Greetings from Virginia!

Just wanted to say thank you for adding me to the group. Look forward to making new friends and meeting new people! I've accepted the dare to go bare challenge and don't regret it =D

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RE:Greetings from Virginia!

I know this old post but I will be visiting Virginia in the spring of 2025 for a couple weeks.


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RE:Greetings from Virginia!

I know this old post but I will be visiting Virginia in the spring of 2025 for a couple weeks.Adam

Will you be visiting White Tail Resort?

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RE:Greetings from Virginia!

Will you be visiting White Tail Resort?

I will be there for work but I should have some decent down time. Should have the weekend off in my two week stay. Yes I am planning to visit White Tail!


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RE:Greetings from Virginia!

Will you be visiting White Tail Resort?I will be there for work but I should have some decent down time. Should have the weekend off in my two week stay. Yes I am planning to visit White Tail!Adam

Are you aware that it is nude mandatory, weather permitting?

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RE:Greetings from Virginia!

Be aware that under most circumstances, married visitors to White Tail who are traveling without their spouse will not be allowed to stay for the day. Be up front about your marital status when calling ahead, and always call the office 8am-6pm the day before you make the trip due to management's preference for couples and families. Call 800.987.6833. AANR/TNS and other nudist association members will receive a 20% discount on their day pass when a membership card is presented. This is a nude resort, not clothing optional.

Don't misunderstand ~ singles are allowed and encouraged to come and enjoy the nakedness. The singles list is kept so that on busier days the list helps to control the population poolside, the hope being to keep the ratio of single vs. couple/family more on the familial side.

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RE:Greetings from Virginia!

Hello, my friend!

Thanks for ensuring that others know what to expect and don't encounter surprises that may hamper or hinder their good times!!! We miss WTR!!

Ken & Val

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RE:Greetings from Virginia!

We've been there when it was somewhat crowded, and there were still a few single in attendance. The balance/ratio was great with no problems at all - but calling ahead to make sure you are on the list as a known/expected guest is a good thing. There's a good mix there, so Arnudist you should not have any problems. Enjoy WTR !

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RE:Greetings from Virginia!

Hey everyone thank you so much for all the responses. Really hope it works out to be able to visit WTR. Hopefully I will get to meet some others there.


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RE:Greetings from Virginia!

Plans for traveling maybe changing up a little bit but fingers crossed I will still get to travel to VA and visit WTR. I will keep you updated and see how it works out with management to let me visit.


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