Yet another post to find friends from around my age
Start by checking out the forums, locations and groups here for places/people near you.
Don't forget to fill out an honest and down to earth profile here.
Next, just get out the house and actually visit/engage in nude venues and see what all the world has to offer . . .
Happy hunting . . .
Hey there! Sorry for the late reply. In my case engaging in outside contexts is basically impossible. I have some personal limitations, like my family being anti-nudist and that I need to tell them what do I do in any moment. I can't move alone since that's quite expensive for me, so right now, since I live with my family, I live under their rules (even if I'm +18), so going outside is something I can't currently do; the best that I can do is to seek social interactions in the web (like in this case) meanwhile I can go finally outside and engage on IRL social nudism.