RE:Lack of Male Nudity in Artwork

I knew there was a simple explanation. Men using their little head to create nude art.

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RE:Lack of Male Nudity in Artwork

Picasso also has a huge number of male nudes in his oeuvre.

You keep a bit unspecified what you're looking for, so it's hard to give some helpful recommendations.

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RE:Lack of Male Nudity in Artwork

I knew there was a simple explanation. Men using their little head to create nude art.

Its much more than that.

The overwhelming majority of artist were men
The overwhelming majority of commissioned art was from men.
The overwhelming majority of art purchases were from men.
The overwhelming majority of curators in galleries and museums were men.

There wasnt much left for women in the art world other than as being a model.

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RE:Lack of Male Nudity in Artwork

That definitely puts things in perspective and makes sense.

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RE:Lack of Male Nudity in Artwork

It is one of those, I am not sure what i am looking for, but I will know it when I see it.
The picture or photo ideally would be a candid pose of a nude man or group of nude men celebrating the beauty of the male form and the freedom of a naturists life.
I wonder if AANA has a photo archive.

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RE:Lack of Male Nudity in Artwork

There have been many topics on the site about nude modelling for art classes, and its been exclusively older men who want to do it or already have done it. So there must be an overwhelming amount of nude male art out there in the world.

Count me among those " older men" who have posed numerous times for artist to.practice sketching.. there are countless sketches out there of me sans clothing. I am sure the artist would sell you one or two

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RE:Lack of Male Nudity in Artwork

there are several good painters and photographers who make wonderfull male nude art. Gago Mauro or Frank notteboom for example, I have been a model myself when I was young. Can give you any pic you like,,, done it all.
Greetings from Spain

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RE:Lack of Male Nudity in Artwork

I have just started modelling naked for semi pro photographers, and looking at the pictures posted on the websites there is a distinct lack of male nudes, i would suggest that the female pictures outnumber the male pictures by ten to one

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RE:Lack of Male Nudity in Artwork

Hello there. I have noticed a ton of tasteful nude male artwork in Pinterest. Not sure if you had time to check it out. Happy hunting. Hawk

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RE:Lack of Male Nudity in Artwork

I recently attended an contemporary art fair with my bestie and my impression was that about a third of the nudes (both painting and sculpture) did show males. Maybe you should change the segment where you look for your desired artwork.

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