RE:I am sickened by the decline of this website...

I confess I have been deceived. I believed there could be a place for me here, at public nude beaches, naturist retreats, even family oriented nudist communities I frequented, and the truth is, I'm only disappointed, time and time again by people, I use to say men, but now there are women that want me as much as men, and not in a good way, but to use, sexually objectifying, for their own selfish gratification.

I wanted to believe there could be a legally public nude environment or even private groups, parties... where I felt I not only belonged, but felt completely safe, respected, enjoyed, celebrated, delighted in, w/o someone focusing on my large breasts, or giving me sideways glances as I put my coconut oil on, or asking me inappropriate questions...

I'm not saying all, or even most that I've encountered face to face, but the majority here, for sure, have had far from pure motives.

When will people get, we are human, it's not in size, shape, skin color, ethnicity, hair, no hair, what we have or don't have, who we know, how many likes, how many views... if we're honest, we're all desiring the same thing, love, acceptance, care, understanding, respect, human dignity...

As Earth as it is in Heaven, that was my hope, my goal, my prayer. I wanted to get back to the garden, PARADISE, on earth, with fellow humans, and found, it's not possible.

There's a little word that has huge consequences and it's rarely if ever talked about in most circles, even churches, and that's sin. Just a 3 letter word that holds so much meaning and slightly larger word, that is needed, essential to life, abundant, & eternal, GRACE.

Let you with out sin, cast the first stone. It's easy to cast stones, see others need more than our own, or focus so much on our own fleshly needs that we forget we are more than a body, but a soul, that will live eternally, and is made for not only better, but the BEST.

I still Love to BE IN my GLORY, but it's no longer about clothes or no clothes, it's more about my Jesus, SACRED & PERFECT LOVE, that casts out fear...

To BE.

I sincerely hope, pray, yearn for The BEST for all. Checking out. Keep looking UP.

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RE:I am sickened by the decline of this website...

I confess I have been deceived. I believed there could be a place for me here, at public nude beaches, naturist retreats, even family oriented nudist communities I frequented, and the truth is, I'm only disappointed, time and time again by people, I use to say men, but now there are women that want me as much as men, and not in a good way, but to use, sexually objectifying, for their own selfish gratification.I wanted to believe there could be a legally public nude environment or even private groups, parties... where I felt I not only belonged, but felt completely safe, respected, enjoyed, celebrated, delighted in, w/o someone focusing on my large breasts, or giving me sideways glances as I put my coconut oil on, or asking me inappropriate questions...I'm not saying all, or even most that I've encountered face to face, but the majority here, for sure, have had far from pure motives.When will people get, we are human, it's not in size, shape, skin color, ethnicity, hair, no hair, what we have or don't have, who we know, how many likes, how many views... if we're honest, we're all desiring the same thing, love, acceptance, care, understanding, respect, human dignity...As Earth as it is in Heaven, that was my hope, my goal, my prayer. I wanted to get back to the garden, PARADISE, on earth, with fellow humans, and found, it's not possible.There's a little word that has huge consequences and it's rarely if ever talked about in most circles, even churches, and that's sin. Just a 3 letter word that holds so much meaning and slightly larger word, that is needed, essential to life, abundant, & eternal, GRACE.Let you with out sin, cast the first stone. It's easy to cast stones, see others need more than our own, or focus so much on our own fleshly needs that we forget we are more than a body, but a soul, that will live eternally, and is made for not only better, but the BEST.I still Love to BE IN my GLORY, but it's no longer about clothes or no clothes, it's more about my Jesus, SACRED & PERFECT LOVE, that casts out fear...To BE.IN LOVEHISGLORY.I sincerely hope, pray, yearn for The BEST for all. Checking out. Keep looking UP.

I know it is a problem not sure it can be overcome this side of heaven. People feel emboldened when behind a keyboard especially, like most forms of social media. Seems like we all have to sort through a lot of rocks to find a gem, but when you find the right one it can be life changing. Just me two cents.

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RE:I am sickened by the decline of this website...

I've said this before. If you're looking for "real" relationships where you can have "real" conversations about nudism with "real nudists": go to a "real" nudist venue.

Online, you're going to run "all kinds", many of whom have no actual or relevant nudist experience.

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RE:I am sickened by the decline of this website...

So whats a good site to join ?

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RE:I am sickened by the decline of this website...

I confess I have been deceived. I believed there could be a place for me here, at public nude beaches, naturist retreats, even family oriented nudist communities I frequented, and the truth is, I'm only disappointed, time and time again by people.

Sad to know this is the experience you had I had the same hopes in the early days however this is very representative of online sites. Few if any are able or willing to chart a different path.

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RE:I am sickened by the decline of this website...

yAy!!! Fab U L US! EnJOY!!!

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RE:I am sickened by the decline of this website...

I confess I have been deceived. I believed there could be a place for me here, at public nude beaches, naturist retreats, even family oriented nudist communities I frequented, and the truth is, I'm only disappointed, time and time again by people.Sad to know this is the experience you had I had the same hopes in the early days however this is very representative of online sites. Few if any are able or willing to chart a different path.

So very unfortunate. Sites like these do not portray nudists/naturists well at all. In real life, I've found most nudist or naturist communities to be among the most healthy, real, morally sound, uplifting people in our society as a whole!

This being said, I've met some of you wonderful people through TN and for this, I am grateful! Blessings to all. May we all get back to the garden where there is no shame, fear, judgement... only Paradise!

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RE:I am sickened by the decline of this website...

There are naturist places out there where acceptance is abundant, not the exception. This is reflected by nearly equal numbers men and women of all walks of life. That said, there are always bad apples. There a bit easier to ignore when they are so outnumbered by people that find that behavior unacceptable. Regarding websites, there are others out there which have learned from the mistakes here. The issue there is to filter out the fakes and scammers, they are more difficult to join. They either need referrals, are expensive, or require personal data that can be uncomfortable to share with unknown website admins. And then, the community is much smaller, and women are still reluctant to join. However, maybe that is not a valid consideration. What percentage of men on this site are "True Nudists"? Maybe 10 to 20%? For women, its probably 1%. And then you have the hassle of filtering out all the fake nudists. I tell myself I should join one of the other sites, but I find myself back almost daily.

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RE:I am sickened by the decline of this website...

This is an excellent response and accurate description of the state of affairs.

There are naturist places out there where acceptance is abundant, not the exception. This is reflected by nearly equal numbers men and women of all walks of life. That said, there are always bad apples. There a bit easier to ignore when they are so outnumbered by people that find that behavior unacceptable. Regarding websites, there are others out there which have learned from the mistakes here. The issue there is to filter out the fakes and scammers, they are more difficult to join. They either need referrals, are expensive, or require personal data that can be uncomfortable to share with unknown website admins. And then, the community is much smaller, and women are still reluctant to join. However, maybe that is not a valid consideration. What percentage of men on this site are "True Nudists"? Maybe 10 to 20%? For women, its probably 1%. And then you have the hassle of filtering out all the fake nudists. I tell myself I should join one of the other sites, but I find myself back almost daily.

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RE:I am sickened by the decline of this website...

The real issue at hand is that people running this website are not realizing the endemic causes of the scams, and certain "nudist" sites are not trying to filter out scammers based on the needs that scammers cannot meet in order to make membership available to said scammers.

This site would be a great intro to nudism if it could just keep the good "naturists" and others that are of friendly demeanor to stay on this site and make the community healthier.

The sad part is that there is so much malicious intent out there in real life on Planet Earth and in the Real Universe, and so much is neglected here when we lose site of the viable ways to filter out scammers.

1) Do not make the site be required to be Pay to play, which just means More Vicious Scammers with More Money will Dominate. Fix ALL the issues before setting up a paywall, including paywall circumvention and identity obfuscation and circumvention issues of which scammers themselves are ALL TOO AWARE. They will manipulate all vulnerabilities in order to make Fast Money in That Scenario. Make it foolproof first.

2) Make the barriers to entry for membership Geographically-based and Identity-Based, Not Based on Monetary issues. Honestly, cutting out the issues with Identities that defraud other identities on the T N website and social media services by limiting the most problematic identities are the best solutions to manage the fraud crises on this website.

Try Adding a section of the "Account Section" that would remain hidden at all times from other users called "Cell-Phone Number" into the website for managing the Cell-Phone Number for Personal Information. It should also include a pass-phrase for entry to the section called the
"Passphrase for Cell-Phone Number." Mandate that Both be created for the accounts newly created and that it is a requirement for old accounts to stay active, so that way the website can function properly. Especially because people lose access to their email, SMS Passcodes should be sent Via SMS in a Process called Two-Factor Authentication via SMS (2FA via SMS Passcode.)

USE 2FA systems where you have a "Human" enter a "Passcode" by a non-copyable SMS code at their cell-phone number.

Make 2FA a privacy-centered solution for the tracking of usage of the Phone Number. For example, try to limit or eliminate totally usage from users WHO DO NOT ENABLE 2FA Based on their cell phone number. Try to Lock Accounts that disable 2FA via phone Passcode.

Allow the TeamTrue1 or TeamTrue2 to open a "Phone Line" for T N for customer service representatives to unlock their accounts manually only if they provide "Certain required information for Records" as a "Barrier To Entry" for their account information.

They should allow only the "Passphrase for access to Phone Number" and "Date of Birth" and "Country of Location" And Only line that up with "Past or Present Records" To indicated they are correctly speaking to the "Correct User's Account Owner." Use this as a "Filter" as to who can get their "Passcode" resent or to keep their account locked.

"Past or Present Records" should include information from the completion of your profile, and "required fields" should require "Passphrase for access to Phone Number" and "Date of Birth" and "Country of Location" and "Cell-Phone Number" in order to create an account, and to access an account in order to stay inside the website.

There also should be at least "An Option To Recieve T N Account Notifications by SMS" or to receive notification "Only via email" Or "Only via SMS AND Email" At the same time. Notifications would not have anything to do with 2FA. 2FA should ONLY depend on the tracing of the "Cell Phone" and information related to the Customer at the T N customer service desk.

All of you should add whatever you think would help with the prevention of scams and community decay on this platform after this post. Feel Free to post.

Have a great day.

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