RE:Indecent exposure help

You don't understand because you are an actual nudist not a sexual libertine using nudism as a front for sexual proclivities.

"Nudist" is a very broad category or term and is not so narrowly defined as you seem to think. I'd bet more nudists are a bit "sexual libertines" than not. After all, you have to be willing to go against the norms to fully accept nudity as normal. And generally, open minded people are open minded to all aspects of life. Actual nudists use their nudity as a front for anything that their nudity promotes.

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RE:Indecent exposure help

Why do people make such a fuzz of the most natural thing on earth?I never could understand that...Its not though, thats why threads like this exist.Staying away from the view of those fuzz making people is the only way to protect yourself.Having a kink about wanting to be caught nude in public is not being a nudist. Why there are so many groups for this kink is what Ill never understand.

You have assumed that this person wanted to be caught naked in public, which is not the case from everything I have read ! Always negative, rarely give good advice without a sarcastic note added.

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RE:Indecent exposure help

I didnt assume, I checked the groups he is interested in.

Exhibitionism, being caught naked and genital focused interests tells me exactly what kind of man he is.

Do a little research itll stop you looking like a moron.

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RE:Indecent exposure help

You are correct in one aspect sexual libertines especially those online have hijacked the term nudist and attached their sexual aims to it. Just Google the term or look at those who come on this site seeking a sexual connection and you can validate your view.

However you are incorrect to say this "expansion of the meaning of the term is necessary to grow the nudism. At the height of the nudist community when families planned and had nudist vacations, nudist venues were plentiful and ydist beaches were on the rise, it was based on a principled nudism that DID NOT include the type of open mindedness you suggest.
Libertines continue to push the idea that unless a person accepts their sexual goals asa part of nudism we are prudes and closed minded. I suggest the opposite. It is the libertine who is being closed minded in forcing other nudists to accept their definition or be demonized. Nudism has never benefited from that. Check the history it was exactly that kind of openness to including the sexual libertine ideas that started the decline of the nudist community that continues today. Leaving us with in the US with fewer venues, beaches and people.

"Nudist" is a very broad category or term and is not so narrowly defined as you seem to think. I'd bet more nudists are a bit "sexual libertines" than not. After all, you have to be willing to go against the norms to fully accept nudity as normal. And generally, open minded people are open minded to all aspects of life. Actual nudists use their nudity as a front for anything that their nudity promotes.

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RE:Indecent exposure help

That's a huge double standard that a man who has an erection would get cited (and in Las Vegas a "visible erection" can even be under a man's clothing,) whereas women have erect nipples and engorged vulva or breasts all the time and people act like that's normal.
Granted, it is not as obvious a woman would have to spread her legs to show off (and some woman exhibitionists do.)
Even some female figure models have confessed to have sexual fantasies while posing and get aroused. A man who would get erect even if just because they are relaxed or were warm, most likely be asked to take a break or leave.

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RE:Indecent exposure help

You have been treated unfairly, I'm sorry to hear that.

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RE:Indecent exposure help

My case has been dismissed!! I hired an attorney, and we made an agreement with the prosecutor. As long as I keep my nose clean, and not get any other public naked offense within 12 months time, they would dismiss it. Dismissal happened the last week of December. So now I'm curious about whether a dismissal shows up on a background check. Does it cause issues if I get busted again at a later date? How can you completely remove things out of ur account?

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RE:Indecent exposure help

My case has been dismissed!! I hired an attorney, and we made an agreement with the prosecutor. As long as I keep my nose clean, and not get any other public naked offense within 12 months time, they would dismiss it. Dismissal happened the last week of December. So now I'm curious about whether a dismissal shows up on a background check. Does it cause issues if I get busted again at a later date? How can you completely remove things out of ur account?

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RE:Indecent exposure help

My case has been dismissed!! I hired an attorney, and we made an agreement with the prosecutor. As long as I keep my nose clean, and not get any other public naked offense within 12 months time, they would dismiss it. Dismissal happened the last week of December. So now I'm curious about whether a dismissal shows up on a background check. Does it cause issues if I get busted again at a later date? How can you completely remove things out of ur account?

Your attorney should have explained this to you. I am not an attorney so I can only comment on what your post says.

To me it appears that if you get caught naked in public again in the next 12 moths you will be prosecuted for both offences.

If you get caught naked in 13 months time, they will only prosecute the new offence but it will be much easier to prove intent because of your record which will show a pattern of behaviour rather than a silly one time mistake.

Either way, it will be on your police record for life as I assume from what you said you never contested the charge.

Again, this is only my read on it, your attorney should be able to set it out for you better.

PS did you take my advice and not tell anyone you were a member here as a defence?

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RE:Indecent exposure help

I don't know much about UK law, but in many states in the US after a period of time, minor offenses can be removed from someone's record. Follow up with you attorney about it.

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