nudism has a come back?

It is funny today in the news magazine of arte arte journal they said that We have so many crises, our culture needs something to help us and this could be naturism/nudism. Also in naturism people are open to all body types, which is not the case on textile beaches. So may be we observe a coming back of nudism/naturism?

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RE:nudism has a come back?

I'd love to think and see that we are having a 'come back'! But I have some doubts here in Australia.

While many celebrities and 'health' publications extoll the benefits of nudism (in any of its forms - not here for a debate over nudism and naturism), the incremental gain in people to our community is thwarted by so many other issues. Women do not feel safe in a world where there seems ever increasing domestic violence and other gendered based crime. The very fact they do not want to bare their bodies around other people is no surprise whatsoever.

We also have our clothing optional beaches being closed and marginalised here. The filthy habits of some males at these places has ensured the pendulum swing against clothing optional beaches. As I write we are still struggling to gain back Tyagarah as a clothing optional beach and it served two state based communities due to Qld having no clothing optional beaches...

A renaissance is certainly what we need but sadly I don't think any publication can alone change where things are at here!

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RE:nudism has a come back?

The discussion in the media comes up because of an exhibition about nudism in Marseille.'Naturist%20Paradises'%20will%20run%20at,desire%20to%20return%20to%20nature.

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RE:nudism has a come back?

The discussion in the media comes up because of an exhibition about nudism in Marseille.'Naturist%20Paradises'%20will%20run%20at,desire%20to%20return%20to%20nature.

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RE:nudism has a come back?

I think nudism has acoming back. It started with the COVID crisis. People were alone at home and started beeing nude. Now with video conferencing and remote work, I think many people are nude during work. And in the end I hope these people are visiting the nude resorts.

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RE:nudism has a come back?

I would love to see a nudism/naturism renaissance and I think given what happened during the pandemic and the subsequent shutdown now would seem to be the time for it. I think its certainly possible a new movement could be born of what evolved during that period but Im afraid it will be limited. I dont think were going to see a rebirth of the nudist club days nor do I think were going to see any growth in the number of nude beaches, nude festivals, C/O park spaces etc. nor do I see public indecency laws being relaxed or bans on nudity being lifted. On the contrary.

Largely the folks that created those bans and enacted those laws still hold the seats of power at the local, state and federal level. Until they age out and younger folks take the reins, well, you get the picture.

The same can be said for the vast majority of nude clubs. The seats of power are still held by folks that have been there for, well, nearly a generation. They no longer know how to relate to a younger generation and that means fewer and fewer people come. They piss and moan about dwindling membership but they have done nothing to update entertainment opportunities at their club facilities since the 70s. Typically there is NOTHING for kids under 13 or 14 years old to do and god help them if they play in the pool like kids do because they will have a small army of octogenarians swoop in throw a fit and give themselves coronaries because of the noise and the splashing. So families arent truly welcomed and unfamiliar male faces are watched like ex cons rather than greeted and included in the community. Clubs like to boast about their security and safety for females in their clubs. Im sorry but ladies you are NOT safe in most clubs from the creepy 70 something old men who have been members for 40+ years. The days of feeling up cocktail waitresses and slapping their secretary on her ass still live rent free in the minds of dark brown leather skinned old men who wander the pool deck in their Donald Duck costume staring at all the women and making skeevy comments while they smile and leer. No, until that crowd is gone from the nude club scene and facilities are brought into the 21st century you will continue to see nude clubs die on the vine.

The new nude renaissance is occurring in peoples homes. Millennials and zoomers found naked freedom at home during the shutdowns and that is where they will stay for now. They have no desire to mix and mingle with their parents and grand parents especially sans clothing because many of them still believe they are the only ones who discovered their own personal el Dorado of nudity and they arent going to share it. Once the pandemic nudists realize they are legion, then we will see an explosion of new clubs, beaches, parks, trails, etc

In the meantime, the oldsters, the grumpy ol curmudgeons, the walker and cane wielding Donald ducks, and the child hating gravely voiced chain smoking old ladies will drive their proverbial nude club busses of a cliff and be absolutely dumbfounded about why nobody wants to get onboard.

I say all this based on my own personal experiences in a number of club settings on the left side of the country. If you feel your club is different but is still suffering falling membership, maybe your club isnt so different from what I described. If anything I said hurt your feelings or hits a little too close to home, GOOD. You need to be called out and culled from the herd. Youve done enough damage to a wonderful community and its time for you to go. If you truly have a unique club that is full of families and young people and has a growing membership and expanding property then you are a unicorn and should be proud of what you have accomplished.

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RE:nudism has a come back?

She made me a millionaire @Buildwealthwithphoebe (telegram username)She is the best in her field @Buildwealthwithphoebe (telegram username) Y'all should try her out...@Buildwealthwithphoebe (telegram username)She's 100% legit @Buildwealthwithphoebe (telegram username)

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RE:nudism has a come back?

Its been progressive since I started working with you @Buildwealthwithphoebe
@Buildwealthwithphoebe big turn around The world should know that you're a good woman @Buildwealthwithphoebe
How i wish everybody can be so kind like you @Buildwealthwithphoebe
i adore you so much She's mind blowing!
Thanks for your transparency

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