RE:All Male Colleges

Here you go:

nudism /nudzm/ Brit /njudzm/ noun
Britannica Dictionary definition of NUDISM
: the practice of not wearing any clothes especially in private places (such as camps or beaches) that are separated from public areas
called also (British) naturism

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RE:All Male Colleges

Yes I've seen it:

Steven Yeun & Conan Visit A Korean Spa | CONAN on TBS

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RE:All Male Colleges

That link directs you to Conan's Japanese Etiquette Lesson

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RE:All Male Colleges

I call bullshit. That never happened. I think he's been reading penthouse letters too long.

There was a time when suits were not allowed to be worn in the pool.

John aka cobeachbum

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RE:All Male Colleges

I call bullshit. That never happened. I think he's been reading penthouse letters too long.There was a time when suits were not allowed to be worn in the pool.John aka cobeachbum

Not college, but there was a Yahoo group called YMCA naked that talked about how nudity was mandatory in the pool and optional for some or all athletic activities and in the dorm common areas at some Ys.

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RE:All Male Colleges

I call bullshit. That never happened. I think he's been reading penthouse letters too long.There was a time when suits were not allowed to be worn in the pool.John aka cobeachbum

I think you, like many others here are confusing nudity with nudism.

Mandatory naked swimming isnt mandatory nudism.

Nakedness at an all male college, bullshit story or not, one thing it definitely isnt is nudism.

One old mans naked fantasy is not going to change that.

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RE:All Male Colleges

My college wasn't all male but I spent a semester in an all male dorm. It was a long hall with rooms on each side. Rooms had just a sink and two beds. Midway on the hall were the toilets on one side and showers on the other. So it was common to see naked (sometimes towel wrapped) guys coming and going to the showers. Just a long row of shower heads sticking out of the wall. I don't remember anyone ever even making a comment about it. Only memory related to that was when somebody towel snapping somebody else in the hall, which drew a response, which drew more participants, which soon devolved into a full blown fist fight. I've seen bar fights before but that was the first and last time I've ever saw a bunch of naked guys beating the crap out of each other. I doubt any of those guys considered themselves a nudist though.

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RE:All Male Colleges

My college wasn't all male but I spent a semester in an all male dorm. It was a long hall with rooms on each side. Rooms had just a sink and two beds. Midway on the hall were the toilets on one side and showers on the other. So it was common to see naked (sometimes towel wrapped) guys coming and going to the showers. Just a long row of shower heads sticking out of the wall. I don't remember anyone ever even making a comment about it. Only memory related to that was when somebody towel snapping somebody else in the hall, which drew a response, which drew more participants, which soon devolved into a full blown fist fight. I've seen bar fights before but that was the first and last time I've ever saw a bunch of naked guys beating the crap out of each other. I doubt any of those guys considered themselves a nudist though.

I doubt that many if any did either. Being naked in an all male environment was just a normal part of life 50 years ago.

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RE:All Male Colleges

My experience is similar to what has been stated above. I was in an all male dorm at university where casual nudity was fairly common. There were two bathrooms with gang showers on each floor and after the first month or so, most would walk to and from the shower wrapped in a towel or for the less shy among us (about 35%) fully naked carrying our towel with our soap/shampoo. It wasn't unusual to change or get dressed without closing one's door since we had all seen each other in the shower by then. There were maybe two or three guys that were quite shy and always showered late at night or very early in the morning so they could shower alone.

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RE:All Male Colleges

My experience is similar to what has been stated above. I was in an all male dorm at university where casual nudity was fairly common. There were two bathrooms with gang showers on each floor and after the first month or so, most would walk to and from the shower wrapped in a towel or for the less shy among us (about 35%) fully naked carrying our towel with our soap/shampoo. It wasn't unusual to change or get dressed without closing one's door since we had all seen each other in the shower by then. There were maybe two or three guys that were quite shy and always showered late at night or very early in the morning so they could shower alone.

Did anyone study, socialize, etc. nude?

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