RE:Touch Practice

Would like to re-ignite this - anyone interested in Brisbane?

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RE:Touch Practice

I attend a yoga class in Brisbane for guys and we do yoga and quite often have massage as pre meditation at the end of the class. This massage is taught and very beneficial to all the men. We have some guys who have been involved with body electric who attend and the class is run by a very experienced instructor/yogi. If you are interested please message me for the details.
Cheers Steve

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RE:Touch Practice

love to join group for touch practise

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RE:Touch Practice

I am a newbie to this group but not to nudism so now I have time spare would like to meet up with likeminded guys to share one on one nude time with when time, place and opportunity allow with the hope so will become good lasting friends. Before I signed up here when reading the different discussion topics I was in many ways surprised this Touch Practice discussion has been going on for many years in part because guys are still seeking a group that offers a safe consensual place where they can "touch" other guys in a nonsexual context.

Maybe because I grew up with tactile nudist parents who were always hugging and touching ie handshakes, arm around the waist etc their nudist and clothed friends I to have never been shy or reserved about mutual body touch / touch practice - for me its a communication of trust and intimacy between you and the other person and an expression of a bond between the two of you. Yes, from experience I know, mutual naked touch practice may prompt an erotic response but if you two have established / know what is acceptable behaviour and boundaries then you and the other naked person can handle this situation accordingly. Touch Practice in allowing another person through touch explore your naked body and you theirs if same sex can also be an exciting way to discover your body and inner self. So instead of endless discussions here about setting up a local Touch Practice groups why not invite a one on one share nude time with one of your TN friends where you can start with established rules about where like them to touch you and touch them and a nude hug before you commence? However if you have not encountered it already I have encountered on the Chat Page a small number of True Nudist who equate a hand below the navel or around the nipple to be inappropriate for nudist so some may reject or misunderstand your invitation.

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RE:Touch Practice

Very well explained PetersJ

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RE:Touch Practice

Most definitely.

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RE:Touch Practice

I am interested in some touch practice

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