
I've been out to the Salt Lake Shoreland Preserve many times and hiked nude. Today didn't turn out so well. There were two women who I kept more than 100 yards away and hiked nude. Somehow they decided I was nude and called the police. They arrived and I received a citation for a misdemeanor for lewdness though I have no idea how they knew I was nude. Maybe they had a long lens on their camera. I'll find out the punishment next week sometime. I may have to go to court. For you, just be careful.

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Did the officer see you nude?

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It seems to me that the cop that cited you isn't well educated in the definition of "lewdness." I'm only guessing here but if you were simply hiking and doing nothing sexual in nature, there situation does not warrant the citation. A warning should have been given but not a citation.

TOO many people blindly support ALL law enforcement officers. Many of them act on their own biases and not the law. I know, I've worked alongside too many to count with many different agencies, they aren't the sharpest tool in the toolbox. I'm not say ALL cops are that way but way too many of them, these days, don't deserve to wear the uniform or badge.

Hope your court date is favorable to you. If it were me, I'd study up on the statute and argue that you were NOT being lewd but simply hiking and kept your distance.

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Late response but the court did not see it my way. I tried to say I was trying to follow the law but they ruled against me. $700 fine and the judge said that if I hadn't worked with the prosecutor, I would have been going to jail. The ladies that complained wanted additionally $500 to the rape support office and for me to write a 2,000 word paper about no meaning no. I don't know their problem but probably something to do with rape, either as a victim or counselor. In 10 months my record will be expunged.

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I have a cousin who lives near SLC who got a ticket for lewdness when he peed behind a tree up the hill from a road. The officer said they could tell he was peeing hence the ticket. It makes me sad to hear you being criminalized for something that isnt a crime.

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At least we have Salt Lake Nude Beach where the cops see us nude and don't care. They come out looking for underage drinking and obvious sex. Maybe it is just Tooele cops that are cool.

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Late response but the court did not see it my way. I tried to say I was trying to follow the law but they ruled against me. $700 fine and the judge said that if I hadn't worked with the prosecutor, I would have been going to jail. The ladies that complained wanted additionally $500 to the rape support office and for me to write a 2,000 word paper about no meaning no. I don't know their problem but probably something to do with rape, either as a victim or counselor. In 10 months my record will be expunged.

Wow thats crazy. Really sorry to hear that.

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It is truly frightening that the court allowed any sort of rape, sexual assault type argument when you were so far away that you're unsure how they even knew you were nude! Shocking and frustrating, but we probably shouldn't be surprised.
I'm sorry that happened to you.

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I've heard AANR may give legal assistance for this type of thing.

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