of public "naturism" except among some groups.When naturism was revived in the year 1858, during the 1800s or 19th Century in Europe, Europe had its ways put onto the rest of the world with little exception (people less visited in North Africa and West Asia, Central Asia, Inner South America,distant areas inside Northern Canada, Tibet, Greenland, Kalahari desert, and notably Thailand and some parts of Indian subcontinent and Durrani Empire.)The areas the most affected immediately by European interference with cultures were in the early 1801-1890 period were:East China, Formosa (Taipei in Present day),Kingdom of Korea,British Canada throughout the 19th century, (Despite the support some groups had for the Original people of Canada, and for the "Freedomists/Freedomites") Yes specifically the people "going to the west" whatever that meant. (I love all Canadians and friends of mine are from Canada. I might not know the history but I know about pope Francis trying to apologize. I am so sorry. I love people of all religions and families of humans.)Definitely Australian European people groups, and among the original people of Australia for much of their history in the 19th century when people hid the original culture too much under the royalty of the area called "Australia." European attitudes to the Original Australians were so difficult in the 1800 to 1920 period and after, even though Britain claimed to be an "enlightenment-era modern nation."Definitely in the Realm of New Zealand people are different from Australia and Britain, but most people born in Europe who went to NZ during 1800 to the 1870s were very modest and christian or just not into social organization of "Naturism" until it becomes a popular thing "Post 1870, into the Modernist era." Victorian society was quite different from the Original culture in NZ until really about 150 years ago when it began to change for some of the people. All the people were very welcoming of different ideas and the local Original culture after about 1948 when Britain gave NZ more autonomy over their government and have been mostly independent since either the 80s or 90s, like the rest of "The Commonwealth" despite Some Issues persisting today (love you all on here if you read this.)(NZ definitely became accepting as a majority of society after the 1800s in the 1870 or later era, and has maintained at least some authentic freedom people in some parts of the culture after most of that time. Most people today are the most authentic, great, good freedom loving people in the world, especially original people of NZ and Others who respect the pacific and original cultures that are full of many good people, and some of which are into naturism and some but not all are lacking naturism. No where is perfect. But people generally today have a good idea of who people as individuals in New Zealand are. Many people there are great, and so are quite a few of the citizens of other places in the world.)Alaska was under Christian absolute monarchs until 867 despite the local people being a different mixture of people than just RussiansAreas under the American government and inside places that had already become "States of the USA" inside the United States of America, the United States or USA.Southern America areas that spokeSpanishPortugueseFrenchEnglishand Nederlandsand the Danish West Indies where some spoke danish and creoles,After 1815 to 1920 you would also include Victorian Britain and the land what today is known as the Island of Ireland (Republic of Ireland and the counties of Ireland) as being very modest in the years 1815 to 1920, even though there were some people who always were free people standing against common practices;excluding France and early 19th century Germany and the Northern Central Europe nations (Sweden-Norway, Finland, Iceland island, and Denmark and Greenland) where modern revivals of ancient pre-christian religions were taking place,most of continental Europe until 1840 was very Monotheist and Dressed heavily,also except Serbia (where some small limited number were not religious or practiced other Not Abraham following religions) and Latvia and some parts of Russia where non-montheistic religions lived until 1890 when the last practitioners of the Polytheistic Religions or Buddhist or ancient European and Asian religions were converted to either Jewish or Christian religions or Islam by the Russian Tsars.Central Africa from 1840 to 1900,By 1880 they really badly affected the areas of Saharan Africa Except For Any Areas where the Khoi and San language speakers resisted assimilation to the Southern African European people groups,Meaning all of Sub-Saharan Africa in areas not called Namibia Botswana or Kalahari desert of Africa or in Lesotho or e-SwatiniAreas under independent North Africa Kingdoms in Northern Africa and east northern Africa and west Africa that were Oriental Christian like Ethiopia or Multicultural like the Songhai Mali empire or Islamic like early Islamic cultures in Northwest Africa such as Morocco;these areas were ultimately modest and usually very much interfered by the Europeans despite being independent. Islam was a religion that denounced "nudity" or "immodesty." Many Christian Greeks in Egypt and Africa in the 19th century also resisted "immodesty". Oriental Christians also were very against nudity because of interpretations of christian religion until fairly recently. same in Persia, South Arabia (Yemen and Oman) and (the Gulf States of the Middle east). Pretty much every group before 600 AD or 600 Common Era, and they had some groups or rebels or reformists advocating what might be naturism until Islam, but none of them stayed on the become the majority or overcome the traditionalism of the region except in some anti-communist and some radical governments or centrists in the 20th and 21st centuries.(Surprisingly Ottoman Turkey and later some movements that made attempts to change things in Russia, the Ottoman Empire mostly was somewhat accepting of nudism after they did constitutional reforms in the 19th century, but no where else in "empire in Middle East" or "the places where Europe and Asia and Africa meet" ever met such reforms except for some other non naturist issues being attempted to be reformed in the 1850s by the "Trucial States" which is not the same thing as naturism. after the ottoman and Russian empires fell much of the changes went on the decline until 2001. some people in these countries are genuinely naturist or other groups that are not mainstream cultures of those areas, but this is mostly post 1991 or after 1941 in the earliest times, and this is a new thing for some of the worlds most complicated places.)East Asia in Korea, Dutch Eastern "Indies" the spice islands. Philippines under Spain from the 1600s until 1897 and Philippines under America ruling the country until 1941. Parts of Singapore and Malaysia from Portuguese British and dutch colonial and imperial overseas rule until independence and among some cultures after independence. I have big respect for people doing the good work in all these areas today in the twenty-first century (the year 2000 to present years.)Naturist practices also declined in British Empire later Commonwealth of Nations areas outside the "northern world" after 1881 until 1920 or until present day, most don't really know everything about naturism. some really are hostile to this day whether they know about it or notAfrica never really recovered outside of Kalahari and Southern African nations since 1880s.Vietnam Laos and Cambodia and Myanmar never have been majority accepting of tribal and naturism practices until some people returned to naturism after 2001. Buddhism has only recently turned away from influence of modesty by all other cultures and serious modesty culture until after 2001.Thailand has always had some accept it, but most never did until after re-introduction away from colonialist practices adopted by the government that were bigger until after 2001 ended.Hinduism and Jainism in Asian India has some naturist or tribal practices, but they are small in the 21st century compared to hostile cultures inside Indian religions and Abrahamic religions in India is hostile in that country. Except some atheists, agnostics and non religious people, and among some Buddhists and some of the Jewish people there, and some Christians, they don't respect much of what western Europe offers inside naturism.Pacific Island areas that had some Christian areas colonially ruled by the government of France and the government of Britain.Natives were usually not Christians until about 1880 to 1920 outside NZ, but there were some but not all. the majority of people were not.British areas were under Victoria and modesty and Anglican presence among European people in the pacific government areas was heavy only among pacific residents born in Europe, because most didn't take interest until the year 1865 or later, which is so sad.Macau.Timor near Indonesia under Portuguese ruling until 1979 and Indonesian rule until 2005 which remains heavily catholic despite most people being free and open after 2006, with some caveats.Between the year naturism was founded in 1859, and until 1920,these were the areas wheretraditional cultures were naturists or Original tribal naturists (nothing wrong with indigenous and full of great things):Southern Africa in the Kalahari DesertOriginal People practicing "Tibetan Buddhist" and otherwise being "naturism religious accepting Buddhist or traditional cultures" such as the rare areas of Tibetan Plateau in Chinese Empire or in the Tibetan Kingdoms, Later Mongolian cultures that practiced shamanism or otherwise the Tibetan Branch of Buddhism separate from traditions in china (even though it was not always accepted after Monkh was defeated.)All pacific island culture were Traditionally naturist in entirety until some groups became some of the more prominent groups of "modesty" Christians. And some Christians all over can practice modern christian naturism. and most of the other people have some acceptance or tolerance of it in atheist or some traditional pacific Original and indigenous religions' groups. Many have never left naturism in some of the "less contacted areas in Papua new guinea and Solomon islands and Vanuatu and some of the other nations.All of the American Original People and their cultures, nations and tribes and families. Everywhere where in places that men of Europe had not visited, they remained especially both tribal and practiced the older versions of the original philosophy of naturism, and lived in harmony with the environment until the Columbian or Spanish exchange of livestock and crops and diseases were initiated. Including some less contacted people in the present day in Brazil and Eastern Peru in 2024. Amazonian tribes is what made me discover things differently despite the fact I do not know all the facts about them. I discovered my own feelings about them when reading about them when I was young before I became a naturist philosophically. Much love to the Yanomami and all people living against time.Some Inuit societies in Greenland practiced naturism at home inside their homes and in some buildings and structures called igloos and saunas and in places where it was nice weather inside and outside the country of Greenland in ancient times.Amazon regions of Peru and Brazil, and since 2001 among indigenous-traditional and 'modern' Naturist groups in much of amazonian and other regions of the nation of Colombia.SE Asia in Vietnam Laos Southern China Thailand and Myanmar Cambodia and arguably Malaysia and Singapore until 1880. and after 2001 for all culture except in Myanmar under a rule of an army-led government since 2022 with a provisional Junta government.Cuba since 2016 or earlier, when some people from the west were allowed locally to immigrate for local employment there.And in a variety of non Muslim and not Jewish or christian cultures among those that remain outside abrahamic or modesty type religions in Asia, which are not as common as christian and Islamic cultures, but not vanished entirely. Many of these existed East of Ural Mountains in Siberia before the 1500s, despite most being contacted or influenced by 1920. Some were intact in Asia after 1920 even inside Russia, but all had to adapt to the 1920-1991 culture inside the U.S.S.R.and some Jews Muslims and Christians and atheists, agnostics, secular people, and among people who are just monotheists but belonging to another religion not mentioned, and many modern day "Wicca" and "heathen" and other "polytheism religions" all over the world.And among all pacific and other island cultures that resisted becoming part of the Russian cultures or among the European cultures and among the colonial or otherwise overseas western cultures. Most of these countries are not socially organized modern naturists as western people, but Most people that haven't become Hindu religion or Muslim or Christian or Orthodox Jewish people are still very much original earlier traditional tribal naturist cultures, and these cultures and Original Indigenous American people are the best example of how naturism is Everywhere a part of older Pre-Christian and pre-Jewish cultures and before Islam cultures.In 1859, in France and after visiting United States, Mister Elysee Recleus became a precursor to anarchism when he founded naturism, and after 1850 he became a full anarchist and politician in France after starting varieties of activities inside France in the 1800s, which is called by Users Of The Gregorian Calendar as being known to be The Nineteenth (19th) Century.Generally speaking, after 1920 in the twentieth century, Other varieties of naturism came up in France, but the modern varieties we use in "nudism" or "naturism-nudism" or "anarchist-primitive naturism" or "old school classical European Naturism" Is the varieties espoused by Henry Zisly, or varieties that are eitherprogressive naturism,ora variety of Non-Political naturism.Some naturism varieties include "Jewish Nudism-Naturism" "Christian Naturism" "Secular Naturism" Anarcho-Naturism" "Classical Naturism" "Indigenous Naturism" "Liberal Naturism" "Liberal-Christianity Naturism" "Freedomism-Naturism" "Adamism" "Nudist Eden-ism" Deistic Nudist-Naturism" "secular naturism" "agnostic naturists" and "Atheism-Naturism". Also "Heathenry-Naturism" and "Wicca Naturism" and "libertarian naturism" are common. Soviet naturism was alive and well in "East German Republic" and the "USSR" during soviet (1920 to 1991) era of East and central European history.Here is the end of the history section.(End of history section. SKIP to Below this line.)After 1991, this is what naturism means to "worldwide naturists" and "Europeans who are Naturists."1) Naturism is part of living in harmony with nature.2) Naturism involves freedom with environmental responsibility.(No religion universally prohibits either of these in entirety and fullness. every religion has some thing that has freedom guaranteed in thought or action, even if the rest are limited.)(The most restricted religions toward anything related to "Freedom" are Orthodox Judaism, some varieties of Christians like Primitive baptists and hardliner traditionalist Catholics, and some Traditionalist Orthodox Christian individuals as a whole, "Traditionally historic" Islam, Zoroastrians that are believers in absolute morality to the point of extreme modesty and closed society (a minority of Persian Pre-Christians and not the whole of Persian Zoroastrians) and A Minority of some of the Hindu religion groups that imitate sexually puritan or traditional moralist Christians. Most religions don't address nature or naturism. but some Polytheist religions explicitly endorse it and many Christians and Jewish people do address and accept it.(Most non-religious people have some tolerance of modernity but not all are naturists.)Other naturism things are obviously:3) Non-violence. Whenever possible. every mainstream naturist denounces rude behavior and scary behavior.4) Harmony with everyone. Love and respect for neighbors who respect you.5) The Golden Rule, love one another at least as they have loved you in good ways.6) Minimal environmental damage that is willfully destructive. People disagree about where this goes as a whole, but this is not disputed in European Early modern Philosophy of Naturism.7) living in communities near nature or where you don't do as much harm to nature.8) living in a respectful way with your community, families, friends, and neighbors, in kindness and respect, or at least at peaceful non-hostile environment.9) Minimizing environmental damage such as use of natural resources in extreme. or over consumption of food. or wasting medical resources with bad health. or burning fuels outside of necessary times.10) trying to wear less or zero clothing in private. When in public, using less clothing than needed by modesty practicing people, or going to places where you don't wear clothing at all at least once when you are visible to other people, in naturist-designated areas or otherwise.8) living in cities if not in rural communities that accept you for all the other factors for those who you are as a naturist.~ Vegetarianism is sometimes included, but Henry Zisly established some naturist communities without any vegetarianism and was less than vegan or against vegetarianism as an individual.Here are some things you can do clothes as a naturist1) tell people about environmentalism2) Help efforts to clean up pollution in the environment3) Prevent death of humans unnecessarily, of any kind. Not every one can do this, but you can either skip and not do it, or try to do it. there is no shame in being a good citizen and a good "Samaritan."4) Volunteer as a humanitarian worker or volunteer as a charity volunteer.5) Plant a Garden!6) Grow your own vegetables fruits beans and local grains!7) eat from your local garden!8) Go to a park clothed.Things you should do when a naturist.1) go to local nudist parks that are "NATURISM" practitioners. they should really all practice the philosophy of naturism. Bare Oaks near Toronto Canada is a good one! Bare Oaks' owner is a strict Philosophically Naturist who also is a Naturism nudist. Follow the local rules of naturism ( go in the pool clean, use towels when sitting on chairs, don't look down, respect others, NEVER look too long.)2) if nudist parks are not you, Go to offically nude beaches either by yourself WHERE IT OFFICIALLY is a nudist beach so you do it Legally, and go with your friend or partner if you do not go by yourself. and dont be rude at the beach on the dry land part of the beach or in the water.)3) Do it by yourself in your room where it always is legal as long as nobody is looking.4) do it at home, either by yourself or with someone who respects you doing it with you, But Only When it is legal, so as to do the "First do no harm" part of Naturism.5) Only do it legally at public parks or spaces where you cant get arrested for it. Denmark at all beaches since 1972 (pray it does not change). All of NZ as long as you do not get people to be bothered. Other wise, just join a beach or naturism society or go to the naturist locations. Or practice at home at least when feasible.Take care stay out of trouble.IN Conclusion:So, I consider myself a liberal nudist, a moderate, and a naturist to the max specifically for the philosophy of naturism. It doesn't interfere with my Christianity because I don't personally see any conflict with any of naturism as a whole. Mudwalkers accounts on YouTube and Patreon are great resource that show the two are not in contradiction. Some people disagree with him. I am politically moderate liberal or "Liberal Democratic Moderately center right." I socially am centrist or center left.I do not have any problem with anyone. I respect everyone that tries to do good.What bothers me is that this site has some people who NEVER WERE the same person behind the images they present on our screens. I am not giving my name but have given my real images. None are naturist or "nudism" and I always will be clothes in this account I have.I think anonymity is good, but that Does Not mean that you should not be known to the people running this site. I have given my images and my personal information to true nudists dot com. They deserve to have it.That does not mean I should have to turn it over TO Users of TN. YOU are not real if you use a fake image to damage people. Sorry. But No thanks. I trust the Admins and employees more than "Just anyone on the Internet."Some people are really bugging me on here, so I know you all know what I am talking about with scam accounts trying to rob the paying members by asking for money!!! They all know this. The problem is when "THE BEGGERS and FAKES NEVER GO AWAY" Or "They go after and harm people."I cannot believe the "ghost internet theory" is true for some websites. AI generated accounts and AI and fake images of people that do not exist is a troubling problem. go see YouTube accounts talking about "Digital Companions for Lonely People."I love you all, stay safe against scammers and hold feet to the fire to fight addiction to getting duped, lied to, and scammed. Please don't give random users money.Also, people who work at TN may not be doing the absolute best. but the people who care on here are doing their best. The real users say "don't scam me" or "don't use my images." What they need to do is not use this site for their images.Get off all the platforms of social media if they don't want to be seen. Not everyone has to get off this site or the other sites. But my idea is "dont share with them all your naturism." "Don't' share anything you are afraid to see people look at when they do not understand you."Please quit using AI companions, and look out for scams. I do not use this site too much.

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RE:Things to do clothed while still being Naturists. and what to do when being Naturists.

Albert Lecoq developed the International Naturist Federation at the CHM Montolivet in France in the 20th century, from my understanding from what I heard on the "Naturist Living Show" Hosted by the owner of Bare Oaks park in Canada.

From what I read, Anarcho-Naturism is the ideology that fathered 20th Century naturism. That was started first by the Anarcho Primitivists, such as Recleus, and Emile Gravelle and Henry Zisly while in Spain created messaging for Anarcho-Naturism.


Boni, Stefano (2009). "Zisly, Henri (18721945)". In Immanuel Ness (ed.). The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest : International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. ISBN 9781405184649.

Ortega, Carlos (Winter 2003). "History: Anachy and Naturism". Magazine. Madrid Naturist Association. Retrieved 2024-29-08.

Reclus, Elise (2004). Clark, John P.; Martin, Camille (eds.). Anarchy, Geography, Modernity: The Radical Social Thought of Elise Reclus. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. pp. 107. ISBN 978-0-7391-0805-5.

Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Reclus, Jean Jacques Elise". Encyclopdia Britannica. Vol. 22 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 957958.

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RE:Things to do clothed while still being Naturists. and what to do when being Naturists.

Great, thank you.

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RE:Things to do clothed while still being Naturists. and what to do when being Naturists.

Good to know these sources were useful. Thank you.

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RE:Things to do clothed while still being Naturists. and what to do when being Naturists.

Most of what I said about the other religions of the world came from the Encyclopedia Britannica. A lot of that had interesting information when I got to the Jainism article. Jainism generally has male nudism in the traditionally Digambara or "Sky-clad" religion among their men and priests.

I also learned from other sources that most other groups of Sky-Clad Jainism also have modern groups that have people doing naturism in modern religious practices among practitioners of the Jain religion in both parts of the Republic of India and in European, North American, and South Pacific Nations and other nations with Jainism.

Jainism's practices sometimes change depending on where they are in the world, because some religious societies of other countries can be very incendiary to Jainism and some practices of Jainism and also to Hindu Mysticism in general. For example, some people who are totalitarians don't like the Jain religion because of the principle of AHIMSA or First Do Not Harm Anyone.

Jains suffer discrimination in Gulf nations of UAE and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, occasionally, and Hindus very often get targeted for outing as Hindus in several Islamic religious states, which exist mainly in the Arabian Peninsula in the Middle East.

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