Hi guys seeking advice

Hey brothers, uncut here, posted on my profile asking for some advice , most comments suggested my solution is circumcision and explain its not as overwhelming as I think . Can anyone here reach out privately if they've experienced or have knowledge that could be beneficial on my decision. Thanks in advance

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RE:Hi guys seeking advice

Why do you want your foreskin to stay retracted when flaccid and what do you mean by having to continuously roll it back? Many adult males get circumcised for aesthetic reasons thinking having their glans exposed permanently looks "better". Foreskin has a purpose, to protect your glans. Without it, your glans will be keratinized (the process whereby the surface of the glans and removing mucosa of the circumcised penis become dry, toughened, hard and relatively insensitive, which can result in decreased sensitivity.)

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RE:Hi guys seeking advice

Hi Connorckern,
I hope my story can be of some help to you.
I was just an ordinary, uncut Catholic guy with no particular views on circumcision, either positive or negative. I knew it was a cultural thing in the USA, practised by Jews, Muslims and guys with phimosis or similar conditions. Here in Germany, there's no social pressure to be circumcised. Most guys are uncut, but there's a significant number who are circumcised.

On the other hand, I've always been attracted to nudism, but it wasn't until recently that I've had the chance to practise it regularly in my new home near a wonderful lake with an open FKK/nudist beach, where I regularly swim. There are lots of guys who retract their foreskins there. But then I started to feel like I wasn't fully naked unless I was retracted too.

For many years, I followed my nudist and open water swimming lifestyle with permanent foreskin retraction, and I was fine with that. At my regular check-up, I also decided to ask my urologist about permanent retraction, as there are lots of online forums that say it's a bad idea and could lead to paraphimosis. My urologist said that could happen to some guys with specific foreskin conditions, but in my case there's no harm done. But he immediately asked me why I didn't want to be circumcised if I wanted to be permanently retracted.

I was really taken aback by that question! My immediate though was that this guy was trying to charge me for the procedure (and he was, of course!). But I really wanted to be a cut guy with a permanent bare penis head, not just retracting and trying to keep it uncovered. I went ahead and made an appointment for my circumcision a few weeks later, in April of this year. I decided on a medium-low, medium-tight style, which I thought would be just right for me.

Don't worry! The procedure is straightforward and similar to any other simple operation. In my case, with local anaesthetic, it took about 50 minutes, so your urologist should be able to do a good job in that time. The procedure was relatively painless. The main worry is that you know and somehow you see what they're doing. But despite your anxity you still don't feel much pain. They suggested I arrange for someone to pick me up afterwards to avoid driving under the influence of the anaesthetic. This was not necessary, I was feeling pretty good, so I decided to take the bus back home.

Then there's the healing and adaptation phase, which could last about six weeks. In the first few days, I could barely see a swollen head, and I didn't need to take painkillers. My urologist gave me the all-clear to have sex three weeks after the operation. However, it's best to avoid any kind of intense physical activity or sport practice for about two months.

In terms of sex, it's absolutely great, and even better than before. It's a common misconception that your dick head is sensitive and painful. In fact, it's the foreskin and frenulum that cause discomfort, not the head itself. Once you've got over the initial period of adjustment, you'll find you can have sex much harder without any pain. You'll find your penis head is quite resilient. :) On the other hand, masturbation is a different but excellent experience. Now, without your foreskin and with less unnecessary sensitivity in your head, you'll be able to achieve new pleasure boundaries.
Some guys say that circumcision reduces sensitivity. To be honest, I don't really notice a difference when I'm having sex or masturbating. It's true that your head is less responsive to friction from clothes, or saying it better your head gets used to the usual daily friction. It's comparable to how your fingers work. You can push the limits with them working hard and with tough stuffs, but that doesn't mean you can't still feel a feather touching them later on!

Another bonus of circumcision is that it can make your head a bit bigger. This is what the guys on the forums call a "flared head". It seems that the foreskin compresses in some extend the penis head, and that it can expand after circumcision. Why not to get a nice mushroom head?

This is my story, from an ordinary uncut guy, to a diligent foreskin retractor, and finally to an ordinary and very happy cut guy. I'm a big supporter of adult circumcision, and I believe it should be a decision that's made by the patient themselves.

So, let's talk about why you're considering circumcision, when you plan to do it, and what style you're looking for, your frenulum. It's also important to understand any concerns or worries you have. It'd also be great to hear your case on this forum, as this is exactly the topic we're discussing here. Otherwise, I'm happy to answer your questions and share more of my experience with you via DM.
Take care!

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