frustrating Airbnb experience

I hosted 2 young men this week thru Airbnb. Both in their 20s. Both said they were excited about soaking in the hot tub.

I showed the one guy the simple logistics for operating the tub, How to fold the cover back and which button to push to get the jets flowing
That is all there is to it. I specifically said that he did not need to touch anything else.

When I came home I walked in the front door and immediately saw the backdoor to the hot tub standing open. The screen door was not even latched. Oh it was well below freezing out , Both guys were soaking and I stuck my head out and asked if I could join them.
I stripped down completely and got in. I politely pointed out that the door should have been shut and I got a stoned response of " sorry man thought he shut it" from both of them. They reeked or grass.
When the jets shut off and the water cleared it revealed that they were both wearing longish shorts not obeying the house rules clearly posted above the tub. 1. Use Common Sense ( i e close doors on cold days) 2. NO swimsuits allowed.
They assured me that my nudity was fine with them, but the one guy did have a surprise look on his face when i had walked out.
When they got out , they took off their pants and threw them in the sink in the guest room without even wringing them out. That I discovered the next morning.

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RE:frustrating Airbnb experience

The beauty of airbnb lies in a carefully-written review. And we all know you can write well!

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RE:frustrating Airbnb experience

Definitely bad enough to leave a review pointing out these problems

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RE:frustrating Airbnb experience

i bypassed the review and talked directly to the help line at Airbnb. They took it very seriously. This duo will not being booking thru Airbnb again.

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