Nude at a monument or tourist site

Some what inspired by Jess the Nude Blogger, making my trip along Australia's New England Highway yesterday I had dressed with the notion of driving nude for many kilometres. Due to some factors, such as needing fuel and coffee, it took some time to settle in and get nude in the car.

But after I had been able to strip off I started to get tired and restless, and need some fresh air and to walk around. I looked for opportunities to pull over and di that. None were free of other travellers or were simply too visible to the highway....and then I arrived at Thunderbolts Rock.

Captain thunderbolt had been an Australian bush ranger who robbed the wealthy travellers in the 1800's. He hid at this rock and watched for the stage coaches. The place is actually really denigrated and nobody up keeps it.

So I stopped here and waited to see if anybody else stopped...nobody I explored....nude of course.

While this is hardly comparable to Jess' nude visits at the Golden Guitar and the Big Banana it did make for a sense of wondering how many people in here have had a nude experience at a monument or tourist place of interest, whether that place be maintained or derelict?

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RE:Nude at a monument or tourist site

Never as a lone act but as part of the Philadelphia Naked Bike Ride last summer was nude with ~1000 others biking past a number of attractions in historic Philadelphia.
Apparently, it is one of the two best attended ones and it goes through many areas with dining, shopping and tourist attractions.
What could be a better way to celebrate freedom from clothes than riding past Independence Hall nude?

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RE:Nude at a monument or tourist site

Yes one can experience it but you shouldn't try if other people are staring at your private part.

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RE:Nude at a monument or tourist site

Come to visit my country as nudists. I will make your trip memorable. drop me a message and express how you want to spend time with me and other like minded nudists.

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RE:Nude at a monument or tourist site

Yes one can experience it but you shouldn't try if other people are staring at your private part.

True, but if there are close to 1000 naked people there at the same time there is safety in numbers.

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RE:Nude at a monument or tourist site

... wondering how many people in here have had a nude experience at a monument or tourist place of interest, whether that place be maintained or derelict?

Hi folks, while hiking I sometimes came across some monument sites, more or less prominent, where it was possible to stay naked. Such as, for example, in the Vosges Mont Donon with the scenic temple, Grand Wintersberg with the outlook tower, Lac del a Maix. And of course some of the many castle ruins there, as Wasenbourg, Warthenberg etc. At least for me it's a quite intense experience to explore such sites with their whispering historical heritage just as god made me. Off this region for example I was at Cabo Trafalgar (Spain, known by the French/British sea battle in 1805) with it's lighthouse - but this is not a big deal as the phantastic beach there is de facto clothing optional anyway. Or, same region, Torre del Tajo between Los Canos de Meca and Barbate, or on the Mediterreanean Sea side, the ancient gold mines of Rodalquilar as the finish point of a nude hike around the Cerro del Cinto.

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RE:Nude at a monument or tourist site

... wondering how many people in here have had a nude experience at a monument or tourist place of interest, whether that place be maintained or derelict?Hi folks, while hiking I sometimes came across some monument sites, more or less prominent, where it was possible to stay naked. Such as, for example, in the Vosges Mont Donon with the scenic temple, Grand Wintersberg with the outlook tower, Lac del a Maix. And of course some of the many castle ruins there, as Wasenbourg, Warthenberg etc. At least for me it's a quite intense experience to explore such sites with their whispering historical heritage just as god made me. Off this region for example I was at Cabo Trafalgar (Spain, known by the French/British sea battle in 1805) with it's lighthouse - but this is not a big deal as the phantastic beach there is de facto clothing optional anyway. Or, same region, Torre del Tajo between Los Canos de Meca and Barbate, or on the Mediterreanean Sea side, the ancient gold mines of Rodalquilar as the finish point of a nude hike around the Cerro del Cinto.
I've often wondered what Europe would offer in terms of nude possibilities at monument sites. I travelled in Europe in the early 90's during the month of May. Day temps snuck up towards 20c and folks would strip off in parks down to their underwear...always wondered what temps it would take to get them nude!

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RE:Nude at a monument or tourist site

I've often wondered what Europe would offer in terms of nude possibilities at monument sites. I travelled in Europe in the early 90's during the month of May. Day temps snuck up towards 20c and folks would strip off in parks down to their underwear...always wondered what temps it would take to get them nude!

Not all Europeans are nudists or like to get naked where others might see them (probably, actually a minority). So it's not only a question of temperature but also of personal attitude and preferences. And the majority of nudies also considerate of their surroundings, they don't want to offend anyone or make anyone feel uncomfortable by their nude appearance.

Maybe i can give an example with another landmark site: we once drove the Lombarde pass route (an alps passage between Italy and France) with the campervan and as we were late and dusk came up, we decided to sleep on the pass hight. In the morning it was quite cold (2300 m elevation i guess), but we had such a great sunrise! After a first coffe in bed the sun was out and it was great to feel the beams on your bare skin. So we decided to ecplore the abandones military buildings there just as we were, au naturel. No one else was there, maybe some poeple in the rare cars driving over the pass could have seen us from the distance, but i think this is not a situation anyonecan feel annoyed with (and if so, she/he could just look in another direction).

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RE:Nude at a monument or tourist site

I've often wondered what Europe would offer in terms of nude possibilities at monument sites. I travelled in Europe in the early 90's during the month of May. Day temps snuck up towards 20c and folks would strip off in parks down to their underwear...always wondered what temps it would take to get them nude!Not all Europeans are nudists or like to get naked where others might see them (probably, actually a minority). So it's not only a question of temperature but also of personal attitude and preferences. And the majority of nudies also considerate of their surroundings, they don't want to offend anyone or make anyone feel uncomfortable by their nude appearance.Maybe i can give an example with another landmark site: we once drove the Lombarde pass route (an alps passage between Italy and France) with the campervan and as we were late and dusk came up, we decided to sleep on the pass hight. In the morning it was quite cold (2300 m elevation i guess), but we had such a great sunrise! After a first coffe in bed the sun was out and it was great to feel the beams on your bare skin. So we decided to ecplore the abandones military buildings there just as we were, au naturel. No one else was there, maybe some poeple in the rare cars driving over the pass could have seen us from the distance, but i think this is not a situation anyonecan feel annoyed with (and if so, she/he could just look in another direction).

The number of "declared" naturists and "declared" nudists absolutely is a minority globally. As far as the numbers go, my best estimates is that there are millions upon millions of "Partial or situational nudists" in countries all over the world, especially among some cultures in a minority of many certain possible situations.

For reference, there are 8 and two-tenths Billion People, (8,230,000,000) who are alive in the world right now. The total global live population at any time might have reached its all-time high in 2024 and will go down from this time onward, due to birthrate declines in the Pacific, Latin America, Africa, and across Asia. There are 1 Billion and 420 Million people living inside the Federal Republic of India right now. India is therefore the most populated nation on the planet since China only has 1 Billion and 230 Million people living in Mainland China plus Macau and Hong Kong.

I'll just say this, there are millions of many people who are nudists situationally in the range of half a billion to about 300 million in "rare" situations. Depending on if people bathe nude or not, millions more people additionally accept either limited public bathing, or "private" "non-sexual nudity" in private or otherwise public in bathing situations. This varies when people do not have "access at their home" to "running water" so some people usually can go to a sub-standard bathing situation or otherwise to a public bath or an outdoor bath or a "bathhouse" dependent on their neighborhood. For some people, that really is the limit of their experience in nudity from a "nudist" perspective in many many nations, if they even have some.

Islam often limits people to their homes or away from anyone else's prying eyes. Same for many many people inside Chalcedonian Trinitarian Eastern Orthodox Christianity (The Eastern Orthodox Churches), and the situation is the same for many people inside many branches of the Catholic churches, Same for people inside the right-wing protestant churches, especially among conservative right-wing Baptists inside The Middle East and Baptists inside the United States and Baptists inside nations inside the Continental Area of Africa (including Madagascar). Orthodox Jews often limit nudity as well.

The Buddhist religion also has a few major branches that usually promote some level of "Buddhist Modesty" as a virtue and promote the values of Buddhism through both virtues of "Modesty" and "dress codes" along side virtue among commoners and "Monasticism" among the buddhist monks.

Sometimes people miss the big picture of life and instead look for smaller narratives. Many of these narratives alienate some of us from several religions.

I cannot find anywhere in the Bible among Jesus' words about dress-codes.

What I have found is the Sermon on the mount, but often people inside the "readers of Bibles" inside the Christian communities, and usually certain branches of Protestantism, look to the advice of Paul the apostle.

People need to know the "historic" and "in its own past era" contexts of the Bible before criticizing it or taking it as truth blindly.


So, right off the bat, there are few people among Humans in general that are more than "Basic home only private nudists."

So if the more than home nudists goes up when including people in African Asian and Latin American and Pacific Countries that are able to bathe outdoors, the basic number is about between 500 Million to about 1 Billion at most. So 1/7 to 1/8 of earth really could be for just bathing or just for outdoor showers or swimming, but not the majority of the world is in that group because of laws and standards mean people could be marginalized for it and minimize even swimming outdoors, like it is in Asian and African Officially Islamic Law countries. One should check out the map of the legal systems of the world on Wikipedia.

Here is the link here:

Customary law based in Islam or extreme moral standards of Judaism, Eastern Christianity, Protestantism, or Buddhism, or some of the other morality religions can also hinder the spread of nudism and marginalize nudists by oppression. One should research religion by countries' distribution of population.

Some of the more accurate statistics of religion globally as of 2020 in English can be found here:

Generally speaking, unless a culture was respected by being never ever colonized by Europe, or some other religious culture, or the Europeans left them alone by only partially colonizing their culture and later leaving them less influenced by Europe after De-Colonization happened, only culture that were less well-contacted-by-Europeans-or-Islam included full-time nudists after British, Kingdom of Netherlands, French, Belgian, Russian, Spanish, Ottoman Turkish, Arabic, Islamic, or Chinese Conquest had finally been expelled in much of the nations of the world.

Many nations are still reeling with the consequences of Islamic, Ottoman Turkish, Arabic, Russian, French, Belgian, and Spanish Conquest. For example, domestic violence has never decreased since the second Congo war in DR Congo, formerly Zaire, formerly Belgian Congo. Much of the violence has origins in the subdivision of the Belgian Overseas Empire in that part of Africa by the Belgian Kings.

Former Ottoman places in much of Europe still have a violence culture and a Modesty culture leftover from the Ottoman Empire. Take for example Bosnians in the Republika Serpska region of the Bosnia U.N. Member Nation.

Extreme violence among Bosnians is still left over from centuries of division and later the Ethnic conflict which lasted from 1991 to 2008.

Much of "Modern Nudism" and the term "Naturism" is generally confined to Australians and New Zealand people, and among Canadians and United States People and among a certain population of people in much of central and Western Europe among many Secular people and among some "Alternative Religions" practitioners, among mystic or spiritual people, among some Catholics and Protestants and among some of the other Christians and among smaller groups among European Muslims, and among people who are interested in some of the other cultures that do not belong to the major cultures of Europe or the major cultures of Asia.

Much of the movement comes from several "lebensreform" people in Nineteenth Century Germany and Western Europe, and much of the movement comes from people in Anarchist circles among historically among Canadians and Americans and Europeans. Much of it also comes from Reformers to Catholic and Protestant Christianity and some other Christians who attempted to make successful reform movements in the 19th century, as well as reformers from the 19th and 20th century in Hinduism and Buddhism, and reformers inside Spirituality, Minority religions, and paganism and mysticism, inside the 19th and 20th centuries. As well as among the original religions outside Europe being re-evaluated and respected, as well as survival of indigenous religions in Africa, Asia, Americas, and the Pacific and Australia and New Zealand, we have much to credit for the western re-discovery of "Spirituality" or otherwise "reform" in the 19th century and earlier to help "Western" people become more adept to nudism among some of the people inside "the Collective West."

We really have to thank the spread of ideas, and sometimes literacy, for the spread of these ideas inside Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and in the USA, for transforming some of the culture into nudism. And some of that did translate in the 19th and 20th century with the idea of Public Bath-Houses, and, to an extent, the then-segregated-by-gender public pools in the USA and several countries in what now are called "Western Countries."

Naturism largely is reliant on past movements rather than the survival of new ideas from different cultures, or bringing new ideas into effect. Part of that has to do with the lack of reform among some people who were more reform-minded in the past who have become less reform-minded in the future from that past time into the present time and the present future we have.

For reference, I really think that "organized naturism" is possibly going to be limited to under half of the world population forever.

The world population is about 8"23 Billion.

About 1"42 Billion live in India.

About 1"5 Billion live in partially naturist-friendly countries, not including India or Mainland China,

about 1"5 Billion to about 500 Million are partial nudists, and about 30 Million to 2 Million are naturists in general,

and about 5 Million to about 600,000 are organized "Naturists" or "organization nudists" in general by National Naturism Federation membership.

About 600,000 to 200,000 inside the USA probably consider themselves a "Full Nudist" or a "Naturist" or a "clothing optional person," and that number is translated into percentage into about 0.2% of the total Population inside the USA, which is among the highest ones in the world. Most of these are not members of "Naturism associations." In the USA, naturism association members are probably for The Naturist Society and AANR membership added together is between 300,000 to 28,000 total, or between 0.1 Percent and 0.0098 Percent of the Total Population of the United States.

So, overall, naturism has now become a small minority again in many places inside the "Collective West" and the "Developed North." So much work needs to be done to dispell misconceptions about "The Philosophy of Naturism."

Regarding respect, People obviously need to be respectful of the fact that not everyone would be able to want to go "Au Naturel" immediately.

Everyone needs to act like a normal person, wherever that takes you, except when people override your personal boundaries outside the bounds of the law. And everyone should try to act to make improvements to the law where you can. But sometimes people cannot be empowered when everyone is fighting against you, so you really would need to go somewhere else to prevent getting into a worse situation. It all depends on the time place and situation. The best time to leave is when you are in bodily harm's way.

People obviously need to respect the idea that some people are not just like you, and that you could be misinterpreted over time. People obviously need to be cognizant of changing cultural differences, including both ways you are similar and different, and to take note of how you would be become more alike or less alike to people around you.

People in the present day obviously would interpret being forced to get naked as a threat to their safety if it was inside a non-nudist public place. Most people are not acquainted or familiar with nudism. Nudism is not totally forgotten, but to many people it really is unknown or forgotten.

So obviously, in the case of law enforcement, you have to practice social nudity or nudism or naturism it discreetly, in places where it really isn't illegal to be a naturist. Primary places include areas in Swiss Cantons where it is legal, New Zealand, Denmark, and at some beaches in Spain and in the rest of Europe and at a limited number of "official" beaches where the law makes exemptions for it in "Canada" and "Australia" and "The United States."

A good list for these places is over at Wikipedia, over at

and at Wikivoyage articles about naturism.

You always have to check the accuracy of the articles from the Wikimedia Project and the wiki articles by examining whether it is true by using external sources or outside sources outside of Wikimedia Project pages or wiki pages by trying to corroborate data about such subjects by looking for them online or outiside books or books from the book stores or libraries. It is good to review both primary and secondary sources to look for the verification of such data.


Most people are not naturists except maybe in New Zealand and in Denmark and certain parts of Germany and Switzerland and parts of London inside the U.K, but there really are several of us online and offline in the real world. Several of us exist all over the globe, and many of us might sympathize with us all over the globe. But not all of us naturists or nudists speak the same language or view the world the same way.

Most people on earth alive might not understand us in the present day, even though the world population likely will decline greatly over the next two decades from mortality and low birthrates all over the world during that time.

Most of us really have to be respectful of the idea that , except in Germany, Denmark, New Zealand, and some communities inside Switzerland, and some neighborhoods of London and some of the other European cities and tourist towns, there are not many places where the majority of people who really are naturists in most of the world's neighborhoods. And much of the world simply doesn't understand because they do not all know about the ideas naturists or organizational nudists know about.

New Zealand might, Denmark might, some parts of Germany might and some cities like London might, as well as several nations in Europe might, but there are not many naturists overall among the millions upon millions living in Europe.

Europe has only 1.4 billion people living in or near it, out of 8.2 Billion globally. Only if some changes happen in the world could the proportions and actual number of people living in Europe or in the Rest of the World's Regions could change over time. But nobody knows the future, so we have to live with the present right now. The Present is right here, that is why we call it that. So we have to change, as the present time constantly changes every half-second.

We have to know what people know, and that is that sometimes we really are helpless to change others, especially those that we do not have any direct influence over.

We have to know that monunments, such as other public places, should only be attempted to have naturism near it when it is safe and legal to do so, such as in the Mountains of Switzerland or in the summer on the Coastline of Denmark or around the whole year in New Zealand and other warm places where you can legally be naked or go to a nude beach.

Check for the legal statuses on websites such as the American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR) website, or INF-FNI website for international naturism recreation information at the website of the International Naturist Federation.

Please check your sources for external verification for there to be safety to do naturism in public places.

And please try to keep existing sites safe and legal for naturism to happen by pressuring local and national and federal governments in Europe and in Australia, New Zealand, and Everywhere else where existing officially recognized naturist sites are located.

That is the best we can do is raise awareness to governments outside Russia, China, and The USA, to keep other naturist sites in other countries naturists.

And where national law is passive on social nudity or some forms of nudity, get more recognition or gain more access to more naturist sites for naturist nudity and social nudity within Australia and New Zealand and other countries and for safe countries for naturists that already have spaces for nudists and naturists inside Europe.

Monuments could be included in the new sites, but most nations outside Denmark and Switzerland and NZ would at most limit it to "natural landmarks" and to "nature sites" or otherwise limit it altogether like it usually is is Africa and Asia. Most people live in Africa and Asia. 1"5 billion people in Africa.

Total people of Asia, which nudity is the most restricted in several nations there, is 4,694,576,167 (4 Billion and 694 Million).

Anyway, best of luck finding monuments in Denmark and Germany and Switzerland and New Zealand and other nations where you can do naturism at the monuments and sites. Lets make sure the World Tourism Organization and UNESCO could somehow help save naturism at the existing sites there and elsewhere. I don't know if this is the site to organize, but the INF-FNI (International Naturists Federation) and the AANR can help whatever efforts to save naturism which might exist at the present time. Maybe Wikipedians interested in naturism can help too.

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