RE:Favourite part of the male body

The ass, its always been my favorite part of the body!

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RE:Favourite part of the male body

I'm always joking that my cock and balls are my best friends -- we play together all the time. But I'm not at all fond of their stinky neighbor who live behind them -- he's a real asshole.

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RE:Favourite part of the male body

Mu favorite part is my penis, because I can piss just about anywhere.

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RE:Favourite part of the male body

My dick because it is above average size and gets hards
And feels good when I have an orgasm.

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RE:Favourite part of the male body

My favourite part on a male would have to be his ass especially if it's hairy also love a guys low hanging hairy balls

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RE:Favourite part of the male body

Like these?

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RE:Tough question.....

Haha... I think you've captured it all. As a matter of fact..... I think you have it all.

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RE:Tough question.....

Haha... I think you've captured it all. As a matter of fact..... I think you have it all.

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RE:Tough question.....

Haha... I think you've captured it all. As a matter of fact..... I think you have it all.

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RE:Tough question.....

Favorite part of a male body ? Hmmm on another man, well that depends on if he was smiling at me or walking away. Lol
For myself its has to be my cock, because it brings so much pleasure to me. But a close second is my chest and the hair that reminds me of my Dad. Thats the one thing that I wanted from his genes. I never seen him naked. Shame, wish I could have !

On another man well its the whole naked body that I enjoy. Hairy or smooth it great. You can tell what he is thinking about all the time.

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