Coworker saw me naked

One of my coworkers lives in the same apartment complex as I do. Him and I are pretty close. Our conversations know no bounds...nothing is off limits so-to-speak. Basically a bromance, i guess. There's a great sense of camaraderie between us.

Above all he knows I'm a nudist. My apartment has a sign that says "Notice: may encounter nudity beyond this point". We've talked, him and I both sleep naked, and he's interested in trying a Korean Sauna with me some time. So he has no trouble with nudity, however he doesn't consider himself a nudist. But still, when I gave him the spare key to my place when I moved in, I let him know to use it wisely because he might walk in on me naked.

Well, over the last few months, he's come over to pick-up or borrow things, I'll be in just gym shorts or naked and covered by a blanket, since I knew he would be over. One night, we came back to my place after having dinner together. We were gonna watch a movie, so I pushed the boundary and stripped down to my underwear, without asking. A couple minutes later he took his shirt off and unbuckled his pants. We stayed that way the whole movie. Obviously nothing sexual, as he's straight, and I'm not trying to make these kind of experiences something they're not. Movie finished, he gathered his things, we hugged good-bye and I thanked him for letting me be me, and for joining in. He responded "of course, it's your place. I hate wearing pants too, and I would've joined but I have holes in my underwear". After he walked out my door I stripped down all the way, and come to find out a few weeks later he said he saw my bare ass through my window haha, he gave me a compliment on it and that was that. So I took that as a sign that I could start taking it up a notch.

About a week ago before a party at his place, I went over early to help him with some cleaning. He was taking a nap first, so I let myself in and hung with his roommate (a previous coworker of ours). My friend woke from his nap and made a joke (from his room) that i didnt come say hello. So i walked into his room, he's under his covers and i joke about him being naked under there. He flashed his ankles and we laughed. We talk a few minutes then he tries to get his underwear from the floor and the put them on while still under his covers. But he didnt stay covered very well and i saw just about everything. I joked that I've basically seen him naked at this point and doesnt need to hide it. He laughed and said "oh i don't care about that, it's just chilly and didn't want to get out from the blanket".

Again the bar has been raised and i figured I'd be naked in front of him the next time he comes to my place. Something casual, nothing show off-y. Tried to get him to the saunas over the weekend or over to watch a movie, but he's been busy.

Come to this morning. I decided to work from home and so i slept in a bit. I woke to a text from him asking if he could borrow the company van to transport some large equipment. Knowing i wasnt going in, i told him to just come pick up the keys from my place whenever he was gonna head into work. I get out of bed, use the restroom, only a couple minutes had gone by and my coworker walks into my apartment. I didnt have time to put any shorts on, so i figured it was a perfect opportunity. I sleepily greet the nude. He's happy to see me, we have a brief conversation while I'm grabbing the keys. Then i see him to the door. He tells me he'll have my keys back to me at the end of the day and i just told him I'll be home. It felt nice!

Part of me wanted to explain to him in the moment and after he left why i was naked, or apologize if i made him uncomfortable. It's just my nature. But i thought about our history together and how comfortable we are with one another, and how he acknowledged that he could possibly see me naked in my own place, so i refrained from saying anything about my nudity. I feel like this makes it more normal between us anyway. And hopefully he may now feel even more comfortable to join in on hanging naked with me.

Would love to hear from anyone else who might have had a similar experience. PMs open

My neighbor/coworker and I have great camaraderie and I finally felt comfortable enough, and had a perfect opportunity to be naked in front of him this morning. In a casual, nonchalant, nonsexual kind of way. He didnt seem to bat an eye about it either.

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RE:Coworker saw me naked

UPDATE: he came back to drop my keys off. He came in and I was finishing up some work. I invited him in and we sat and talked for an hour about random things. I ended up bringing up this morning, and even mentioned I was naked during our virtual meeting in the middle of the day. He said he figured I would be. Haha. He left to go make himself dinner, and as he was leaving, I let him know that if he ever felt comfortable, he'd be more than welcome to strip down too. He said, "If I was staying longer, I definitely would". We had a nice hug goodbye and now I'm feeling real good that I have a friendship such as this where I can be naked and he is accepting of it, and even willing to join in. I find it rare for straight, textile men to join in on this, so it's great that he's so comfortable with me.

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RE:Coworker saw me naked

Is your contact a nudist? If not you can discuss with him if he wants to be a nudist.

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RE:Coworker saw me naked

Is your contact a nudist? If not you can discuss with him if he wants to be a nudist.

He is not a nudist. He's just cool with nudity. But yeah, I'll see what he thinks about using the term nudist, and perhaps going to nudist places.

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RE:Coworker saw me naked

First go with him in a sauna. Then if he likes it go with him to a nudist beach. If he does not like it no problem. I was once with a coworker in a sauna and for him it was too much nudity. Then you know if he is willing to be a nudist or not.

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RE:Coworker saw me naked

I think it sounds like he will become a nudist eventually. Once they learn the freedom, its hard to put clothes back on.
Congratulations on having a future Nudist friend

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RE:Coworker saw me naked

I belonged to the same fitness center as a few of my coworkers at one time and seeing each other naked in the locker room was a non event.

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RE:Coworker saw me naked

Several years ago my boss and two or three coworkers would go to the YMCA several times a week at noon. We would see each other naked in the locker rooms, pool and sauna. No big deal just guys going to the gym.

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RE:Coworker saw me naked

This guy sounds like someone who is good to know and be friends with. Its nice that you can both just be comfortable around each other. Its funny because reading your story the only thing that seemed different to me was giving someone a key - haha. Im more controlling I guess.

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RE:Coworker saw me naked

Glad you enjoyed. Yeah he really is a great guy. And its awesome having someone that is cool just being bros with. And he has my key mostly for emergencies. The day he came over my door was unlocked.

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RE:Coworker saw me naked

Glad you enjoyed. Yeah he really is a great guy. And its awesome having someone that is cool just being bros with. And he has my key mostly for emergencies. The day he came over my door was unlocked.

Definitely seems like a great guy to be friends with, and maybe have him for a co-worker too

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