legal nude kayaking in Arizona

Is anyone interested in doing any nude kayaking in Arizona? I have an inflatable that I can loan out.

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RE:legal nude kayaking in Arizona

Where do you go would luv to do kayaking when I get out to Arizona some time

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RE:legal nude kayaking in Arizona

I go to either lake Pleasant or Saguaro Lake.

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RE:legal nude kayaking in Arizona

Cool dont know where those are but if they are any areas near Phoenix please let me know definitely want to do nayaking some place safe out there.

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RE:legal nude kayaking in Arizona

The reason it would be safe or legal is that one doesn't take the risk by appearing nude to someone who would be offended. You need to use a sit in kayak and be away from others while on shore by using the back coves.

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RE:legal nude kayaking in Arizona

I regret getting rid of my sit in and getting a sit on for that reason, even in a busy area with a sit in once away from shore you can be pretty safe being nude. i've even had other kayakers come with a few feet while paddle and I stayed nude and didn't cover up.

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RE:legal nude kayaking in Arizona

I reckon that my sit-in kayak doesn't reveal what I'm (not) wearing with a casual glance as my waist is close to the height of the sides. Probably more attention-grabbing is if I'm not wearing my life jacket while on the water as I'm meant to.

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RE:legal nude kayaking in Arizona

Yes, You can do it that way with being on a sit on kayak as long as a person can cover up when anyone else gets close.

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RE:legal nude kayaking in Arizona

When nude I am careful to plot my course to give a little distance. Even if they were to be close I could position myself if necessary.

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RE:legal nude kayaking in Arizona

All good tips here. Appreciate this thread.

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RE:legal nude kayaking in Arizona

It is not illegal to be nude at most locations on national forest lands.

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