Chatroom Will Not Open 2/7-9/25

For the past few days, when I go to open the Chat, I get the following error message "COULD NOT RETRIEVE TEMPLATES. Is anyone else getting it? Is it me or the site?

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RE:Chatroom Will Not Open 2/7-9/25

I get that error from time to time. Sometimes I have to close and reopen the browser to get things to work. That said its been a bit.

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RE:Chatroom Will Not Open 2/7-9/25

I haven't been on here in a while and thought i'd pop into the chat to see what's happening, but i've been getting the 'couldn't download templates' error too. Good to see it's not just me, but also annoying that it's happening. I've tried different browsers and clearing cache etc. but i guess i'll just have to keep trying every now and then and wait for it to magically resolve itself.

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