RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?Nude bike riding!
It's the time of the year (here in The Netherlands) that it can be warm late in the evening, after sunset. Sunsets over here can be quite late btw. Anyway, I really wanted to ride my bike naked and last week it was the perfect evening for it! Totally naked on my bike! Approx 5 km (3 miles), mainly in a park. It was amazing! Only a few people may have noticed me. In a more suburban area I was Donald Ducking - wearing a t-shirt only. Also an amazing experience! Please share your own experiences and your thoughts.
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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?Nude bike riding!It's the time of the year (here in The Netherlands) that it can be warm late in the evening, after sunset. Sunsets over here can be quite late btw. Anyway, I really wanted to ride my bike naked and last week it was the perfect evening for it! Totally naked on my bike! Approx 5 km (3 miles), mainly in a park. It was amazing! Only a few people may have noticed me. In a more suburban area I was Donald Ducking - wearing a t-shirt only. Also an amazing experience! Please share your own experiences and your thoughts.
Did you ever do the World Naked Bike Ride in Amsterdam?
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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?No I haven't but an organized nude ride certainly is on the list!
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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?8:00 last night. After my swimsuit "fell off" in the community hot tub, went for a skinny dip in the pool. Swam 4 laps then got out and sat on a chair nude for about 10 minutes before putting it back on. Nobody was there.
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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?Too cool to swim, but I started the pool pump, read the newspaper, caught up on texting, email and social media.
Same today except had a snack but no texting.
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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?Enjoyed the last day of summer in my backyard.
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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?Too cool to swim, but I started the pool pump, read the newspaper, caught up on texting, email and social media.Same today except had a snack but no texting.
Same as 2 days ago plus lunch.
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Post #639homeclothesfreeUltra NudistEarlD Editor exploring and engaging the clothes free... RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?Spent the day at one California's famous nude beaches.
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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?Finished my walk and stripped off for this picture in the backyard.
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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?Went to Gunnison today.
Great weather, warm but not hot or humid, light wind. warm water.
I didn't go in too far because water was rough and no lifeguards.
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