This has happened many, many times and the only way to resolve the issue is to try and contact TT2. Request that you take over the group, become the group's moderator but have some info on the current mod and how long they've been away from the group or logged onto the site. I took over several like that but as I said, I don't think you're going to have much luck contacting TT2.
The problem here is that the group is totally private and I'm not welcome in the group at all. The group consists of only men, no women. but according to the "about" I qualify to be a member. He's also blocked me so I can't see his profile or send him any messages. He has a habit of doing that without saying a word. And why did he block me? I caught him in a lie and fussed at him. He doesn't like being "caught". He says it's "too much drama". The same guy has had groups on Kik before and left both of those. He closed one because he said "everyone left". And he left the second one in the lurch. Now he's got the new one here on TN and he's doing the same thing. Hasn't posted anything new in 3 weeks, and probably didn't tell anyone he was going or when he'd be back. The group is stagnant because evidently he's the only one that can approve new members and posts.
Andy thank you for the reply. I will unabashedly admit that several of my posts in the *Conservative* forum are pretty much direct. I will concede that point as it was made with that audience in mind. Perhaps I could have been a little more subtle and I thank you for that. And if I crossed into meanness, please excuse me as that was not my intent. However, if you disagreed with me, send me a note and maybe we could have a rational discussion about differences & views and all move forward. I*m game for it.
Oops please excuse my quick left turn, followed by a yield and hopefully a full stop for all the others reading. I*ll try harder to stay the original subject post next time. We return now to our original programming.
I totally agree with the afore; what is truly sad is that is so unnecessary and totally preventable. I, along with many others have asked to be allowed to throw out the trash after many notifications to both TT1 & TT2 went unheeded. I think they have rolled up the sidewalks & turned off the lights.
Sure seems that way doesnt it.I totally agree with the afore; what is truly sad is that is so unnecessary and totally preventable. I, along with many others have asked to be allowed to throw out the trash after many notifications to both TT1 & TT2 went unheeded. I think they have rolled up the sidewalks & turned off the lights.
Sure seems that way doesnt it.I totally agree with the afore; what is truly sad is that is so unnecessary and totally preventable. I, along with many others have asked to be allowed to throw out the trash after many notifications to both TT1 & TT2 went unheeded. I think they have rolled up the sidewalks & turned off the lights.
I want people to know about the directories of the naturist spots that are on this website, which have some very accurate ones if they stay updated by locals.
The problem now is that so much of naturism as a movement has been declining since the 1970s in the Common Era and earlier.
This site has a few functions that easily could be replaced by some not-for-profit or trade association groups possibly.
The problem with that is the hassle in the work done inside those organizations to keep info up to date in the information age is fruitless sometimes and doesn't get compensated in any of the appropriate manners in many organizations.
I think they need to keep this site and make it work, or otherwise sell the site to a reasonable owner, and I assume the second choice will happen sooner rather than later.
This site connects people, for better or for worse, and seeing shut down altogether might not be the best possible thing to do, but seems to some members to be inevitable.
I suspect it is likely to occur, but no one can see the future, they can only make predictions that can either be correct or incorrect.
My problem is how so much of it is unpreventably bad.
Too many people can so easily get connected too quickly, probably faster than some dating sites and faster than the modern-day versions of Facebook, which tries to separate many people by geography.
There are many bad effects of this site, and so many people get hurt in the process.
I want all possible vulnerabilities to be redressed and all wrongs to be reversed or restituted, but I just want the world to do well. Whatever can get the best outcome works.
Imperfection is everywhere in the universe, and ever with us.
I have mentioned some basic things in other posts to get TT1 or TT2 to do them, but it does not appear that anyone will do anything.
It seems like some people are just running it provisionally. I wish the best for the people minding the letter of the American law, and of British Law, and International law more importantly.
If they could just take care of the Russian, and Chinese and Belarusian and Syrian and Eritrean and North Korean government-sponsored scammers using fake profiles to take advantage of the susceptible and gullible on here, that would be nice. But nothing gets done.
So whatever can change for better, I will accept. Just for the love of Might get rid of the bots on here so we don't get so dang polluted. Google deletes old accounts anywhere anyway whenever they are low on space. I wish this site could do the same!
People need to not cost the innocent lives of those living abroad from them, same for American officials, same for officials of other governments outside the United States Areas.
I had similar experience where he took over a group that I had posted in and immediately removed me from the group and banned me. Strange for him to not be talking about modding groups where people dont interact. Especially since he commonly blocks active members like myself.Andy ... I must ask a question after being blocked & removed from your groups as you post this comment, "Many, many of them promised to be active and contribute to discussions but never did. They visited the group gallery plenty but never added a single sentence to any discussion." I was probably the most active poster in your groups after yourself and you booted & blocked me. I'm just curious as to why? Please peruse my 1000+ real comments & let me know if you see anything inappropriate. I will promptly review & remove as needed.But to further the real point, I too am saddened by the current state of the site. It really needs to be cleaned up.