Ease my pre procedure anxiety?

Anyone able to provide be some reassuring words of encouragement would be much appreciated plus anyone else whom experienced this as an adult and doesn't mind sharing their experiences give me a dm . Thanks bros

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RE:Ease my pre procedure anxiety?

Hi there. I was circumcised as a baby and had a second circumcision when I was 20 as I wanted the skin to be super-tight and to have my frenulum removed. There was no pain in the aftermath of the op at all. Just do what the doctor says.

Why are you getting circumcised? Make sure that you get the style you desire.

Peter x

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RE:Ease my pre procedure anxiety?

Ive done it as an adult. I dont know your reasins behind it, but I can tell you theres bo reason to worry. Since Ive dobe it, I have never regret it. Its little uncomfortable until it heals, but afterwards

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RE:Ease my pre procedure anxiety?

I was circumcised when I was 29 (not 37) as Im more of a grower not a shower for want of a better description (too much foreskin when flaccid not enough when I was erect) and so I had issues for year with phimosis and all sorts.
I wouldnt have it any other way and wish Id had it done earlier, I had complications but nothing major, I would say that youll need at least 1-2 weeks to try and get back to normal walking around etc, I couldnt wear underwear for a long time and anything touching it was uncomfortable for the first week.
Silly things to think about would be bedding, I ruined several and added up with ladies panty liners in my boxers for a while and big absorbent medical pads on my bed so not to bleed on to the mattress etc.
I was planning to write a blog but never got around to it as much content out there is negative and saying its mutilation.
Any questions drop me a message most of my friends have now seen my dick because Im very open about the procedure and since several other friends have had it for medical reasons and say how its improved their lives.

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RE:Ease my pre procedure anxiety?

I was circumcised when I was 29 (not 37) as Im more of a grower not a shower for want of a better description (too much foreskin when flaccid not enough when I was erect) and so I had issues for year with phimosis and all sorts.
I wouldnt have it any other way and wish Id had it done earlier, I had complications but nothing major, I would say that youll need at least 1-2 weeks to try and get back to normal walking around etc, I couldnt wear underwear for a long time and anything touching it was uncomfortable for the first week.
Silly things to think about would be bedding, I ruined several and added up with ladies panty liners in my boxers for a while and big absorbent medical pads on my bed so not to bleed on to the mattress etc.
I was planning to write a blog but never got around to it as much content out there is negative and saying its mutilation.
Any questions drop me a message most of my friends have now seen my dick because Im very open about the procedure and since several other friends have had it for medical reasons and say how its improved their lives.

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