Midlands naturist ramblers

Hi all have seen online that there is a group of naturist ramblers based in the midlands.
As a keen hiker I was wondering if anyone knows if how to contact this group so I can get myself on one of there future walks
Any information would be most appreciated

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RE:Midlands naturist ramblers

Wishful thinkin i guess but glad to join if we could find somewhere

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RE:Midlands naturist ramblers

I've seen it somewhere or I might have made it up I'm not sure

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RE:Midlands naturist ramblers

I think the group disappeared, i used to b on it, never got chance to go anywhere tho. I thought it was an organised group that go out on regular walks but it wasnt. Its difficult to find safe places to go, i guess, but a group of nudes hiking are more accepted. Hav heard there is a walk somewhere in sherwood where its tolerated.

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RE:Midlands naturist ramblers

Id happily join too. Perhaps we could organise our own? Staffs based too.

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RE:Midlands naturist ramblers

Ok... Lets find a secluded spot and choose a day... Be best in the day so we dont look like pervs cruzing.

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RE:Midlands naturist ramblers

Hi All

There is a rambling group its a private Facebook group called midlands naturist ramblers

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RE:Midlands naturist ramblers

Hi All

There is a rambling group its a private Facebook group called midlands naturist ramblers

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RE:Midlands naturist ramblers

Ok ta... Am not on facebook. Are you a member on it?

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RE:Midlands naturist ramblers

Im a member of the Facebook group. Theyve already arranged some events this year. Unfortunately, Im still recovering from an illness which put me in hospital so Ive missed them all so far.

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RE:Midlands naturist ramblers

They also have a MeWe group. Originally it was also Midlands Naturist Ramblers but renamed to UK Naturist Outdoor Walkers to cater for all of the UK

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