Nudity in Family - Advice

I really want to always be naked in front of my parents, just enjoying being naked and them being cool... do you think it would be disrespectful to create situations where I stay naked on purpose around them, even if they are uncomfortable or upset with me? lol up to chat more on telegram: @morningstttar

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RE:Nudity in Family - Advice

Unfortunately, you would probably have to just respect them and not do that. It you give them a warning that you will be naked in your room so do not freak out if they walk in on you, or if you are live on your own, just tell them that you want to be naked and to be aware of it when they go to your place, that would probably be your best bet.

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RE:Nudity in Family - Advice

I think an open, honest chat is in order.A lot of nudists will tell you the hardest people to be nude in front of the first time are parents, so yes understand your reluctance. But along the lines already suggested by another reader, Id suggest a chat saying that you have started to enjoy relaxing nude at home, so probably best if you guys call ahead before visiting...I dont want to embarass you !
You may be surprised by their supportive comments....Good luck, would love to know how it works out.

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RE:Nudity in Family - Advice

It was the same with me as a boy. You can't force anything and really the best is just be honest and talk to them about what you want and see what they're comfortable with. I was lucky that they were tolerant to let me be nude around the house. I wish the'd have tried it too but it wasn't their choice. (I was luckier that I was able to have my own family live nude when I was an adult but that was our choice. Everyone gets to live how they want and you can't make that choice for them.)

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