
who still masterbates or at least plays with himself despite ED?
i for one still do, Permanately soft or not, i still love playing with my cock and masterbating.

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RE: masterbation?

Please share....Joseph

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3 months after surgery

I can't get erect yet but I still enjoy masturbation. But not as much when I could really "get a hold of things". I have had to learn new techniques. Maybe I haven't found the best way yet.
I am VERY greatful to this group.

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RE: masterbation? why not

If semi-how do you perform? I use the pump but if I could without it, it would be great. Joseph

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RE: masterbation? why not

Sorry about the delayed response. I pinch quickly just below the head and that seems to provide enough pleasure if I'm worked up enough by watching or reading something. I also use a thick hand lotion and just grip, slide off, re-grip, repeat. Hope this helps.

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I often masturbate. Takes a bit to get hard but i enjoy taking my time. No ejaculation anymore due to prostatectomy but my orgasms are really intense! Have a slight problem with incontinence but working on exercises to keep that issue at bay. Really hope to find a guy near me with the same issues to hang out with.

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