I don't know much about UK law, but in many states in the US after a period of time, minor offenses can be removed from someone's record. Follow up with you attorney about it.
If everyone in law enforcement complied with UK law, nudists, naturists would be fully at home naked anywhere. Some police officers still make personal decisions that don't uphold the UK law, but solicitors and the courts should not uphold indecency charges were no sexual offence has been committed. If no offence has been committed then no record would exist. The initial problem for the nudist being you must know the law and your rights, because some police officers will try to manipulate interviews to their advantage and get you to admit to indecency if you don't fully understand the criteria. A court may then make the wrong decision because they rely too much on the police for initial guidance of an offence.
It is a myth that the law in the UK a gives the right to be naked whenever wherever one pleases. The Scotland Yard guidance clearly states that it must be expressed in a way that does not cause offense or distress of any kind. So police are well within the law to investigate a circumstance where someone reports offense or distress. That is why a British Naturism advises group activity instead of solo rambling naked in general public.
You may want to do a little bit better research than your previous ideas in the post before this one. I've spent time searching out legal information to advise me correctly on UK law. Parliament UK was very careful when the wording of the law was established in 2003 regarding nudity and sexual offences. Parliament gave naturists and nudists a "Guarrantee" that being in public was legal, which is also agreed with the House of Lords. I also have real world experience being naked in public and have had conversations with the police while naked in public. No arrest and no reporting carried out. After talking with me about nudism the police just said to me you can now go on your way, and I just walked away naked.
I also have real world experience being naked in public and have had conversations with the police while naked in public. No arrest and no reporting carried out. After talking with me about nudism the police just said to me you can now go on your way, and I just walked away naked.
This is not normal behaviour for nudists in the UK.
Being nude around no nudists is not the goal of Uk naturism.
Thank for making the point that individual public nudity is not the primary goal of UK naturism. I wonder if the individual with such vast personal experience that they seem to want to generalize to every situation has read this document developed in cooperation with British Naturism to guide police response to public nudity. The document clearly says that not every situation of public nakedness is acceptable or without legal consequences. It is not a blanket freedom. This was my point.Naturists have a right to freedom of expression which only engages criminal law if they commit sexual offences or use disorderly behaviour that they intend to or are aware may be disorderly within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress. Although officers should consider every situation according to its own circumstances, forces should adopt a consistent approach to naturism to maintain public confidence in the police and to avoid the inappropriate use of police powers.
https://library.college.police.uk/docs/college-of-policing/C849IO118-public-nudity-aid-revised.pdfI also have real world experience being naked in public and have had conversations with the police while naked in public. No arrest and no reporting carried out. After talking with me about nudism the police just said to me you can now go on your way, and I just walked away naked.This is not normal behaviour for nudists in the UK.Being nude around no nudists is not the goal of Uk naturism.
We need to understand with an open mind what exactly is normal!!!
Now, the time we live around the world, most countries are very well provided for materialistically. There was a time when people didn't have access to materials to make clothes and lived naked. This occurred for a long time and as materials became available, people started to become clothed. In 1942 in the UK the Government past a law that said everyone must then wear clothes orcoverings of some description, whatever was available at that time. From that time a naked body was deemed indecent if unclothed? Personal opinions over time changed and society grew up wearing clothes, but did that make things any better? Fashion, rape, murder etc etc goes on and on. Would have been interesting had records been recorded before time in 1942 when people didn't wear clothes to see what crimes took place back then.
In reply to the previous post, anyone can cut,edit and paste "Part materials" to get their views across, but the facts of life remain, and they are;
We are all created in our skin and arrive clothed in skin only. That is what I call normal. Other people who have an open mind on the subject have defined it as follows;
Naturism is defined by British Naturism as a philosophical belief in a natural, naked lifestyle wherein persons espouse nudity as part or possibly all of their lifestyle. While many confine their activities to their own private property or in clubs, many use beaches which are known as naturist beaches.
Others engage in rambling in country areas and national parks, leisure areas and public spaces.
There is no legal powerto designate particular areas or otherwise.
The bold sections are there to help make my points clearer.
Some people would like others to believe they are nudists, but want to confine nudity to the inside of their own homes only, then saying that a nudist can go to one of the clubs etc above, but must not be outside in their own garden or viewable in public spaces!!
Yet, as I point out here above, British Naturism and the law does NOT agree with their views and statements they have made, and lets not forget I've tested the law as I explained above.
There was a time when people didn't have access to materials to make clothes and lived naked. This occurred for a long time and as materials became available, people started to become clothed. .
This is the logic of a 4 year old.
Seriously mate, you need to get out more.
It is really scary comong from an adult isnt it. Just lock into one idea. No other facts or ideas need be presented becuaze the cannot be integrated. It is the concrete thinking stage of cognitive development.This is the logic of a 4 year old.Seriously mate, you need to get out more.