A fresh start

I realised that my introduction to the group is not as eloquent as the previous one, but I thought it's worth at least trying to establish a proper community for ladies here.
For those who were members before, please feel free to rejoin, but please also take note of the rules section.
I will be more vigilant in my approvals than previously given what happened to the former group.
It appears as though we may have been duped by one of our own, so this time I am keeping it small and friendly.
Thanks again! And all real ladies are welcome

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RE:A fresh start

I am so glad to see this group brought back. I always enjoyed it and it's so nice to just talk to other ladies without guys input. Nothing against guys in general, but this seems to give us a bit more freedom in discussing topics. Donna

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RE:A fresh start

Thanks Donna, honestly I think we yet to make the most of it but hopefully we can get at least as many people active as we used to.
And thank you for the photos.
Eventually I will get to myself but I will wait until warmer weather.

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RE:A fresh start

It appears as though we may have been duped by one of our own, so this time I am keeping it small and friendly.

What does this mean?

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RE:A fresh start

Thanks Arte. I just thought since this is a group for nudist females, that I would share pics of myself doing something that I truly love to do. Something that gives me such an amazing feeling of freedom and being one with nature.

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