Leave your clothes at your locker

Sfome years back I worked at a foundry where you was gonna be covered with sand and chemicals that make the sand stick together so the molten alloys would be poured into molds make several parts for the auto industry.
It was gang showers in the locker room and it was very tight at shift change because the entire shift got off at the same time. It was mandatory that you wore street clothes in then change into your uniform they had different uniforms for different jobs. I was happy I had a 1 piece coverall that just zipped from the crotch up to your neck. They worked good for me especially when it was time to hit the showers. I went commando so it was quick to unzipp pull your boots and socks off and you was headed to the shower. It was mandatory that we all showered and put street cloths back on so we didn't carry any chemicals on our clothes and skin home to our family.
So there was a unspoken rule in the lockerroom you left all your clothes back at the locker you didn't wear anything to the showers so you didn't get sand and shit on somebody's towel. It was great most of us even left our towels in the locker and walked back driping dry. Sovthe unspoken rule no clothes I. The shower area leave you towel and clothes at locker. So when a new person that would tryvto wear clothes or anything I. The shower area. He about git tared and feathered hecwas made aware of the dangers of his actions andvhazardeous to every body else ever man in that locker room. I promise that next day he worked he was proud tobdrop his trousers and the rest of his shit atbhis locker if it happened again we had some very persuasive co worked his clothes would disappear and not ever seem agsin..
So better conform that locker room nudity. No body lurking and wanting to see you we have our own. Just leave your clothes at you locker please.

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RE:Leave your clothes at your locker

Different end of spectrum, but I have read that some gold and diamond miners are required to leave all of theit clothes in a locker room and work nude to avoid pilfering!

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RE:Leave your clothes at your locker

That's sounds awesome. I know you all must have been very close. Showering nude together does that.

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