Neither Pride nor Shame

I did not design or make my body. I'm not responsible for its various parts and pieces. I have cause for neither pride nor shame.

I'm neither proud of nor ashamed of my nose, fingers, or toes -- why should my attitude be any different regarding my cock and balls?

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RE:Neither Pride nor Shame

I did not design or make my body. I'm not responsible for its various parts and pieces. I have cause for neither pride nor shame.I'm neither proud of nor ashamed of my nose, fingers, or toes -- why should my attitude be any different regarding my cock and balls?

Embrace them! They are just part of the features that make is individuals.

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RE:Neither Pride nor Shame

Absolutely. They are all merely parts of my body.

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RE:Neither Pride nor Shame

Some parts of my body I can influence and some I can't. I probably should seek to improve those I can in contrast to acceptance of those I can't.

Okay, there's surgical measures, but I'm not going there. :-)

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